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Тип предложения Союзы, союзные слова Примеры
1. Придаточные предложения – подлежащие (subject clauses) That, whether, what, how, when, where What you say is true. Whetherhe can stay at home is another question. Thatshe doesn’t know his address is hard to believe. Thatshe won’t come is sure.
2. Придаточные сказуемые (именная часть) (predicate clauses) That, whether, what, how, when, where The most useful property of the computer is that it works very fast. The point is that you must tell her everything. The question is if she will come.
3. Придаточные дополнительные (object clauses) That, whether, if, how, what, when, where, либо бессоюзное подчинение I’m glad (that) you have come. I can’t understand what you say. Tom asked me if I knew his telephone number.  
4. Придаточные определительные (attributive clauses) That, which, who, whom, when, where, либо бессоюзное подчинение Here is the man who has spoken to you over the phone. The house which you had wanted to buy was sold two days ago. The book I need was translated from English into Russian.  
5. Придаточные обстоятельственные (adverbial clauses) Союзы, союзные слова Примеры
1) Придаточные времени (clauses of time) When, while, as, till, until, before, after, since, as soon as When I was twenty I went to the USA. Let me know as soon as he come back. I’ve know him since I moved to this house.
2) Придаточные места (clauses of place) Where, wherever We stopped where the road turned right. Wherever we went we were kindly received.
3) Придаточные причины (clauses of cause) Because, as, since, for, либо бессоюзное подчинение As I didn’t know his telephone number, I couldn’t ring him up. Since you don’t know grammar, you make a lot of mistakes.
4) Придаточные цели (clauses of purpose) So that, that, in order that I tell you this so that you can understand me. He turned on the radio so that we could listen to the music.  
5) Придаточные условия (clauses of condition) If, even if, in case, unless If you keep secrets I’ll tell you something. He will help you if you ask him.  
6) Придаточные следствия (clauses of consequence) That, so…that, so that, such… that, such that, The text is so difficult that I can’t translate it without dictionary. John is such a good husband that she’ll never find a better one.  
7) Придаточные сравнения (clauses of comparison) Than, as, as if, as… as, not so…. as, as though I can run as fast as he can. He runs faster than I do. She stopped several times as if she didn’t know where to go.  
8) Придаточные предложения образа действия (clauses of manner) As, the way She acted as I told her. George lives the way his father did.
9) Придаточные уступительные предложения (clauses of cession) As…as, though, although, even though, no matter, whoever, whenever, wherever Though it was dark, we could see each other perfectly well. Even though you come back late please ring me up. However much this book may cost, I’ll buy it. As tired as John was, he decided to help his brother.


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