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We usually go Выбрать... to this flat two weeks ago. out at weekend or visit our relatives. soup and some meat. with my studies at the university. as a full-time engineer. at home with her parents and her sister. to go to Greece on holiday. doing things in her house.  
Mike works Выбрать... to this flat two weeks ago. out at weekend or visit our relatives. soup and some meat. with my studies at the university. as a full-time engineer. at home with her parents and her sister. to go to Greece on holiday. doing things in her house.  
For diner I prefer Выбрать... to this flat two weeks ago. out at weekend or visit our relatives. soup and some meat. with my studies at the university. as a full-time engineer. at home with her parents and her sister. to go to Greece on holiday. doing things in her house.  
Carol enjoys Выбрать... to this flat two weeks ago. out at weekend or visit our relatives. soup and some meat. with my studies at the university. as a full-time engineer. at home with her parents and her sister. to go to Greece on holiday. doing things in her house.  
Carly lives Выбрать... to this flat two weeks ago. out at weekend or visit our relatives. soup and some meat. with my studies at the university. as a full-time engineer. at home with her parents and her sister. to go to Greece on holiday. doing things in her house.  
I am very busy Выбрать... to this flat two weeks ago. out at weekend or visit our relatives. soup and some meat. with my studies at the university. as a full-time engineer. at home with her parents and her sister. to go to Greece on holiday. doing things in her house.  
In summer Alison wants Выбрать... to this flat two weeks ago. out at weekend or visit our relatives. soup and some meat. with my studies at the university. as a full-time engineer. at home with her parents and her sister. to go to Greece on holiday. doing things in her house.  
Steve moved Выбрать... to this flat two weeks ago. out at weekend or visit our relatives. soup and some meat. with my studies at the university. as a full-time engineer. at home with her parents and her sister. to go to Greece on holiday. doing things in her house.  


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Баллов: 12

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Judy Burford and her husband Larry live in for at with to on Atlanta. They have four sons and seven daughters. The family sometimes travels 50,000 kilometres a year in for at with to on their work. The children do not go in for at with to on school, but they study in for at with to on home in for at with to on their parents. The Burfords are very busy in for at with to on their job. They are a circus family and all the children take part in for at with to on the show. They perform in all kinds of places all over America: in for at with to on the parks, in for at with to on the beaches, in cities and villages. Next year they plan to visit Spain in for at with to on holidays in for at with to on two weeks. Maybe they will have time in for at with to on giving a show there.

Частично верно

Баллов за ответ: 8/12.



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