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D Scientific inquiry

While the scientific method may take on a wide variety of approaches, it is the emphasis on experimental

work that characterizes MYP scientific inquiry.

This objective refers to enabling students to develop intellectual and practical skills to design and carry out

scientific investigations independently and to evaluate the experimental design (method).


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
At the end of the first year, students should be able to: At the end of the first year, students should be able to: At the end of the first year, students should be able to: At the end of the first year, students should be able to: At the end of the first year, students should be able to:
• with guidance, articulate the problem or research question to be tested by a scientific investigation, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered     • state a focused problem or research question to be tested by a scientific investigation, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered • state a focused problem or research question to be tested by a scientific investigation, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered • state a focused problem or research question to be tested by a scientific investigation • state a focused problem or research question to be tested by a scientific investigation
• ask questions of the type: “What will happen if?”, “Why does this happen when?” and make predictions (“If I do this, then this will happen … ”), consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered     • formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning (“If I do this, then this will happen because … ”), consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered • formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning (“If I do this, then this will happen because … ”), consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered • formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning • formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning
• carry out investigations, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered, and, with guidance, identify the variables that can be measured (dependent variables), the variables that can be manipulated (independent variables) and those that must remain constant (control variables); identify the materials and/or equipment needed; describe a simple method     • design and carry out scientific investigations that include variables and controls, materials and/ or equipment needed, a method to be followed and the way in which the data is to be collected, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered • design and carry out scientific investigations that include variables and controls, materials and/ or equipment needed, a method to be followed and the way in which the data is to be collected, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered • design and carry out scientific investigations that include variables and controls, material and/ or equipment needed, a method to be followed and the way in which the data is to be collected and processed • design and carry out scientific investigations that include variables and controls, material and/ or equipment needed, a method to be followed and the way in which the data is to be collected and processed
• with guidance, make comments on the method and the quality of the data collected; ask questions of the type: “Is the method effective/workable/ feasible?”, “Is the data accurate/reliable?”   • make comments on the method, and the accuracy and precision of the data   • make comments on the method, and the accuracy and precision of the data   • evaluate the validity and reliability of the method • evaluate the validity and reliability of the method
• with guidance, make comments on how the outcome of the investigation helps to answer the research question; ask questions of the type: “Is my hypothesis/research question supported by the data?”, “Does the outcome of the investigation support the research question?”     • make comments on the how the hypothesis is supported or not by the data/outcome of the investigation • make comments on the how the hypothesis is supported or not by the data/outcome of the investigation • judge the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the investigation • judge the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the investigation
• with guidance, suggest improvements to the method, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered.     • when relevant, suggest improvements to the method, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered. • when relevant, suggest improvements to the method, consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered. • when relevant, suggest improvements to the method or further inquiry. • when relevant, suggest improvements to the method or further inquiry.



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