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УровеньЗадание 1. Вы находитесь в галерее Тейт. Прочитайте текст, выполните задания после текста, воспользовавшись словарем и дополнительным источником информации “Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose”
Sargent wanted to show in this picture a special kind of light which can only be seen at a particular time of day and year. This was the beautiful mauve (a kind of purple) light of twilight (when the sun is just below the horizon early in the morning or evening). There are several things in the picture which look partly mauve because the light is making them look that colour. The lanterns are making reflections of a different colour. Most of the picture has a mauvish look which gives it a certain kind of mood or atmosphere. Because Sargent painted "Carnation, Lily. Lily, Rose" only during these minutes it took a long time — nearly two years — for him actually to finish the picture. This can be seen best of all in late summer. Вопросы 1. What are the girls doing? 2. Do you know the name for the kind of lantern they are holding? 3. Does the picture show: a) early morning? b) or early evening? 4. What in the picture tells you that it is summertime? 5. a) Describe the colour. b)Find four things which show the reflections from the lanterns. c)What colours can you see in the girls' dresses? d)What was their real colour, do you think? 6. What words would you choose from the following to describe this mood? Tick the words of your choice: lively peaceful creepy tranquil romantic miserable happy Add two describing words of your own in the spaces provided above. Twilight usually lasts for just a few minutes each day.