

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника


(1)… a miserable childhood, Connolly trained (2) … a welder in Glasgow shipyards. He also played the banjo and sang in folk clubs, telling jokes (3) … songs. These were (4) … popular that Connolly became a fulltime comedian, (5) … on stage and television in Britain, the USA and Australia. His quick, sharp wit and willingness to shock (6) … him many fans. He was also praised (7) … serious acting roles and for (8) … charities.

Taken from The History of Scotland for Children

ADuring BAfter CBefore DBecause
Alike Bfor Cas Dalike
Abetween Bbehind Cback Dinstead
Asuch Btoo Cenough Dso
Aappear Bappearing Cappeared Dappears
Awon Bwins Cis winning Dhave won
Aof Bwith Cfor Dover
Asupport Bsupports Csupported Dsupporting



Share your opinion (60–80 words) on the topic: “Nature protection”. Follow this plan:

• describe the problems of the environment;

• what will happen if we don’t take action;

• what individuals can do to help;

• what authorities should do to help.




Choose the correct item A, B, C or D. Today we take many inventions for granted but one of the most useful ones is the ‘not so (1)’ supermarket trolley. Before the 1930s women shoppers went into grocery stores with their own baskets. (2), they would only buy a few things because their baskets wouldn’t (3)much. Sylvan Goldman of Oklahoma (4)this and decided that he had to think of a way to encourage people to buy more, especially since business was not (5)very well. He took a folding chair, (6)wheels to the legs and placed two baskets on top. He put the trolleys near the door and waited to see his customers’ (7). He was very disappointed. No one (8)any notice. Nevertheless, being a very determined man, he didn’t give up. He hired people to push them around the store filled with gro­ceries. Customers were offered one to try out and his success story began.  
Acritical Bsignificant Cmeaningful Dserious
AFurthermore BIn particular CHowever DApart from that
Aput Bkeep Chold Dtake
Anoticed Bwatched Cregarded Dviewed
Amaking Brunning Cdoing Dheading
Aincluded Badded Ccombined Daccompanied
Areplies Bremarks Creports Dreactions
Atook Bgot Cmade Dhad





There are many traditional holidays in Ukraine. Write a short composition (60–80 words) about one of them. Use the prompts given below:

• list the holidays that people celebrate in Ukraine;

• describe the most important holiday (New Year, Easter or some other one);

• say why you like to celebrate it.




Read the text and then select the correct answer A, B, C or D


A land of (1) _____ distances and rich natural resources, Canada became a self-governing (2)_____ in 1867 while retaining (3)______ to the British crown. Economically and technologically the nation has developed (4)_____ with the US, its (5)_____ to the south across an unfortified (6) _____. Its paramount political problem continues to be the (7)______ of the province of Quebec, with its French-speaking (8) _____ and unique culture, to the remainder of the country.

  A B C D
1. vastly beautiful vast small
2. region nationality domain dominion
3. threads ties tied family
4. on parallel in parallel parallel of parallel
5. pupil neighbour sister cousin
6. line border bordering frontier
7. related relation paternity relationship
8. peoples residings residents inhabitant



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