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Study the rules for the following consonants and practice them in proverbs and tongue twisters.

a) / z / Graphical rules: 1. “z” - lazy, zebra; 2. “x” -- /kz / - exactly; 3. “s” - nose, rose; 4. “ss” – possess; 5. flexions “s”, “es” after vowels and voiced consonants – finds, plays, days. Proverbs and sayings: 1. From A to Z. 2. As crazy as they come. 3. Misery loves the company. b) / d / Graphical rules: 1. “d”, “dd” - dog, middle. Proverbs and sayings: 1. Every dog has its day. 2. Between the devil and the deep blue sea. 3. As dull as a dishwater (ditchwater). 4. As deaf as a doornail. 5. Least said soonest mended.
c) / b / Graphical rules: 1. “b”, “bb” - big, rubber. Proverbs and sayings: 1. As brown as a berry. 2. Let bygones be bygones. 3. Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. 4. Business before pleasure. Tongue-twister: Bessie Botter bought a bit of butter. But the butter that she bought was bitter, So, she bought a bit of better butter. d) / s / Graphical rules: 1. “s”, “ss” - lost, less; 2. “c” + e, i, y - city, cell, Cyrus; Rare Spelling: science, scene Proverbs and sayings: 1. Better safe than sorry. 2. Ignorance is bliss. 3. He who steals a pin will steal a pound. Tongue-twister: She sells sea shells on the sea shore.


Find the Ukrainian equivalents for the proverbs, choose 2-3 of them to explain.

E.g. “as brown as a berry” describes a person withvery brown skin because of sun tan.

Read the following words and transcribe them.

a) Luxurious, desert, dessert, deserve, zero, busy, music, possession, husband, reason, zone,

says, ways, goes;

b) suddenly, robbed, pudding, ready, couldn’t, addition, paid, said, deed, hidden, road;

c) Bobby, hobby, sobbed, rubber, boast, cabman, submit, about, ebony, globe, bread;

d) cinema, century, certificate, cybernetic, cyclone, cider, loss, class, sweet, miss, tense.


Read the following pairs of words and transcribe them. Single out the phonemes which are different in each pair.

Might – sight kite – light which – wish rear – rare mat – mate

Fell – tell fan – fen shame – game took – tour tell – tale

Time – lime not – note whale – well poll - pull dine – done

Pound – found mare – more hike – bike goal – girl want -went

Gram – tram sport – spot cause - course thing – thin psalm – palm

Thin – sin myrtle – mortal change – chance less – mess worst – first

Dark – duck coin – corn pure – poor rock – clock sit – seat

Peel – pill vet – wet with – wit gone – gum composure –composer

Feed – feet count – can’t cash – catch mute – moot


6. Answer the questions for self control:

1. What is phonetics?

2. Name the components of pronounciation.

3. What is the main function of phonemes in language?

4. Want is the difference between allophones and phonemes?

5. What kinds of transcription do you know?




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