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Lexica- grammatical exercises


III. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and phrases:

manslaughter by negligence, accidental death, justifiable homicide, attempts to kill, suicide, statuary offence, victim under the age of consent, to put the victim in fear, aggravated assault, aggravated bodily, injury, purpose of inflicting severe, great bodily harm, unlawful entry, "con" games, worthless checks, embezzlement, motor vehicle theft, malicious burning, to commit a crime.

IV. Give English equivalents for the following expressions:

Штрафувати; страховий поліс; анулювати; шахрай; нанесення тяжких тілесних ушкоджень; навмисний підпал; списати борги; залякувати жертву; фальшиві гроші; контрабанда наркотиків; пограбування; повітряне піратство; кишенькова крадіжка; напад; озброєне пограбування; крадіжка в крамниці, напад на вулиці з метою крадіжки; керування у нетверезому стані; шахрайство; підпал; порушення правил паркування; вбивство; ненавмисне вбивство; зґвалтування; нічна крадіжка; розтрата; викрадання людей; підробка; хабарництво; шахрайство; шантаж; наклеп.

V. Mach each word on the left with appropriate definition on the right.

1. Thief a) a person who steals things secretly,

usually without violence.

2. Pick- pocketb)a person who enters a building during

the hours of darkness in order to фsteal.

A person who enters a building in

daylight to steal is a thief, or, if he breaks

into a building by using force, a house – breaker:

3. Burglar c) a person who steals from the shops;

4. Shop- lifter d) a person who steals smth. out of your

pocket in a crowded street;

5. Bigamist e) a soldier who runs away from the army.

6. Deserter f) a person who takes control of a plane

by force and makes the pilot change course.

7. Traitor g) a person who makes false money or signatures.

8. Forger h) a person who marries illegally,

being married already.

9. Hijackeri) a person who betrays his or her country

to another state.

10. Smugglerj) a person who gets secret information

from another country.

11. Spyk) someone who takes away people by

force and demands money for their return.

12. Kidnapperl) someone who brings goods into a

countryillegally without paying tax.

13. Terroristm) uses violence for political reasons.

14. Arsonist n) a person who sets fire to property illegally.

15. Accompliceo) a person who helps a criminal in a criminal act.

16.Stowawayp) kills someone.

17.Murdererq) hides on a ship or plane to get a free journey.

18. Drug dealerr) a member of a criminal group.

19. Gangster s) a person who buys and sells drugs illegally.



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