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Assignment 13

Review the Grammar material«The Indefinite (Simple) Tense Form». Study the charts.

Pay special attention to the adverbs and the words denoting time. They are very often used with this Tense Form. You will find them in the first chart.

The main patterns of the Indefinite (Simple) Tense Form are those presented in the charts that come next. Study the patterns. Make sure you are familiar with all of them and you know how to translate the sentences from English into Russian.

Present: usually, generally, always, sometimes, every (day, week, month) often, etc. Past: yesterday, the day before yesterday, a week ago, last (week, month), in 1985, the other day, just now, etc. Future: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next (week, month, year), in (a week, two months), in 2051, soon, etc.  


The Present Indefinite (Simple) Tense Form. Since it is the first Tense Form introduced in the book, it has introduced in the book, it has been done for you very carefully.

    We study economics.    
  Do we study economics?    
What do we study?      
    Who studies economics?    
  Do we study economics or history?    
    We study economics, don't we?  
    We do not study economics.    
    We do not study economics, do we?  
    He studies accounting.    
  Does he study accounting?    
What does he study?      
    Who studies accounting?    
  Does he study accounting or philosophy?    
    He studies accounting, doesn't he?  
    He does not study accounting.    
    He does not study accounting, does he?  
    Economics is a very interesting subject.  
  Is economics   a very interesting subject?  
What is economics?      
    What is a very interesting subject?  


  Is economics     an interestingor a boring subject?  
    Economics is a very interesting subject, isn't it?  
    Economics is not a very interesting subject.    
    Economics is not a very interesting subject, is it?  
    She has three English classes a week.    
  Does she have three English classes a week?    
How many classes does she have a week?    
    Who has three English classes a week?    
  Does she have three or four English classes a week?    
    She has three English classes a week, doesn't she?  
    She does not have three English classes a week.    
    She does not have three English classes a week, does she?  


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