

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

To be going to


Section 1. Grammar

1. There is / are / was / were

2. Some / any / much / many / a lot / a few / a little / none

To be going to



There is / are / was / were

Ex.1. Write sentences withthere is / are. Choose the right number: 9 15 26 30 50 7

Example: (days / a week) There are 7 days in a week.


1. (states / the USA) _______________________________

2. (players / a rugby team) _______________________________

3. (planets / the solar system) _______________________________

4. (letters / the English alphabet) _______________________________

5. (days / September) _______________________________



Ex.2. Put inthere is / there isn’t / is there? / there are / there aren’t / are there?

1. Dunford is a very modern town. ______________ many old buildings.

2. Look! _____________ a photograph of George in the newspaper!

3. Excuse me, _____________ a restaurant near here?

4. ____________ five people in my family: my parents, my two sisters and me.

5. We can’t take any photographs. _______________ a film in the camera.

6. How many students ______________ in your class?

7. Where can we sit? ______________ any chairs.

8. _____________ a bus from the city centre to the airport?



Ex.3. Put inthere was / there wasn’t / was there? / there were / there weren’t / were there?


1. I was hungry but ____________________ anything to eat.

2. _________________ any letters for me yesterday?

3. _________________ a football match on TV last night but I didn’t see it.

4. “We stayed at a nice hotel.” “Did you? ______________ a swimming-pool?”

5. The suitcase was empty. _______________ any clothes in it.

6. I found a wallet in the street but _______________ any money in it.

7. “_______________ many people at the meeting?” “No, very few.”

8. We didn’t visit the museum. ________________ enough time.

9. I’m sorry I’m late. _________________ a lot of traffic.

10. The radio wasn’t working because ________________ any batteries in it.

Some / any

Ex.1. Put insome / any.

DAN: Let’s go for a picnic by the river tomorrow.

RUTH: OK. We’ll make ______ sandwiches. What do we need?

DAN: We haven’t got ______ bread. Can you buy ______?

RUTH: Yes, sure. What about butter?

DAN: We’ve got ______. I’II buy ______ cheese.

RUTH: OK, and is there ______ orange juice in the fridge?

DAN: No, I’ll get _______.

RUTH: Good. Do we need ______ apples or cherries?

DAN: Just ______ apples.

RUTH: Oh, dear! I haven’t got _______ money to buy the bread!

DAN: Don’t worry. I’ll lend you ______.



Ex.2. Complete these sentences. Usesome / any+a suitable noun.

jam money information mistakes
snow chairs shampoo matches milk

1. Leo has gone to the bank to get ________________.

2.Can I have _______________ in my tea? I don’t like it black.

3. I’d like _________________ about hotels in London, please.

4. I want to light the barbecue but I haven’t got ___________________.

5. Clare is not very happy with her maths exam. She knows she made ________.

6. Can I borrow ________________? I need to wash my hair.

7. Sorry, but everyone has to sit on the floor. We haven’t got ___________ yet.

8. There wasn’t ___________ in my village last winter so we couldn’t go skiing.

9. Can I have ____________ on my bread? I prefer strawberry if you have it.



Ex.3. Put ina lot of / much / many.

1.Please don’t put ______ pepper on the meat. 2. There were _______ plates on the table. 3. I never eat _______ bread with soup. 4. Why did you eat so ________ ice­ cream? 5. She wrote us _______ letters from the coun­try. 6. ______ of these students don’t like to look up words in the dictionary. 7. ________ in this work was too difficult for me. 8. _________ of their answers were excel­lent. 9. ________ of their conversation was about the in­stitute. 10. There are __________ new pictures in this room.



Ex.4. Put ina little / a few.

1. Ihave _____ money, so we can go to the cine­ma. 2. Mother gave us _____ apples, and we were glad. 3. This lem­on drink is sour; if you put ______ sugar in it, it will be sweeter. 4. This lemon drink is sour; if you put ______ lumps of sugar in it, it will be sweeter. 5. She left and returned in ______ minutes. 6. I think you can spare me ______ time now.



Ex.5.Liz is asking you some questions. Write questions withhow much / many…?

Then write your own answers. Usea lot / not (very) much / not (very) many / a few /

a little / none.

Example: LIZ:(books / be / on your table?) How many books are there on your table?

YOU: Not many.


1. LIZ: (milk / you / like / in your coffee?)


YOU: _________________________________________________


2. LIZ: (cars / you / see / out of the window?)


YOU: __________________________________________________


3. LIZ: (money / you / spend / in one month?)


YOU: __________________________________________________


4. LIZ: (good friends / you / have?)


YOU: __________________________________________________


5. LIZ: (football / you / play?)


YOU: ___________________________________________________


6. LIZ: (pairs of socks / you / have?)


YOU: ____________________________________________________


7. LIZ: (fruit / you / eat / every day?)


YOU: _____________________________________________________


8. LIZ: (water / you / drink / every day?)


YOU: _____________________________________________________




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