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Вправа № 6. Перепишіть та перекладіть письмово 1-3 абзаци тексту. Перепишіть та перекладіть письмово 1-3 абзаци тексту.

Перепишіть та перекладіть письмово 1-3 абзаци тексту.

Пояснення до тексту:

prosperous - забезпечений;

retain – утримати;

trace – знаходити;

disposable – наявний;

advertising – реклама;

seasonal bias – сезонні коливання;

amenities – задоволення;

spread – розповсюджувати;

familiarization trip−ознайомлювальна поїздка.

1. There are three aims of most tourism promotion. The first is to retain the established market of people for whom travel is a normal form of recreation. Generally they are likely to be between thirty and fifty years of age, well educated, residents of urban centers, and prosperous, with income of $25,000 a year or more.

2. The second purpose of tourism promotion is to increase the size of the market. In order for tourism to grow, it is necessary to trace people who would not have traveled much until the last years. These include not only office workers, but also industrial workers with much larger disposable incomes than ever before.

3. The third goal of tourism promotion has been to overcome what might best be called its seasonal bias. In many countries, summer was the traditional vacation season. In the United States, for example, people went off to a resort in the mountains or at the seashore during the hot months.

4. Winter vacations have been heavily promoted to spread tourism more evenly throughout the year. There has been a big increase in facilities for winter sports. The biggest attraction of all, especially to people who must endure a cold and gloomy northern winter, is a vacation in sun.

5. Many different organizations are involved in tourism promotion. They include official and semi-official tourist bureaus, the transportation companies, tour operators, retail travel agents, and individual hotels or hotel chains. Through their tourist offices, governments do a great deal of travel promotion, both in the form of advertising and publicity.

6. There are two major kinds of promotion – publicity and advertising. Publicity might well be termed free advertising. It consists of stories placed in newspapers and magazines about travel, accommodation, restaurants, and other parts of the whole tourism industry. Many newspapers and magazines carry such stories regularly as features. Indeed, professional travel writers journey from resort area to resort area to report on the facilities and amenities that are available.

7. Another kind of tourism-connected public relations comes under the heading of familiarization. People in the industry, especially those involved in sales – notably travel agents – are frequently provided with free trips to tourist destinations.



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