

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

VOCABULARY PRACTICE. 6. Express the following in one word. habit, schedule, will, loafer, self-confident

6. Express the following in one word.

habit, schedule, will, loafer, self-confident


1 mental power by which a person can direct his thoughts and actions

2 sure that you can do things successfully, and not afraid or nervous in social situations

3 (an example of) person’s usual behaviour

4 programme or timetable for work

5 person who is idle

7. Match the words of similar meaning.

1 worried a leave
2 drop in b idleness
3 go away c nervous
4 laziness d disappear
5 dull e visit (informally)
6 vanish f boring

8. Match the words to their opposites.

1 wake up a take off
2 get up b go to sleep/fall asleep
3 put on c boring
4 remember d deserted
5 interesting e go to bed
6 crowded f fail
7 manage g forget

9. Choose the corresponding English word.

1 высокое качество a) excel b) excellent c) excellence
2 совершенство, безупречность a) perfect b) perfection c) perfectly
3 важность, значимость a) important b) importance c) importantly
4 успешно a) success b) successful c) successfully
5 решение a) decide b) decisive c) decision
6 мысль a) think b) thought c) thoughtful
7 оживлять, приводить в чувство a) revive b) revival c) reviver
8 усталость a) tired b) tiresome c) tiredness
9 сила a) strong b) strength c) strengthen
10 удовольствие a) please b) pleased c) pleasure

10. Match the words to make phrases.

1 to feel a one’s memory
2 to exercise b tired
3 to arrive c a problem
4 to face d on time
5 to think e success
6 to make f hard
7 to achieve g a decision

11. Fill in the correct word from the list below. Some words may be used more than once.

thought, habit, self-confident, feel, boring, bored, please, displeased
  1. She was ... at my tactlessness.
  2. He often acts without ... .
  3. It was ... to sit there without anything to do.
  4. She has a ... of leaving the front door open when she goes out.
  5. She is very hard to....
  6. He was deep in ... .
  7. I was so ... – I almost fell asleep.
  8. As a child he was always ..., happily joining in with adult conversations.
  9. At first you think “I’ll just have one cigarette,” but then it becomes a ... and you’re smoking 60 a day.
  10. I usually ... too tired to cook after a day at the office.


Time Expressions


— Excuse me, what time is it? — What’s the time? — Can you tell me the time? — Yes, sure. It’s ... o’clock. — I’m sorry. My watch is wrong / slow / fast.  
— Thanks. / Thank you. — You are welcome. / Any time.

12. Look at the clock. Write the times. Practice saying them.

Example: It's _____________________.

Answer: It’s half past eight.











v What is the difference between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.? Look at the chart and check your answer.

a.m. morning afternoon 00.00—11.59 12.00—17.59
p.m. evening 18.00—23.59



00.00 = midnight

12.00 = midday (noon)

in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening / in the daytime

BUT: at night / at midnight / at noon

13. Match the times that are the same.


Example: 03.00 — 3 a.m. — three o’clock in the morning


1. 03.00 2 p.m. three o’clock in the afternoon
2. 15.00 8 p.m. two o’clock in the afternoon
3. 20.00 3 a.m. eight o’clock in the morning
4. 08.00 8 a.m. three o’clock in the morning
5. 14.00 3 p.m. eight o’clock in the evening

B. Early or late?

I arrived at the meeting I was early(before the start time). half an hour early. 30 minutes early. on time (= just before or at the start time). late (after the start time). three quarters of an hour late. 45 minutes late.

C. Word combinations with ‘time’

spend lose waste save time = use time in a particular way = use more time for something than you planned = use time in a way that is not useful = use less time for something than you planned
  1. I usually spend 30 minutes every morning checking my email.
  2. I wasted two weeks waiting for a reply to my letter.
  3. We saved two hours by getting a direct flight to Hong Kong.


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