

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Подберите пары слов, эквивалентных по смыслу.

  1. solution
  2. dissolve
  3. soluable
  4. solvent
  5. insoluable
  6. solubility
  7. dissolving (of)
  8. insolubility
  1. растворитель
  2. раствор, растворение
  3. процесс растворения
  4. нерастворимый
  5. растворимый
  6. нерастворимость
  7. растворимость
  8. растворять


1.– 2.– 3.– 4.–
5.– 6.– 7.– 8.–



Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных.

  1. Calcite ______ very slightly in pure water
    1. solvent
    2. dissolve
    3. dissolving
    4. dissolves
  2. Chemical weathering includes the process of ______ rock material by water
    1. insolubility
    2. dissolvent
    3. dissolving
    4. dissolve
  3. Pure water is a poor ______ of the common minerals
    1. solution
    2. solvent
    3. dissolution
    4. dissolving
  4. The rivers carry substances in ______ and particles of rocks to the sea
    1. soluabily
    2. solution
    3. dissolve
    4. solvent



Догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов.

1) The value of fossils in solving problems of oil geology is enormous.

2) In the solution of all geological problems there is the period of observation and measurement.



Вставьте пропущенные слова, выбрав подходящий вариант из колонки справа. Прочитайте вслух полученный вариант текста.

______ process that ______ or ______ the composition of the rock is considered as part of chemical weathering. The ______ important changes of this kind are ______ involving ______, hydration, oxidation and carbonation. No substance is entirely ______. When ______ material dissolves in ______, ______ molecules separate and disperse themselves ______ those of the other substance (______). In general, high temperatures and pressures increase ______, with one exception: gases are much more ______ in cold than in warm liquids. The most important result of action of ground water on sedimentary rocks is the ______ of the cements which hold their grains together. those alters insoluable one any other soluable dissolves most dissolving solution its solubility among the solvent



Выберите слово, соответствующее по смыслу подчеркнутому.

  1. All streams, whether small streams or mighty rivers, change the surface of the earth.
    1. будь то
    2. погода
    3. выветривать
  2. Geologists are often asked whether earthquakes can be predicted.
    1. будь то
    2. ли
    3. погода
  3. Various natural agencies weather the land.
    1. погода
    2. выветривать
    3. ли
  4. Weather is the state of the atmosphere on a particular day.
    1. выветривание
    2. будь то
    3. погода



Догадайтесь о значении глагола “to weather” в следующем высказывании.

Whether the weather is fine or whether the weather is cold we weather the weather whatever the weather whether we like it or not!



Выберите то значение союзов “since” и “as”, которое соответствует контексту предложения.

  1. Temperature is important, since it influences the activity of weathering processes.
    1. с тех пор как
    2. так как, поскольку
  2. All rain dissolves some carbon dioxide from the air as it falls.
    1. так как, поскольку
    2. по мере того, как
  3. Since any rock may be metamorphosed in different ways, there are many different kinds of metamorphic rocks.
    1. так как, поскольку
    2. с тех пор, как
  4. The minerals of metamorphic rocks are diverse since their origin is different.
    1. с тех пор, как
    2. так как, поскольку
  5. Water is sometimes referred to as the universal solvent, as it attacks practically all substances.
    1. с тех пор, как
    2. так как, поскольку



Выразите зависимость между следующими факторами, используя соответствующую конструкцию «чем…тем».

  • The temperature/the activity of solution
  • The activity of solutions/the rate of rock alteration
  • The rate of rock alteration/the activity of chemical weathering




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