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Ex.6. Make these sentences negative and interrogative using Future Perfect Simple.


Section 1.Grammar

Expressing Future.

First Conditional.


Ex.1. Put the verbs into the correct form Present Continuous or Present Simple,

With a future meaning.

1. We _________ (to have) a party next Sunday.

2. What time ___________ (to leave) the next train for Cambridge?

3. What you ___________ (to do) on Monday evening?

4. The next show ___________ (to start) at 7:30.

5. You know, Sarah __________ (to come) tomorrow and she

___________ (to plan) to stay here for two weeks.

6. The art exhibition __________ (to open) in three days and

_____________(to close) in two weeks.

7. Alec and Mary ___________ (to get married) next week.

8. The liner ___________ (to leave) Dover at 11 a. m. Don’t miss it.

9. John ____________ (to meet) his boss tomorrow.

Ex.2. Complete the sentences withI’lland a suitable verb.

dine out do go have make put on
do close have make phone send

1. I feel a bit hungry. I think __________ something to eat.

2. Have you written that letter to Jack? – Oh, I forgot. __________ it this evening.

3. We haven’t got milk! – Oh, we _________ and get some.

4. Would you like tea or coffee? – _________ coffee, please?

5. It is cold here. I think ___________ the window.

6. It is late to telephone Jack. Well, __________ him in the morning.

7. Don’t cook anything for me. ___________ tonight.

8. I’ll __________ some sandwiches for the party.

9. I don’t like this dress. __________ another one.

10. Are you going to send him a postcard or a telegram? – _________ him a telegram.

11. _________ everything I can to help you.

12. _________ him some tea, Naomi said.


Ex.3. Complete the second line of these dialogues.

Example: A:I’ve got a headache.

B: I’ll get you an aspirin.


A: I’ve spent all the money.

B: I’ll _____________________.


A: John and Mary have just got married.

B: Have they? I’ll _________________.


A: What’s his telephone number?

B: Just a moment. I’ll _________________.


A: We’ve run out of bread.

B: Don’t worry. I’ll ___________________.


A: You’ll need some books for your essay.

B: I’ll _______________________ library.


A: Now you have a flat of your own. Will you keep any pets?

B: I’ll _________________________.


A: I have so many things to do before my son’s birthday party.

B: Don’t worry. I’ll ____________________________.


A: It’s a pity you haven’t seen this film.

B: I’ll __________________________________.


A: When can you bring me the book you promised?

B: I’ll __________________________________.


Ex.4. Lynne Carter is going from London to Manchester on business tomorrow.

Look at Lynne’s plans.

8.00 - 8.55 Fly to Manchester.

Example:8.30 – At 8.30 tomorrow she’ll be flying to Manchester.


10.00 - 12.00 Visit the ABC travel company.

13.00 - 14.30 Have lunch with Marry and Ron King.

15.00 - 16.00 Visit Derek Hall.

16.15 - 16.45 Take a taxi to the airport.

17.15 - 18.05 Fly back to London.

What will Lynne be doing at these times tomorrow?

1. 11.00 ___________________________________

2. 13.30 ___________________________________

3. 15.30 ___________________________________

4. 16.30 ___________________________________

5. 17.30 ___________________________________


Ex.5. Answer the questions. You were going to do all these things but you haven’t done

them yet. Usegoing toand the word(s) in brackets.

Example:Have youcleaned the car? (tomorrow)

Not yet. I’m going to clean it tomorrow.

1. Have you phoned Sally? (later) Not yet.__________________.

2. Have you done the shopping? (this afternoon) Not yet.__________________.

3. Have you read the paper? (after dinner) Not yet.__________________.

4. Have you had dinner? (just) Not yet.__________________.

Ex.6. Make these sentences negative and interrogative using Future Perfect Simple.

1. She will have cooked dinner by the time you come.



2. The teacher will have looked through all our exercise books by the end of the week.



3. The film will already have started when we get there.



4. I shall have read the book by next Monday.



5. My parents will have gone to bed when we come back from the theatre.



6. The students will have passed their exam by July.



7. We shall have finished our work by the time the bell rings.





Дата добавления: 2015-08-05; просмотров: 162; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
Ex.1. Change into indirect speech. | Ex.4. Translate from Russian into English.
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