

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Reading habits

· When did you learn to read?

· Could you read before you went to school?

· Who taught you to read?

· And before that, did people read aloud to you?

· Did somebody read to you at bedtime?

· Can you remember the first book you ever read?

· Do you read closely/thoroughly?

· Can you read aloud well?

· Do you ever read stories aloud to your younger brother

or sister?

· Do you enjoy reading aloud to your younger brother?

· Does he enjoy being read to?

· Have you ever been forbidden to read a book?

· Do you like reading in bed?

· Have you got many books at home?

· Where do you keep them?

· Do you know how to treat books properly?

· Do you cover your books when you read them?

· (Do you put a protective covering on your books?)

· Do you ever go to a bookshop?

· Do you buy books for yourself?

· Are you given books as birthday presents?

Borrowing & lending books

· Do you swap or borrow other children’s books?

· Do you willingly lend out your own books?

· Do you note down/make not of the books you lend to


· Has she given you back your book yet?

· Can I borrow this book? (Do you think I could borrow

this book?)

· Have you got something/anything I could read?

(Can you lend me a book/something to read?)

Likes and dislikes

· Do you like reading?

· So reading is your favourite pastime, isn’t it?

· Do you read much? (Do you spend much time reading?)

· Not counting magazines, how much do you read out of

school? One a week? One a fortnight? One now and again?

· What kind/sort of books do you read?

· What kind of books do you like reading?

· Who is your favourite writer?

· Have you got a favourite writer? If so, give his name

and the name of one of his books.

· Do you prefer classical or contemporary writers?

· What sort of story do you like best? Sad or happy?

· What kind of story do you like best? School, home life,

adventure, war, space travel, sport, animal stories, sea stories?

· Did you like fairytales when you were little? And how

about now? Do you still enjoy them?

· What sort of books do you like now that you are older?

· Can you give the names of some books you have

enjoyed reading lately?

· If you had to do without books, radio, television,

computer, what would you give up?

· Which book would you take with you if you went to

live on a desert island?

· What kind of books do you dislike?

· What sort of books do you rarely/hardly ever read?

· What kind of books do you avoid reading?

· If you aren’t enjoying a book, what do you do?

· Do you stop/give up in the middle or do you struggle to

the end?




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