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Word check. Ex. 1. Vocabulary extension.

Ex. 1. Vocabulary extension.

1. guilty – having done wrong;

2. acceptable – welcome;

3. to scrape by – to manage to live in spite of difficulties;

4. to cram – to push very much or too much into;

5. estimate – assessment; approximate calculation;

6. house hold – all persons (family, lodgers, etc.) living in a house;

7. to be at the mercy of – in the power of, without defense against;

8. to torture – to cause severe suffering to;

9. mistreatment – a bad way of handling smtb. or smth.

10. to earn – to get in return for work as a reward for one’s services;

11. to retire – to withdraw, (from an army), to give up (one’s work, position).

Ex. 2.Find words or expressions in the text which mean the following.

1. This group included senders and other government officials and wealthy citizens.

2. This group included most of the free men and women in the Empire.

3. Human property that could be bought and sold.

4. A place where the Romans watched games in which professional fighters called gladiators fought lions, bears and other wild beats.

5. Giving smb. a higher position or rank.

Ex. 3.Use the following in pairs of antonyms.

1. the elite class, legal, guilty, to buy, mistreatment, occasionally, to improve, impossible, wealth, majority, respect, to better, an urban slave;

2. a rural slave, to worsen, disrespect, the slaves, illegal, innocent, to sell, treatment, often, possible, poverty, minority.

Ex. 4.Complete the sentences use the words and expression from the text.

1. Roman society was divided into three major classes … , … , and … .

2. The elite included senators and government … and wealthy … .

3. If they were … a crime, they could not be punished as severely as ordinary … or slaves.

4. Only a few jobs were … for a man of the elite class.

5. Others just … .

6. … together with the poorest people at the top of the Colosseum were the slaves.

7. By some … slaves made up as much as a third of the people of Roman Italy during the empire.

8. Some city slaves even gained important positions as heads of … staffs.

9. But all slaves were … their masters, who could beat or even … them.

10. Some Romans complained about the … of slaves.

11. The great majority of people in the … class worked on farms and they were usually lucky just … each year.

12. Some … promotions and wealth during long military careers.

13. When they … they were rich and respected enough to join the elite class.


Words for reference: retired, earned, to get by, “more humble”, the elite, the more humble, the slaves, officials, citizens, guilty of, acceptable, scraped, crammed, mistreatment, at the mercy of, household, torture, estimates.


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