АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Раздел Образуйте форму Participle 1 от данных глаголов. Переведите на русский язык. Образец:
1. to read 2. to write 3. to watch 4. to meet 5. to drink 6. to buy 7. to sell 8. to work 9. to speak 10. to study 5.1.2. Переведите данные слова на английский язык. Образец:
1. идущий 2. приходящий 3. обсуждающий 4. начинающий 5. сидящий 6. смотрящий 7. принимающий 8. производящий 9. бегущий 10. начинающий.
5.1.3. Раскройте скобки и поставьте данные глаголы в форму Participle 1.Переведите данные словосочетания на русский язык. Образец:
1. The _______girl (to read) 2. The _______boy (to sleep) 3. The _______student (to translate) 4. The _______man (to sell) 5. The _______woman (to work) 6. The waiter ________us (to serve) 7. The children _______in the garden (to play) 8. The students _______in the hall (to sit) 9. The managers ______the engineers (to receive) 10.The professor ______the students (to examine)
5.1.4. Переведите данные предложения, содержащие Participle 1, на русский язык.
1. At that moment everybody was watching the dancing girl. 2. Taking his seat the teacher looked at us. 3. He addressed the woman standing at the counter buying some things for the children. 4. Look at the children laughing at the clown in green. 5. There was a boy sleeping in the room. 6. The man meeting us at the station was the representative of the firm. 7. We opened the door leading to the library and saw our teacher. 8. I came home hoping my family was there. 9. He opened the bag then closing it smiled. 10. Suddenly he saw us, stood up and approached us smiling.
5.1.5. Переведите данные предложения на английский язык, используя форму Participle 1. 1. Посмотрите на людей, энергично обсуждающих что-то. 2. Мне нравятся люди, работающие упорно для достижения своей цели. 3. Услышав ее голос, он повернул голову в ее сторону. 4. Менеджер, проверяющий наши планы, был доволен результатами. 5. Прибыв на станцию, она сразу увидела, что его там нет. 6. Читая доклад, он смотрел на нас. 7. Том стоял, глядя вверх и вниз. 8. Думая о своей работе в новом офисе, он остановился перед лестницей, ведущей вверх 9. Приехав в отель, он прошел в гостиную и попросил чаю. 10. Кивнув нам, преподаватель зашел в зал.
5.1.6. Образуйте форму Participle 2 от данных глаголов. Переведите на русский язык. Образец:
1. to work 2. to turn 3. to put 4. to cut 5. to speak 6. to meet 7. to buy 8. to sell 9. to give 10. to begin
5.1.7. Переведите на английский язык данные слова. Образец:
1. написанный 2. принесённый 3. сделанный 4. выпитый 5. взятый 6. сломанный 7. использованный 8. переведённый 9. рассказанный 10. данный
5.1.8. Раскройте скобки, поставьте данные глаголы в форму Participle 2. Переведите данные словосочетания на русский язык. Образец:
1. The book ________by him (to give) 2. The house _______by my parents (to build) 3. The letter _______ by my sister (to write) 4. The book_______ by the librarian (to recommend) 5. The car_________ by my friend (to buy) 6. The ______ door (to close) 7. The _______text (to translate) 8. The _______report (to write) 9. The _______passport (to lose) 10.The _______ picture (to show)
5.1.9. Переведите данные предложения, содержащие форму Participle 2, на русский язык.
1. When we entered the room we saw the broken vase on the floor. 2. Some time ago she mended the torn sleeve of her dress. 3. The answer received from our partner in the evening surprised us greatly. 4. The method used by our professor was effective. 5. All the books taken from the library by the students must be returned in June. 6. They showed us the list of the goods sold at the auction last month. 7. The stone thrown by the boy reached the opposite side. 8. Everything written here is quite right. 9. Translate the words written on the blackboard! 10, It was a victory won by brave people.
5.1.10. Переведите данные предложения на английский язык, используя форму Participle 2. 1. Рассказ, переведенный нашими студентами, можно рекомендовать к изданию. 2. История, рассказанная моим другом, заинтересовала всех. 3. Студенты должны выполнять задания, данные преподавателем. 4. Она провела нас в номер, забронированный для нашей группы. 5. Мы еще не видели книги, заказанные для нас нашим руководителем. 6. Вы получили список товаров, экспортируемых этой фирмой. 7. Я рекомендую вам прочитать статью, написанную нашим профессором. 8. Книги, прочитанные в детстве, кажутся старыми друзьями. 9. Используемый ими метод оказался очень эффективным. 10. Он молчал, когда его спрашивали о его планах на будущее.
5.1.11. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в форму Participle 1 или Participle 2. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык.
1. I haven`t looked through all the magazines _______ to us from London. (to send) 2. I have already checked all the tests_______ by my students. (to write) 3. Show me the list of the students_______ Spanish. (to learn) 4. All the students _______ in the concert must come to the Institute at 6. (to come) 5. We sat in the café_______ about our trip to S-Petersburg. (to talk) 6. _______ the street I saw my friends _______ from the Institute. (to cross; to come out) 7. ______ a dictionary you can translate this sentence quite easily. (to use) 8. I `ll show you the stories _______ by me some time ago. (to write) 9. ______ late he saw nobody there. (to come) 10. _____ the letter she hurried to show it to us. (to receive) 5.1.12. Замените выделенные части данных предложений причастными оборотами. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. While he was reading the text he underlined all the new words. 2. When I was going home I met my friends. 3. As he was tired he went to bed. 4. When they came to the club they saw their groupmates. 5. When he received the message he immediately wrote the answer. 6. As the boys knew the direction they helped us to get home. 7. When the tourists crossed the bridge they saw a small village with a few houses. 8. I picked up the letter which was lying on the floor. 5.1.13. Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Show me the catalogues that are received by you. 2. When he was asked about the event he kept silence. 3. Everything that is written here is correct. 4. The house which was surrounded by green trees looked nice. 5. The method that was invented by this scientist is effective . 6. Here is the message that was received yesterday. 7. It wasn`t difficult to find the letter that was lost some time ago. 8. As the door was locked on the inside we stood waiting for help. 5.1.14. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык. 1. Having read a lot about this method he suggested using it. 2. The new building of the theatre being constructed in our street was big. 3. Being asked about her parents she always tried to avoid details. 4. The new building having been constructed some years ago in our town is large enough. 5. All the books published for children are well illustrated. 6. The problems discussed last week have already been solved. 7. Having waited for a long time he left the office. 8. Having never been here before he lost his way. 5.1.15. Вставьте недостающие части речи.
5.1.16. Отработайте произношение данных слов, уточнив их транскрипцию по словарю.
5.1.17. Переведите данные словосочетания на русский язык.
As we all know; its own peculiarities; to underline the fact; no other country; to prefer to wear trousers; social evils; it is sufficient to name; who rallied the society; women` s rights; that is characteristic of western societies; a surprise for the outsiders; attitude to sex; something to be avoided; hand in hand; distinctive feature; this is done deliberately; the discipline and order; an interesting English saying; the typical question; in a similar position; a burden to their children; one of the nice things; round the clock; medical care; one-sided conversation; relations between humans; to adopt such a law.
5.1.18. Просмотрите данный текст. Дайте ответ на вопрос: “Who and what are the bases of the English family?” IT TAKES ALL SORTS TO MAKE A FAMILY As we all know, happy families in various countries are happy in their own way. A happy English family has its own peculiarities. First, the basis of it is the woman, who, at the same time, prefers not to underline this fact. Historically, women have occupied a special place in the world of the English. No other country has given birth to so many female writers! One of the few in France was George Sand, who used a male pseudonym and preferred to wear trousers. Only specialists in the field of literature can even name a female writer from Germany or Italy. England has given birth to a pleiad of popular and good writers whose works are alive and read to this day. Witty Jane Austin, strict Charlotte Bronte and her strange sisters, the scandalous Mary Shelley with her “Frankenstein”, Elisabeth Gaskell, who laid bare social evils, the intellectual Virginia Wolf. And these are just some of them, the ones that everybody recognizes and knows instantly. Then there are the Queens on the English throne. It is sufficient to name but three of them, each of whom was a whole era, and gave her name to that era. Elizabeth I, who ruled at the start of the country`s supremacy over the world, Victoria, who confirmed the country as a great world power and who rallied society, and finally the current Queen, Elizabeth II who is still to a great extent an important, consolidating authority in the country. Also Margaret Thatcher, who was not the queen but who reigned and left an indelible mark on English history. How many other female prime ministers of that caliber can you recall from continental Europe? Interestingly enough, English women do not seem to suffer from the “women` s rights” complex that is characteristic of other western societies. They do, of course, have feminists, who were even some of the first in the world to make a stand for their rights. But that was long ago when practically nobody was doing it. Nowadays “feminist societies” mainly get together in order to have lunch together or to have a chat over a cup of tea. All the same, it is English society that has longer than anywhere else retained the traditions of dividing up a group by sex after dinners. The men stay to smoke, indulge in a drink and talk about politics while the women go off to drink tea and gossip. It is also in England that women take not only their husband` s surname after marriage, but also his first name as well and become Mrs. John Smith (which comes as somewhat of a surprise for the outsiders). The typical English restraint concerns their attitude to sex. .Sex and everything connected with it has, for a long time, been considered to be something best to be avoided. A book on good manners from the mid-nineteenth century explained that even “Compliments are inadmissible in English society, unless they are so delicately put as to be hardly discernible”. A modern book on etiquette recommends that those in love should refrain from open displays of emotion and hints of the intimate relations that exist between them as “it may embarrass some people. The greatest intimacy that is permissible in public is to walk in public hand in hand or arm in arm, a light passionless kiss on the cheek, an embrace upon parting. One of the most important English principles can be summed up as follows: “we did not come into this world in order to get pleasure.” It is precisely the basis for many of the distinctive features of their character and way of life. It all starts right at the beginning, from the birth and upbringing of a child. One needs to be firm with children, and the higher up the social ladder you are, the more firm you need to be. It is not unusual to find that in a rich English home with an enormous living room, gigantic bedroom and imposing cabinet, the so-called children` s room is a miserable little room somewhere in the attic. This is done deliberately, from considerations of principle, so as not to spoil them but harden them. The system of boarding schools is still popular in England, with boys and girls sometimes still going to separate schools particularly for children from aristocratic and rich families. The discipline and order that reigns in them to this day are a sort of mixture between a prison, a barracks and a monastery and they are considered to be a fitting environment in which to bring up a real Englishman. There is an interesting English saying “Children should be seen but not heard”. The doors to English pubs often have the sign “No children, no dogs” and whereas they might on occasion make exception for the dogs, they never do for children. The typical question which they all ask of children “What do you want to be when you grow up, young man?” leads them to the idea that childhood is simply a period that one has to live through in order to become a normal, that is , grown up person. The older generation in England finds itself in a similar position. A nineteenth century book of good manners noted: “It is a cruel rule that altogether excludes very old and very young people from dinners; but the “dumb” are out of place at them as much as the over-loquacious. Very literal people, too, who cannot take a joke, do not add to general enjoyment of a feast”. Maybe this is why elderly people living in England value their independence so highly. They will do anything so as not to become a burden to their children and, in essence, remain free from their influence. One of the nice things about living in England is their equivalent of the old people`s home, with your personal items and belongings, but with the advantage of having round the clock medical care, the possibility to talk with people of your age, and an entertainment programme. The English seem to become even more active once they retire, occupied with their garden, taking up a hobby, or traveling round England or even abroad. Finally the last but certainly not the least important members of the English family are the pets. While the children are banished to some of the worst places in the house (for their upbringing, you understand!), a dog or a cat will probably have the most honoured place. A walk with the dog is always a pleasant, if rather one-sided, conversation full of gentleness and warmth. The English love cats with all their hearts. An interest in horses is not something that everybody can afford. Nevertheless, here as well we can see more love and warmth towards them than in relations between humans. Horse races in England are an event on a national scale. The law about the proper treatment of animals appeared in England at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the first country in the world to adopt such a law.
5.1.19. Прочитайте данный текст. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.
1. All happy families are happy in the same way. 2. There are a lot of female writers in Europe. 3. Margaret Tatcher worked as a common worker at a factory. 4. English women take their husband`s first name and surname after marriage. 5. Those in love are recommended to refrain from open displays of their emotions. 6. In England boys and girls go to separate boarding schools. 7. In England children are allowed to do everything they wish. 8. Elderly people in England prefer to live independently.
5.1.20.Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1. What is peculiar of happy families? 2. What English female writers are mentioned in the text? What other female writers can you mention? 3. What characterizes western societies? 4. What characterizes English society? 5. Why are those in love recommended to refrain open displays of their relationship? 6. What helps to bring up a real Englishman? 7. What is peculiar of children` s upbringing? 8. Why do elderly people in England value their independence very highly?
5.1.21. Переведите данные словосочетания на английский язык.
В различных странах; во-первых; в то же самое время; особое место; так много писательниц; мужской псевдоним; в области литературы; достаточно упомянуть; целая эра (эпоха); кажется, английские женщины не страдают от этого комплекса; бороться за свои права; собраться, чтобы поговорить за чашкой чая; комплименты неприемлемы; открытое проявление чувств; образ жизни; так называемая детская комната; где-то на мансарде; в особенности для детей из аристократических и богатых семей; «запрещен вход детям и собакам»; в том же самом положении; пожилые люди; в сущности; круглосуточная медицинская помощь; закон о надлежащем обращении с животными.
5.1.22. Прочитайте текст еще раз. Найдите предложения, содержащие формы Participle 1 и Participle 2. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык.
5.1.23. Сократите данный текст, опустив несущественные детали.
5.1.24.Составьте план, передайте содержание текста по ключевым словам и объясните ваше отношение к данной информации. Family; basis; woman; to occupy; place; era; authority; to reign; to suffer; “women` s rights”; restraint; principle; children; boarding schools; upbringing; the older generation; independence; pets. 5.1.25. Расскажите об отношении людей к семье, детям, пожилым людям, домашним животным в нашей стране.