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Present Perfect and Past Simple



Ex.1. Use the right form of the verb.


1. Where did you ________ last weekend?
A: go B: went C: have gone  
2. I ________ to the seaside 3 years ago.
A: have gone B: went C: go  
3. How lucky ________ you _______ this year.
A: was B: were C: have been  
4. They _______ for Moscow by plane.
A: have left B: leave C: left  
5. We decided _______ at the hotel.
A: stay B: stayed C: to stay  


Ex.2. Choose the correct form of the verb and make the sentences complete.


1. Have you ever seen / did you ever see a rock concert?

2. I saw / have seen the Rolling Stones last year.

3. I love rock and roll. I like / have likedit all my life.

4. The Stone’s concert has been / was excellent.

5. I have bought / bought all their records after the concert.

6. How long have you known / do you know Peter?

7. I know him / have known him since we were at school together.

8. When did you get / have you gotmarried to him?

9. We have been / are together for over ten years, and we have got / got 2 children.



Ex.3. Choose the correct variant.


1. A: What did you do last night? B: What have you done last night?
2. A: I went to many countries in my life. B: I have been to many countries in my life.
3. A: He went to Greece two years ago. B: He has been to Greece two years ago.
4. A: I study English for three years. B: I have studied English for three years.
5. A: I have known Maria for three weeks. B: I have known Maria since three weeks.
6. A: Where have you bought your shoes? B: Where did you buy your shoes?


Ex.4. Choose the correct form and make the sentences complete.


Example: Robert (to be) to England? When (to be) he there?

Has Robert been to England? When was he there?


1. You (to be) at the exhibition yesterday? You (to see) any good paintings?

2. She says she never (to be) to an art gallery and would like to go there very much.

3. I (to lose) my coat. I can’t find it.

4. Last summer she (to lose) a lot of toys at the seaside.

5. He (to become) a little taller recently.

6. You (not / to wash up) yesterday, Nick (to do) it.


Ex.5. Make sentences from the words in brackets. Use the Present Perfect or Past Simple.


Example: (it /not/ rain/ this week) _____It hasn't rained this week.


1. (the weather / be / cold / recently) ______________________________

2. (it / be / cold / last week) ______________________________

3. (I / not / read / a newspaper yesterday) ______________________________

4. (I / not / read / a newspaper today) ______________________________

5. (Ann / earn / a lot of money / this year) ______________________________

6. (she / not / earn / so much / last year) ______________________________

7. (you / have / a holiday / recently?) ______________________________


Ex.6. Write questions to the underlined words in the following sentences.


Example: Peter has bought 2 return tickets.

How many return tickets has Peter bought?


1. It took John seven weeks to go on his business trip.



2. Bill knew nothing about Andrew’s last arrival.



3. Nick has told everybody about his departure.



4. The booking-office was downstairs.



5. The passengers had little luggage.



6. I haven’t seen my brother since he got his luggage through the customs.



7. Mrs. Brown has always lived in that street.




Ex.7. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.


1. A: ____________ (you / be) to the bazaar yet?

B: Yes, I __________ (to go) there yesterday. I _________ (to buy) some souvenirs.


2. A: What __________ (you / to do) tonight? Would you like to go to the cinema?

B: I’m sorry, I can’t. I _________ (to have) dinner with some friends.


3. A: How long ___________ (you / to be) here?

B: We __________ (to be) here for three days. We _________ (to arrive) on

Monday morning.


4. A: Where _______ (Mike / to live)?

B: He _________ (to live) in the city centre.


5. A: __________ (you / to visit) them yet?

B: No, yet. I________ (to go) there this afternoon.


6. A: ___________ (you / to buy) the tickets yet?

B: No, I haven’t. ____________ (to buy) them this afternoon.


Ex.8. Read the exercise and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.


Paul: Hello, Peter. What a surprise to meet you here in Madrid.

Peter: Hey, Paul! Fancy meeting you here. This place is fantastic.

Paul: Yes, it is. How long have you been (you / to be) here?

Peter: Oh, I __________ (to arrive) last Saturday. I _________ (to stay)

at the Monaco hotel. Where __________ (you / to stay)?


Paul: With my friend Carlos. I __________ (to be) here since last Monday.

Peter: Which place _________ (you / to visit)?

Paul: Well, I __________ (already / to visit) the Prado Museum. I ________ (to go)

there last Monday. It’s fantastic. I ________ (to see) some beautiful

painting there. You really should go.

Peter: I will, indeed. _________ (you / to go) to Palacio Real yet?

Paul: Yes, I __________ (to go) there yesterday. The state rooms were magnificent.


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