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Additional Material. EXERCISE 17. Working in small groups, read the following passage from American University’s Washington College of Law Honor Code and consider the questions


EXERCISE 17. Working in small groups, read the following passage from American University’s Washington College of Law Honor Code and consider the questions given below.

Honor Сode


It has been a long-standing tradition of American University’s Washington College of Law (the law school) to expect students to conduct themselves at all times, both professionally and personally, in conformity with the standards imposed upon members of the legal profession. In their dealings with fellow students, faculty, administration, clients, law firms, courts, and other agencies, students of the law school are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards of integrity and personal and academic honesty.



The following specific rules relating to academic dishonesty shall apply to examinations:


- All examinations must be taken on the day and at the time and in the place indicated.


- A student may bring into the examination room only those items previously indicated by the professor in charge.


- A student, during an examination, may not use materials not authorized by the instructions given for the examination, nor may he or she discuss the examination with any person other than the professor in charge.


- A student may not take an examination for another student, nor may he or she permit another person to take an examination for him or her.


- A student may not leave the place of the examination without the permission of the proctor. If such permission is granted, a student may not refer to any materials nor have any discussion with any person while absent from the room in which the examination is given.


- A student who has taken a particular examination and a student who will take that examination at a subsequent time or date may not discuss it with each other.

- A student may not act in any manner which would unreasonably interfere with other examinees during the time set for the examination.


- Where a student’s conduct unreasonably interferes with other examinees, the proctor shall report the matter to the professor in charge, who may order the student to leave and may prevent the student from continuing the examination. A proceeding before the Honor Code Committee shall be instituted promptly following such suspension from an examination.


- Where a student is caught cheating during the examination, the proctor shall report the matter to professor in charge. A proceeding before the Honor Code Committee shall be instituted promptly following the particular examination involved.


- Any member of the law school community (faculty, student, or administration) who observes behavior which establishes reasonable grounds to believe a violation of these rules has occurred is under obligation to report promptly such behavior to the professor in charge, or the dean.



1. Do you have the Honor Code in your university?

2. Do you think it is a good idea to have the Honor Code?

a. explain at least one way the Honor Code could be an advantage.

b. explain at least one way the Honor Code could be a disadvantage.

3. Are there any sanctions that can be imposed upon a Russian student caught cheating during the examination?

4. Do you think it is vital for a law student to follow the highest ethical standards in every professional, personal and educational domain?



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