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Frank's POV. I awoke with a goofy grin on my face and rose petals stuck to my body

I awoke with a goofy grin on my face and rose petals stuck to my body. At least I smelled nice. I looked across from me and noticed Gerard laying on his stomach beside me, a small line of drool falling from his mouth and hitting the pillow. It was cute in a messed up sorta way. Anything Gerard did was something beautiful to me. He could go paint his face in cow shit and I'd still love him. As you can tell, I'm currently on my high from the amazing sex we'd had last night.

I decided I'd let Gerard sleep. Carefully, I got out of the bed and began to brush all the rose petals off me. Damn, even though it was sexy to have the rose petals last night, today they weren't so appealing. I had to clean them up. I fished around for the first pair of boxers that I found. They happened to be the ones Gerard was wearing last night. Well, that'd do.

I probably should've used a vacuum or something, but I didn't want to wake Gerard.

I grabbed a garbage bag and began to pick up handfuls of petals from the floor. I walked all around the apartment. The whole cleaning up took over half an hour. The floor was spotless. The bed was spotless (except for a few which were stuck to Gerard). Once I was pleased with myself for cleaning up, I went and made myself and Gerard a coffee. Half way through making the coffee, a naked Gerard appeared at the doorway rubbing his eyes, rose petals still stuck to him. I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Hey," I greeted him. He smiled back at me as he walked over and wrapped his arms around me, a few petals falling off him and onto the floor. I didn't give a shit that I'd just cleaned the floor. Those rose petals were the luckiest fucking rose petals considering who they had been sticking to.

"Morning," he said, pecking my lips. "Are you making coffee?" he asked, noticing how I had two coffee mugs out on the kitchen bench. I nodded. "You know, I have boxers exactly like those," he pointed out, knowing that I was wearing his boxers. I giggled.

"Sorry, they were the first thing I found on the floor," I told him. He kissed my temple.

"It doesn't matter. I think it's hot that we have both worn the same pair of boxers without washing them," he spoke, making me grin. We had our coffee and took separate showers before trying to figure out what to do that day.

"I vote going to my house and pissing off my brother who is most definitely still asleep and won't awaken until after lunch," Gerard suggested. I giggled.

"Sounds good to me. Hey, I should bring one of my colored hair sprays. We can totally spray his hair blue and watch him freak out," I added to Gerard's suggestion. Gerard giggled like a girl. It was a fucking hilarious giggle.

"We should also fill up condoms with water and throw them at him," he plotted. I laughed and nodded. This man was my perfect match.

"Definitely," I responded.

So we arrived at the apartment and low and behold, as soon as we got in, it was quiet, as though no one had awoken yet. But when we got into the living room...

"Oh dear god!" Gerard exclaimed, holding up a bra, hooking one of the straps with only one finger. I looked at it surprised, trying not to laugh at Gerard's priceless expression. He threw the bra back on the floor where he'd found it.

"You weren't kidding that night when you said that your brother was a whore," I joked, making Gerard chuckle.

"You remembered me saying that?" he asked me. I nodded.

"Of course. I remember a lot of things you say. Cause I love you," I said, making him look at me like I was the most adorable thing on the planet. He moved closed to me and began attacking me with kisses. We fell back onto one of the couches, me straddling him while making out, when suddenly Gerard pulled away and looked at something in his hand. It was an empty condom wrapper.

"Well that's new. Usually he just fucks women in his bedroom. I guess he's now migrated to the couch," Gerard spoke, not looking super phased by it. I giggled.

"And you don't care?" I asked him.

"Well, I could always burn the couch," he said clicking his fingers and making a flame appear out of his index finger. "But then I'd have to buy a new one. And besides a possible hidden cum-stain or something, this couch is still fully functional," Gerard reasoned, blowing his finger-flame out.

"So, you wanna see who he fucked then?" I asked mischievously.

"Pfft. He so fucked Erica. The bra on the floor is a DD, just like her rack. Plus, her and Mikey had massive goo-goo eyes for one another. It's quite sickening actually," Gerard replied. I nodded. I'd figured as much too. I just wanted to fill up condoms and throw them at Erica. It was actually quite fun getting her mad. She always forgave me too, so I knew I wouldn't be in the shit with her for very long.

"Well, lets throw water-filled condoms and both of them," I suggested. Gerard shook his head.

"I am not getting back on Erica's bad side. She hated me for a year. I'd prefer it if she didn't hate me any more," I replied.

"Well, can I throw one at her then?" I asked. As if on cue, Erica walked down the hallway wearing nothing but one of Mikey's shirts which looked like a mini dress on her. Considering her thong is in the middle of the living room floor, a hundred bucks says that she's not wearing anything under that shirt.

"Slept well then?" Gerard asked her, making her blush. I was still straddling him on the couch and his hands were resting on my thighs.

"Obviously you two did too then?" she asked, gesturing to our current position on the couch.

"You know it Babe," Gerard replied. "Were you about to make coffee or something?" Gerard asked. She nodded.

"Mikey's still sleeping. What time does he wake up?" she asked.

"Give him a few more hours. If he surfaces before midday on a Sunday, then he's always grumpy for a couple of hours," Gerard replied.

"Fuck off Gerard. I'm not grumpy!" Mikey exclaimed, walking over to Erica and wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. "My top looks good on you," Mikey commented to her.

"Damn Michael. You must really like this one. You're not grumpy to her," Gerard observed. Mikey flashed his middle finger at Gerard before spinning Erica around and kissing her. The shirt that Erica was wearing was barely covering her ass and when she wrapped her arms around the back of Mikey's neck, it rode up and Gerard and I got a good view of her ass. It was pretty incredible. If I was straight, I'd tap it. I wonder if she'd morphed it to look like that.

"Well there goes our plan to piss off Mikey this morning," Gerard pointed out, as he was trying to shield his eyes from Erica's ass. I helped him out, covering his eyes from the sight.

"Erica put some pants on," I suggested. "Poor innocent Gerard is getting all embarrassed," I pointed out. Erica giggled and grabbed her jeans off the floor. Putting them on, her and Mikey went and made some coffee.

"Is she gone yet?" Gerard asked as I removed my hands.

"Yes," I replied.

"Good. Now less talking and more kissing," he said, smirking as I leaned in and resumed the make out session we had going before the empty condom wrapper interrupted us.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 64; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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