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- Morning. Central Hotel


- Good morning. This is Susan Stevens from Daxia. I'd like to find out a little about the facilities offered by your hotel.


- One moment, please. I'll just put you onto booking inquiries.


- Booking inquiries.


- Good morning. This is Stevens from Daxia. Could you tell me a

little about the facilities offered by your hotel?


- Yes, certainly. The Central is right in the middle of town, next to the railway station, and is very convenient for people arriving or leaving by train.

- Does that mean that the hotel is quite noisy?


-Well, I wouldn't say that we are exactly a country hotel.

Yes, Isuppose it is quite noisy.

-How about restaurant facilities?


-No, I'm afraid we haven't got a restaurant here. Of course, there

are plenty in the vicinity. All we have is a snack-bar which serves

light refreshments.

-Do you have a bar?

-Yes, we do.

-And what about evening entertainment?


-Well, we have a dance in the bar every Saturday evening. And

that's open to both residents and non-residents.


- Uh-huh, good. Anything else in the way of facilities?


-Yes, we also have a sauna — that's only for residents. And next

year we shall have our own swimming pool. :

-Well, thanks for the information. Bye.

Exercise 1. a) Give Russian equivalents for:

accommodation; facilities; in the vicinity; booking inquiries; snack­ bar; reception clerk; light refreshments; entertainment; non-residents; swimming pool

b) Study the following speech patterns:

1.— Can you recommend a good hotel?

— I think you can stay at the Astoria. It's one of the best hotels in town with well-trained personnel.

2. — What hotel can you recommend?

— I think the Bristol is the best for you. It's one of the cheapest hotels I know and there's a very good restaurant there.

3. — The hotel has a car parking lot for forty cars.

4. — The Europe Hotel has two restaurants, a bar, and a dancing hall.

5. — I'd like a quiet double room on the third floor overlooking the Thames.

6. — We can give you a very good single room with a bath over-looking the street. Will it suit you, sir?

— I think, it will. By the way, what's the rate per night?

— Bed and breakfast is three pounds fifty.

A hotel worker who stands by the door and helps visitors to get out of the car is called a porter or a doorman.

— A hotel worker who receives new guests and gives them ac­commodation (a room) doing all the formalities is called a reception clerk.

— A hotel worker who keeps bedrooms in order and does some laundry for the guests is called a maid or a chambermaid.

— A hotel worker who gives and receives the keys is called a desk-clerk.

Exercise 2. a) Read and translate these conversations into Russian:


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