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Preparing reports on a case

The following guidelines will help you write an effective case analysis.

First, in business communications a short report is usually considered better than a long report. This does not mean that in your report you can skip key points, but rather that you state relevant points clearly and concisely. Do not include trivial matters.

Second, the report should be well written. It should be typedand not contain spelling or grammatical errors. The report you hand in for class should be equivalent in quality to a report you would write for your boss, a senior manager of a business company.

A well-written report would contain the following elements:

· Executive summary. This is a concisely written statement, less than one page, placed at the front of the report. It briefly summarizes the major points of the case and your solution. It should describe the major issue, the proposed solution, and the logic supporting the solution.

· Problem statement. Present the central issue(s) or major problem(s) in the case here. Do not rehash the facts of the case; assume that anyone reading the report is familiar with the case.

· Alternatives. Discuss all relevant alternatives. Briefly present the major arguments for and against each alternative. Be sure to state your assumptions and the impact of constraints on each alternative.

· Conclusion. Present the analysis and the logic that led you to select a particular solution. Also discuss the reasons you rejected the other alternatives.

· Implementation. Outline a plan of action that will lead to effective implementation of the decision so that the reader can see not only why you chose a particular alternative but how it will work.

Preparation of an oral case report should include the following:

· Description of the case situation. Present a brief overview of the situation in the case. Sometimes a teacher will ask a student to start off the classroom discussion with this overview.

· Problem statement. Describe the major issues or problems in the case.

· Analysis of the key alternatives. Present the results of your analysis of relevant alternatives in a concise manner. Depending on the type of analysis, this is sometimes called "running the numbers."

· Conclusion. Briefly describe the logic that led you to choose the alternative. Summarize why the other alternatives were not chosen.

· Implementation. Present your implementation plan.

1.7.3 Say it in English using the word combinations from both the Case-study and Role-play sections:


· заработать что-либо в качестве комиссионного вознаграждения

· заняться бартером

· обеспечить прибыль с продажи

· посредник, действующий от лица к-л.

· нехватка иностранной валюты (валютных ресурсов)

· развивающиеся страны (страны третьего мира)

· разрешение (этой проблемы) маловероятно из-за постоянных проблем с кредитами

· торговый маклер

· счесть предложение смехотворным

· выслать предварительный заказ

· производить станки и оборудование, разнообразные шестерни, клапаны и подшипники

· недопонимание

· отказаться от сделки

· зд. быть в отчаянном положении

· сделать что-либо, поразмыслив

· связанный с чем-либо риск

· объем продаж начал падать

· прислать спецификацию какого-либо товара вместе с образцами

· начальник отдела внешних продаж

· перечень (смета, разбивка) того, что кто-либо хочет купить

· учредить торговое представительство

· стоит принять что-либо для того, чтобы сделать что-либо

· акцент в чьих-либо доводах

· передать полномочия посреднику


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