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Write these verbs in the correct order according to the usual actions of the policemen at work.



3. Read the text “The Police Powers” and do the tasks.


A police officer in England and Wales can stop and search, arrest and place a person under detention. It is written in the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. The practical code contains powers and responsibilities of the officers in the investigation of offences, and the rights of citizens.

A police officer can stop and search people and vehicles if there are grounds for suspecting that they will find stolen goods, weapons or instruments that can be used for burglary, robbery or other offences. For serious offences, such as murder, rape and kidnapping, a suspect can be arrested without a warrant.

An arrested person must be taken to a police station, where the custody officer will consider if there are sufficient reasons for the detention. The suspect has a right to speak to an independent solicitor free of charge and inform a relative or any other person about his/her arrest.

A suspect may refuse to answer police questions or to give evidence in court. The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution states that no person can be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. The Supreme Court ruled that a suspect who is taken into custody and interrogated must receive a warning of his rights: the right to remain silent, that anything he says can be used against him in a court, that he has a right of the presence of an attorney. This police caution is called the “Miranda warning”, after the Supreme Court case Miranda vs. Arizona. Now this police caution is used everywhere.

A person may not be held in police custody longer than 24 hours. A person suspected of committing a serious crime can be detained up to 96 hours without charge.

The police have powers to take body samples from suspects for DNA analysis. If there is sufficient evidence, the police have to decide if the detained person should be charged with the offence. The suspect can be released on bail or wait for the trial in prison.


4. Answer the following question:


- What are the main police powers in England and Wales?

- In what cases can a police officer stop and search the suspect?

- What is written in the Police and Criminal Evidence Act?

- What document is necessary to carry out an arrest?

- When can a person be arrested without a warrant?

- Where should the suspects be taken after their arrest?

- What rights does the arrested person have?

- What is the police caution?

- How long can a person be kept in custody before being charged?


5. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and expressions:


задержание и досмотр;

расследование преступлений;

основания для задержания;

судебная повестка;

веские (достаточные) доказательства;

полицейский участок;

содержаться под стражей;

быть отпущенным под залог;

полицейское предупреждение.



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