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The paperback revolution. By the early 1950s the paperback revolution was well under way. Growing from the prewar Penguins and spreading to many other firms, paperbacks began to proliferate into well-printed, inexpensive books on every conceivable subject,

including a wide range of first-class literature. Generally known as pocket books on the Continent, they swept the world, converting book borrowers into buyers and creating new book readers on a scale never known before. Their use has been particularly widespread in the developing countries, notably those of Africa. The new paperbacks had remarkable ubiquity, being found not only in bookshops but also in drugstores, street kiosks, and newsstands in railway stations, airports, and hotel lobbies. The low price of the paperback, which moved books for the first time into the area of impulse buying, is due essentially to the large number printed, seldom fewer than 30,000 and frequently far more, and not, as is often supposed, to the use of paper instead of a hard cover for the binding.By far the greater number of paperbacks have been reprints of books that have had some success in their original clothbound form. Normally the paperback publisher makes an offer to buy the paperback rights from the publisher of the hardcover edition, and the paperback royalties are shared between the author and the hardcover publisher. While many of the big paperback houses have produced a certain number of new, hitherto unpublished books, the paperback operation is dependent in the main upon books originating with the conventional publishers. It is a fallacy therefore to suppose that, for all their seeming dominance, the paperback is likely to oust the hardcover book.Another type of paperback, selling in smaller numbers, has sprung from the enormous growth in the number of university students throughout the world. This is the reissue of works of scholarship, science, religion, literature, and art. Many had been out of print for years, and they had often been issued originally in small editions of no more than 2,000 copies by university presses or other specialized publishers. This great extension of the market began in the United States in the 1950s, with prices ranging from 65 cents to $1.95, at that time unusually high levels for paperbacks; the idea soon spread to Britain and the Continent. This operation has usually remained in the hands of the original publishers of the books, who have developed their own series of “university paperback books.” It became customary for many new academic books to be issued simultaneously in both cloth (hardcover) editions and as paperbacks, the usual price of the latter being a little more than half that of the cloth edition.University and government presses The increase in the number of universities was accompanied by an increase in the number of university presses. The purpose of these presses is to serve the needs of scholarship—i.e., to publish specialized material that a purely commercial firm would find impracticable to handle. Their freedom from the more acute profit-making pressures, often a result of direct subsidies, coupled with their assured, if limited, market, enables many to reach high standards of production and commercial viability. Some of the older establishments, such as the Oxford University Press, are, of course, large, profitable organizations with worldwide connections and a long list of more general publications.Another type of publishing house not usually in direct competition with ordinary firms is the state printing office, which is responsible in many countries for issuing public and official material. In England, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, which was originally created in 1786 to coordinate office supplies for government departments, has come to issue a wide range of excellent books and pamphlets in connection with museums, galleries, and the advisory function of ministries, besides official papers. In the United States, the Government Printing Office in Washington, D.C., was established by Congress in 1860 for similar purposes; it too has steadily widened its field of operations. China has developed a similar organization to issue its publications.


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