

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Pick out any slang terms in these statements.

Practicе 2

Theme. Stylistic lexicology


Aims:to define the layers of lexicon in English and Ukrainian; to define terms, poetic words, barbarisms, neologisms, jargonisms, professionalisms, dialectisms, idioms.


1. General considerations.

2. Neutral words and common literary words.

3. Special literary vocabulary: terms, poetic words, archaic words, bar­barisms and foreignisms, neologisms.

4. Common colloquial vocabulary.

5. Special colloquial vocabulary: slang, jargonisms, professionalisms, dia­lectal words, vulgar words.

6. Set expressions.

Literature recommended

1. Мороховский А. Н., Воробьева О. П. и др. Стилистика английс­кого языка. - К, 1991. - С. 93-136.

2. Арнольд И. В. Стилистика современного английского языка. -М., 1990.-С. 105-130.

3. Кузнец М. Д., Скребнев Ю. М. Стилистика английского языка. -Л., I960. - С. 44-64.

4. Galperin I. R. Stylistics. - Moscow, 1981. - P. 70-122.

5. Maltzev V. A. Essays on English stylistics. - Minsk, 1984. - P. 60-70.




Describe the type of vocabulary used in the following statements.

• At the seminar the professor will outline the assessment criteria and then give his paper.

• I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence commeth my help.

• Youth's trauma in blazing inferno. Heartbroken mother makes agonised plea.

• John Brown, Maple Leaf Cottage, Greenholme, Essex.

• What matters in life is honesty, trust, courage, and thrift. All these lead to happiness.

• This is a classic Burgundy, vintage 1989, with lots of finish.

2. Which of the following pairs are close synonyms?

• fabulous - fantastic

• dramatic - theatrical

• heavenly - celestial

• strength - power

• reverence - respect

• nervous - anxious

Pick out any slang terms in these statements.

• "He's won the lottery and got loads of dosh."

• "Give me lots of spuds with my dinner."

• "Put the kettle on, and we'll have a cup of Rosy Lee."

• "He squealed to the cops, and that put a spanner in the works."

• "The tea-leaves scarpered with all the moolah."

• "She's got big blue eyes and a nice pair of pins."

4. Define the stylistic value of each of the following words: 1) neutral; 2) common literary; 3) common colloquial; 4) spe­cial literary (specify); 5) special colloquial (specify):

1. leave, abandon, kick;

2. send packing, expel, give the axe, discharge;

3. free, dismiss, liberate, release;

4. associate, comrade, friend, buddy, china;

5. aerial, antenna, rabbit ears;

6. lodgings, accomodation, flat, digs;

7. phoneyness/ phoniness, hypocrisy;

8. conversation, chat, intercourse;

9. disposition, mood, spirit, guts, shade;

10. bad temper, depression, dumps, bate;

11. primate, monkey;

12. spring, prime;

13. quick, alive, quickie;

14. believe, accept, buy;

15. perjurer, story-teller, liar;

16. wits, comprehension, understanding, brains, smarts;

17. inform, acquaint, let know, put (someone) in the picture;

18. alluring, beautiful, drop-dead;

19. show up, materialize, come, appear;

20. physician, doc, doctor;

21. daddy, father, parent;

22. intelligent, clever, smart, highbrow, brainy;

23. welkin, sky, azure, empyrean;

24. misappropriate, defalcate, steal, pocket, cabbage;

25. eventide, twilight, evening;

26. eatables, eats, nourishment, food;

27. get, arrest, collar;

28. eclipse, darkening;

29. dayspring, dawn, morning;

30. Homo sapiens, humanity, people, flesh;

31. start, commence, begin;

32. die, kick the bucket, pass away, decease;

33. be crazy about, like;

34. infant, descendant, kid, child;

35. nipper, crook, thief;

36. continue, proceed, go on;

37. catty, malicious;

38. mischief, misconduct, acting up, monkey business;

39. villain, culprit, criminal;

40.money, currency, needful, dough, dibs;

41.ведмідь, клишоногий, бурмило, медвідь, вуйко;

42. заповіт, духівниця, тестамент, завіт;

43. аптекар, рецептар, фармацевт, провізор;

44. клоун, комедіант, штукар, паяц;

45. детектив, нишпорка, сищик, філер, слідець;

46. ґрунт, земля, персть;

47. листування, кореспонденція, переписка;

48. адвокат, захисник, оборонець, речник;

49. розум, інтелект, глузд, тяма, застанова, клепка;

50. провал, прогар, фіаско.


5. Point out a neutral and a special literary word (med­ical term). Exchange them in their places and make adjustments for the second remark to sound logical then as well:


"Is the doctor treating her for nervousness?" - "Oh, dear, no. She's rich enough to have psychoneurosis."


6. Match the words with the Cockney slang equiva­lents:

1) north and south a) head

2) tit for tat b) teeth

3) rosie lee c) mouth

4) loaf of bread d) suite

5) dicky dirt e) wife

6) mince pies f) boots

7) whisle and hute g) eyes

6) plates of meat h) shirt

7) hampstead heath i) feet

8) trouble and strife j) tea

9) daisy roots k) hat

7. Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the idiom in italics:


1. That was a slap in the face.

a)Someone hit me in the face.

b)Someone insulted me.

c) Someone complimented me.

2. John is wet behind the ears.

a) He didn't dry his ears.

b)He doesn't have much experience.

c) He hears well.

3. They don't see eye to eye.

a) They never look at each other.

b)They always wear dark sunglasses.

c) They don't agree with each other.

4. That car is on its last legs.

a) It only has one tire.

b)It needs a paint job.

c) It is about to break down completely.

8. Group the set expressions according to their con­notation: a) positive; b) negative:

to wash one's dirty linen in the public, to keep in the pin, to take leave of one's senses, to kick the bucket, to look like a thousand dollars, to call names, to lend a helping hand, to flog a dead horse, to miss the boat, to pull the wool over someone's eyes, leaves without figs, to bring home the bacon, a wet night, to bury the tomahawk, the iron in one's soul, alive and kicking.

9. Group separately phraseological units contain­ing: a) metaphor; b) metonymy:

the weaker vessel - жінка; all ears - дуже уважний; an old hand –досвідчена людина; old fox - стара лисиця, хитрун; blue bonnet - шотландець; to count noses - лічити голоси; queer fish - дивак; slow coach - тупуватий, відсталий.

10. Point out set expressions, define their types and illustrate kinds of decomposition. Analyse all expressive means and stylistic devices which are used in the utterances. Com­ment on their stylistic functions and translation variants:

1. The dirty floor had evidently been as long a stranger to the scrubbing-brush as to carpet or floor-cloth. (Ch. Dickens) - Брудна підлога, напевно, давно не бачила щітки, а про килим чи доріжку навіть не чула,

2. But he meant to do something. Somehow, somewhere, somewhen; he would prove his mettle. Off his own bat too. (R. Greenwood) -Але він твердо вирішив зробити щось. Якось, десь, колись він ще виявить себе. І головне, буде діяти на свій страх і ризик.

3. Somehow or other she had formed great faith in the stability of this Jack and now he seemed a Jack of both sides. (R. Blackmore) -До сих пір Роз непохитно вірила у порядність Джека, а він виявився, як говорять, слугою і вашим і нашим.

4. Peter had been at great pains to fool them; but they seemed to him so easy to fool that his pains were wasted. (U. Sinclair) - Пітер ламав собі голову над тим, як пошити їх у дурні; але це вдалося дуже легко, можна було і не витрачати стільки тканини мозку.

5. ...when the young man casts sheep's eyes at the gel [=girl] every time she moves, and £ie gel is either singin' about the house or sittin' quiet as a mouse in a brown study - what do you think that means? (R. Alding­ton) - ...коли молода людина закоханими очима слідкує за кожним рухом дівчини, а дівчина або співає на весь будинок або сидить, тиха як мишка, замислено, — то, як ви гадаєте, що це означає?

6. In 1866, Harper's Weekly wrote of President Andrew Jackson: 'He must know that they would willingly use him as a wedge to split the Union party, as a stalking horse to their own purposes...' (NLP) - У 1866 році у "Харперс уіклі" писали про президента Ендрю Джексона: "Він повинен знати про те, що ці люди охоче використовують, щоб розколоти ряди прибічників федерації".

7. There is not half enough of this type of propaganda today. We have all become so hard and practical that we are ashamed of painting the vision splendid - of showing glimpses of the promised land. (H. Pollitt) - Останнім часом ми зовсім недостатньо використовуємо таку пропаганду. Зайняті до далі нікуди поточними справами, ми так зачерствіли, що мало не соромимося малювати сяюче майбутнє, хоча б побіжно показати картину землі обітованої.

8. Не told how murderers walk' d the earth beneath the curse of Cain. (OED) - Він сказав, що є на світі вбивці, відзначені каїновою печаттю, які приречені усе життя блукати.

9. She had an ally in the lion's mouth: a spy in the friend's camp; a faithful traitor! (J. Galsworthy) - У неї є спільник у самій пащі лева, шпигун у дружньому таборі, вірний зрадник!

10. Feel a fellow ought to do his bit. Once we set our hand to the plough, we got to keep on till we make a safe harbour. (S. Lewis) - Вважаю, що кожен повинен зробити власний внесок. Якщо ми воює взялися за справу, треба продовжувати, поки не закінчимо.

11. That evening Chance, which visits the lives of even the best-invest-Forsytes, put a clue into Fleur's hands (J. Galsworthy) - Того вечора Випадок втрутився у эюиття таких надійно захищених від будь-яких випадковостей людей, якими були Форсайти. І Флер отримала у руки необхідний ключ.

12. Не had thrown his humanity into the gutter, he had betrayed the trust that men place in one another, and with his thirty pieces of silver he had bought... what had he bought? (J. Wain) - Він викинув на смітник усе людське, він зрадив довіру, виявлену до нього іншими, і за свої тридцять срібняків купив... Але що він купив?

13. Спочатку вона, мов вередлива муха, розгнівалася, а потім намагалася опанувати емоції у запеклій боротьбі зі своїм "я", якому вже усі сусіди встигли перемити і пересадити кісточки. - At first she, like a naughty fly, flew into a rage, and then fought for control in an up-hill fight with her self to which all her neighbours had already applied all craft and bone-graft.

14. Я усе життя у дорозі. У дорозі за знаннями, які коштують недорого, якщо ви можете оцінити, що з давніх-давен було цінним для запам'ятовування, а що можна уцінити (безумовно, до певного часу) мертвим капіталом як пам'ять про минуле. -All my life have I been on the trail. On the trail after knowledge which costs not a lot if you can appreciate the lot which from time immemorial has been worth memorizing at a time and which can be put back (up to a time, sure thing) into a sack as old sake.

15. Він занадто живий, щоб заснути мертвим сном змореної здорової людини. - Не is too alive to fall asleep with the dead sleep of fatigue and health.

16. He відставай від мене, але не наступай на п'яти. - Keep up with me, but don't keep at my heels.

17. Це був рецидив хабарництва. І коли він намагався взяти контроль над людьми, народний контроль взяв його і знову посадив. - It was a bribery set-back. And when he fought for control over the public the public control fought him down and set back.


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