

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника


Verbs with infinitives

Agree He agreed to meet at 8.

Decide He decided to apply for a job.

Forget She forgot to post the letter.

Expect They didn’t expect to win.

Help Can you help me to move it?

Hope I hope to find a good job.

Intend I intended to ask him, but I forgot.

Learn I learned to use a computer.

Need You need to know what you want.

Plan She is planning to change jobs.

Refuse He refused to help them.

Try I tried to do the exercise, but I couldn’t.

Want We wanted to go to the concert.

Would love I would love to meet a famous actor.

Would like I’d like to find a job in my town.


Часто инфинитив используется после прилагательных: interesting, difficult, easy.

It isn’t easy to understand them

It is very difficult to get a good job without any experience.

It’s easy to travel abroad nowadays.


Verbs with gerunds

Can’t stand I can’t stand getting up early.

Dislike She dislikes studying at the weekend.

Don’t mind I don’t mind starting on a low salary.

Enjoy We enjoyed doing sport.

Finish She finished writing the email.

Give up He gave up asking her to go out with him.

Hate I hate being cold.

Like They like going to parties.

Love She loves shopping.

Miss I miss seeing you every day.

Stop He stopped reading this book.

Spend time She spends a lot of time reading.


After prepositions (at, about, by, etc.) we use the gerund.

Are you worried about getting a job?

He learned English by listening to pop songs.


После некоторых глаголов может употребляться как инфинитив, так и герундий.

Start He started learning English. He started to learn English

Begin It began to rain. It began raining.


Exercise 23Translate into English.

  1. Я ничего не имею против работы на свежем воздухе.
  2. Я люблю работать с детьми.
  3. Я терпеть не могу решать математические задачи.
  4. Я бы хотел стать автомехаником. Я люблю машины.
  5. Я хочу заработать много денег и открыть свой бизнес.
  6. Я предпочитаю работать в большой компании, чем иметь свой собственный бизнес.


Exercise 24Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Hi, everyone! I’m Shannon from New York, I’m new to this website and I hope _______ (make)

a lot of friends who like _______ (do) the same things as me. I love _______ (draw) and ______ (paint) and really enjoy _______ (be) creative. I’m in my last year at school and I plan ________ (go) to art college next year. In the future I’d like _________ (work) as a graphic designer. I spend a lot of my free time ___________ (listen) to music from all over the world and I intend ___________ (visit) lots of countries when I start __________ (earn) money.


Exercise 25Use the verbs below and write sentences about yourself.

enjoy can’t stand plan

love don’t mind need


Exercise 26Jackie is telling her boyfriend Alex about a problem.

Complete the dialogue with gerunds or infinitives.

be teach practice learn leave help live do employ meet speak

J: Help! My parents are driving me crazy. I want __________home.

A: What? You enjoy _________ with them!

J: Usually…but last month they decided _______ a new nanny for my younger sister and I can’t stand ____________ with her.

A: Why not? You usually love ______________ new people.

J: Well, she’s Spanish and she only started __________ English last week. Now my parents expect me ________ her with her homework every night. I don’t mind ___________ it sometimes but they want me ____________to her all the time in English.

A: Look, you need __________ your Spanish. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind ___________you some Spanish too. You should talk to your parents.

J: Good idea! I will.

Exercise 27Write the missing letters.

  1. If there are v _ c _ n _ i _s at the supermarket, it means there are jobs there.
  2. You read these in the newspaper when you are looking for a job: a _ _ _ r _ s.
  3. Something you have to complete when you apply for a job: a _ p _ i _ _ t _ _ n f _ _ m.
  4. In a job like this you only work for a small number of hours: p _ r _ - t _ _ e.
  5. A meeting with people about a possible job: i _ t _ _ v _ _ w.
  6. To say you are going to give a job to someone: o _ _ _ r.
  7. To complete a form: f _ l _ _ n.
  8. To get money from a job: e _ _ n.


Exercise 28Put the words in bold into the correct form.

1. His job in a bank isn’t very interesting, but it’s __________. security

2. It’s difficult to relax when you have such a ___________ job. stress

3. Working with children is very ____________ for me. reward

4. Cristina is very ___________; she loves drawing pictures and writing stories. create

5. I’m sure film stars have a very ___________ life. glamour


Exercise 29Underline the correct words to complete the sentences.

  1. I earned a lot of money in my last job. The salary / application form was very good.
  2. I’m looking for a stressful / temporary job this summer. I only want to work for two months.
  3. I didn’t have any experience / employers when I started this job; I had to learn a lot.
  4. I want a creative career / accountant because I live working with hands.
  5. My employers / workers are great to work for. The manager is really good with people.
  6. I have to work long hours and there is always too much work. My job is very glamorous / stressful.
  7. I don’t earn much money because my job isn’t rewarding / well-paid, but I love my job!


Exercise 30Find six words to describe jobs.

w d r g v x r y s
e c e l h n s z t
l r w a c x e a r
l e a m s r c f e
- a r o g w u o s
p t d r o h r k s
a i i o v y e w f
i v n u y y p o u
d e g s j d x k l


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