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Видовременная система английского глагола

Видовременная система английского глагола


Тест 1

Выберите правильный вариант.


1 .When Mark arrived, the Johnsons______dinner, but stopped in order to talk to him.

a) were having b) had c) had been having d) was having


2. While Tom______a book, Marhta______TV.

a) was reading, watched b) read, watched c) was reading, was watching d) read, was watching


3. The food that Ann is cooking in the kitchen______deli­cious.

a) is smelling b) smells c) smelt d) will smell


4. We called our friends in London yesterday to tell them about the reunion that we______.

a) will plan b) were planning c) plan d) have planned


5. Catherine is studying law at the university, and so______ Nick.

a) is b) does c) was d) were


6.I feel terrible. I think I______to be sick.

a) will b) go c) am going d) will be going


7. My colleagues usually______four days a week, and this week they______five days.

a) work, work b) are working, work c) are working, are working d) work, are working


8. It______outside; 1 do not like to walk in such weather.

a) rains b) is rain c) is raining d) is rained


9. I______a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare for the exam.

a) will have b) am having c) have d) would have


10. At 10 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday Tom______ a delegation in the office.

a) will receive b) is receiving c) will be receiving d) would receive


11. Although the sun was shining, it was still cold, because it ______hard for two hours.

a) had been raining b) was raining c) had rained d) is raining


12. She______at the parcel long enough, before she______ that it was for her brother.

a) had been looking, had understood b) had been looking, understood

c) was looking, understood d) was looking, had understood


13. I_____to the cinema but my friend persuaded me to stay.

a) am not going b) was going c) did not go d) had been going


14. We were good friends, we______each other for years.

a) had known b) had knowing c) were knowing d) know


15. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We ______for more than 24 hours.

a) had travelled b) were travelling c) had been travelling d) travel


16. How long______this book? How many pages of this book______?


a) have you been reading, have you been reading b) have you read, have you read c) have you read, you read d) have you been reading, have you read


17. We always go to Saint Petersburg for our holidays. We ______there for years.


a) have been going b) are going c) go d) were going


18. I have lost my key again. I______things. I lose things too often.


a) always lose c) have always lost

b) am always losing d) was always losing


19. The economic situation is already very bad and it______worse.

a) is getting b) gets c) got d) would be getting


20. What time______your friend______tomorrow?

a) will arrive b) is arrived c) will be arriving d) will arriving


Видовременная система английского глагола

Тест 2

Выберите правильный вариант.


1. We______to the top of Holborn Hill before I______ that he was not smiling at all.

a) had got, knew b) got, knew c) were getting, knew d) have got, have known


2. Turning from the Temple gate as soon as I______the warning, I______my way to Fleet Street, and then______ to Covent Garden.

a) was reading, made, drove b) have read, made, drove

c) had read, made, drove d) read, made, drove


3. Seventy-seven detective novels and books of stories by Agatha Christie______into every major language, and her sales______in tens of millions.

a) are translated, are calculated b) were translated, were calculated

c) have been translated, are calculated d) had been translated, were calculated


4. In recent years, scientific and technological developments ______human life on our planet, as well as our views both of ourselves as individuals in society and of the universe as a whole.

a) have drastically changed c) are drastically changing

b) drastically changed d) change drastically


5. Before we______from swimming in the river near the camp, someone______our clothes, and we had to walk back with our towels around us.

a) returned, stole b) had returned, had stolen c) were returning, stole d) returned, had stolen


6. Our new neighbours______in Arizona for ten years be­fore moving to their present house.

a) had been living b) lived c) have been living d) were living


7. We went into the house by a side door and the first thing I______was that the passages______all dark, and that she______a candle burning there.

a) noticed, were, left b) had noticed, had been, had left

c) noticed, were, had left d) have noticed, were, had left


8. The sun______brightly all day on the roof of my attic,

and the room was warm.

a) was shining b) shone c) has shone d) had been shining


9. Although the period that we call "the Renaissance" ______in Italy in the fourteenth century, this idea of re­birth in learning characterized other epochs in history in different parts of the world.

a) begins b) had begun c) began d) will begin


10. Egyptians left no written accounts as to the execution of mummification, so the scientists______to examine mummies and establish their own theories.

a) had b) have c) are having d) have had


11. In spite of the fact that it______all day long, the match ______and the stands were full of spectators.

a) had been raining, was not cancelled b) rained, was not cancelled

c) was raining, has not cancelled d) had rained, had not been cancelled


12. Many football fans claimed that after "Real FC"______ that important game it______no chance to win the championship.

a) lost, had b) lose, has c) had lost, had d) will lose, will have


13. I wish he______last Friday but his flight______be­cause of bad weather. If he______the next day I would have brought him by car.

a) arrived, was cancelled, called

b) had arrived, was cancelled, had called

c) had arrived, had been cancelled, called

d) arrived, have cancelled, had called


14. After many long years of devoted and patient instruction, the doctor______able to get the boy to clothe and feed himself, recognize and utter a number of words, as well as write letters and form words.

a) was b) has been c) had been d) were


15. At the first stages of the Industrial Revolution advertising ______a relatively straightforward means of announce­ment and communication and was used mainly to pro­mote novelties and fringe products which______un­known to the public.

a) had been, were b) had been, had been c) was, were d) was being, were


16. Towards the end of the 19th century the larger companies ______more and more on mass advertising to promote their new range of products. The market during this pe­riod ______by a small number of giant, conglomerate enterprises.

a) relied, has been controlled b) relied, had been controlled

c) were relying, has been controlled d) relied, were controlled


17. To cater for the fitness boom of the 80s and provide the up-to-date facilities people want, over 1,500 private health and fitness clubs______during the past 15 years.

a) were built b) had been built c) have been built d) will be built


18. In 1936 the British Broadcasting Corporation______to provide a public radio service. Since then the BBC ______by the establishment of independent and com­mercial radio and television, which______the BBC's

broadcasting monopoly.

a) was established, was influenced, removed

b) was established, has been influenced, removed

c) was established, has been influenced, had removed

d) was established, had been influenced, removed


19. The Neolithic Age was a period of history which______ in approximately 6000 B.C. and______until 3000 B.C.

a) began, lasted b) had begun, lasted c) began, was lasting d) had begun, had been lasting


20. A major problem in the construction of new buildings is that windows______while air conditioning systems

a) have been eliminated, have not been perfected

b) were eliminated, were not perfected

c) had been eliminated, had not been perfected

d) eliminate, are not perfected

Видовременная система английского глагола

Тест 3

Выберите правильный вариант.


1. - How long______you______? — Since I was 17.

a) have been driving b) have driven c) did drive d) do drive


2. She______always______in Moscow.

a) lives b) has lived c) has been living d) has live


3. How long______you______Kate?

a) did know b) have been knowing c) have known d) do known


4.1______here all my life.

a) have lived b) have living c) am living d) live


5. Kate has lost her passport again, it is the second time this

a) happens b) has happened c) happened d) is happening


6. Kate has been working here______.

a) since two years b) two years ago c) for two years d) two years


7. The boy sitting next to me on the plane was nervous be­cause he______before.

a) has not flown c) had not flown

b) did not fly d) has not been flying


8.1______a lot but I don't any more.

a) was used to eat b) used to eat c) was eating d) used to eating


9.______next week, so we can go somewhere.

a) I'm not working c) I don't work

b) I won't work d) I shall not work


10. We are late. The film______by the time we get to the cinema.

a) will be already started c) will already have started

b) will already start d) already will start


11. Don't worry______late tonight.

a) if I'll be c) when I'll be

b) if I am d) if I be


12. At first I thought I______the right thing, but I soon re­alized that I______a serious mistake.

a) did, made c) have done, have made

b) had done, had made d) did, had made


13.1 hope Kate is coming soon. I______for two hours.

a) am waiting c) had been waiting

b) have been waiting d) waited


14. At last Kate came. I______for two hours.

a) am waiting c) had been waiting

b) have been waiting d) was waiting


15. She is going on holiday. This time next week she______ on a beach or______in the sea.

a) is going to lay, swim

b) will be lying, swimming

c) will lie, swim

d) is lying, swimming


16. —______you______the post office when you're out? - Probably. Why? - I need to mail the letter. Could you do it for me?

a) are passing c) will be passing

b) are going to pass d) will pass


17. We______for a walk when it______raining.

a) will go, will stop c) are going, will stop

b) will go, stops d) go, stops


18. When you______in Moscow again, you must come and see us.

a) will go c) are

b) will be d) are going


19. I'm going to read a lot of books while I______on holi­day.

a) am c) would be

b) will be d) am going to be


20. -______you______your car this evening? — No. Do you want to borrow it?

a) will be using c) are used

b) will use d) do use




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