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GLOSSARY. Assetsof a company are all the things that it ownsAssetsof a company are all the things that it owns. The size of the company is measured in terms of its assets. Charity –organization to relieve poverty, advance religion or education, etc; benefits from some financial concessions Company (UK) – organization operating to make profit Cooperative – democratic firm owned by its workers Corporation (US) –society friendly association of people; for example, a sports society (society + firm) Current assets generally consist of cash, marketable securities, receivables, inventories and prepayments. They can be converted into cash within one year. Dividend – a part of a company’s profits paid to shareholders, usually once or twice a year. Division – a part of company that is responsible for a certain product, service or area. Enterprise – new commercial activity, for example, How's your new enterprise? Also in some company names; for example, Smiths Enterprises Fixed assets are assets which a company uses on a continuous basis such as property and machinery. Government agency – organization which is part of the state administration Holding companyis a company that has enough shares in one or more other companies to be able to control the other companies. Intangible assets are assets which are non-physical in nature, such as patents and trademarks. Liabilitiesare the sums of money which it owes. Limited companyis a company whose owners are legally responsible for only a part of any money that it may owe if it goes bankrupt. Managing Director – a top manager in a company, just under the Chairman or President. Merger is the joining together of two separate companies or organizations so that they become one. Minority interest – company in which another firm has less than a 50 per cent interest Multinational – organization operating in several countries Nationalized company –company owned by the state Offshore company – firm based in a tax haven to avoid higher taxation Operation – general word for a company, usually a small one, and part of a large group. It also means activity; for example, our commercial operation Parent company – company which owns another Parent company – the head company in a group. Partnership is a relationship in which two or more people, business or industries work together as partners. Personal Assistant – the secretary of a manager in a company. PR – public relations – official communication between a company and the media/public, in order to present the best image. Premises – the land and building occupied by a company. Private company – company whose shares are not publicly available Public company – company whose shares are publicly available Purchasing – the act of buying goods; the department in a company which does this. Sole proprietoris a person who owns his own business and does not have a partner or any shareholders. Subsidiary – a company that is owned by another company. Takeoveris the act of gaining control of a company by buying more of its shares than anyone else. Tangibleassets are assets which are physical in nature, such as factories and offices. Turnover – the total sales of a company.