

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

C) Lord Chancellor

D) Chancellor of the Exchequer

E) Law Lords


3 . Choose the right variant:

…. gives the Royal Assent to the bills passed by the both

House of the Parliament in Great Britain.

A) The President

B) The Queen

C) The Prime Minister

D) The Judge

E) The Chief Justice


4. Choose the right variant:

More serious criminal cases in England are tried by… .

A) County Court

B) High Court in Edinburgh

C) The Crown Court

D) Coroners’ Court

E) Juvenile Court


5.Choose the right variant:

The new Constitution of Kazakhstan was adopted in …

A) 1998

B) 1995

C) 1991

D) 1997

E) 1999

6. Choose the right variant:The Republic of Kazakhstan is the….. country.

A) Unitary

B) Constitutional - Monarchy

C) Monarchy

D) Constitutional

E) Presidential


7. Choose the right variant:.... USA is the biggest country in the world.

A) the

B) a

C) an


E) any

8. Choose the right variant of the translation: a law-making organ

A) законныйорган

B) законодательныйорган

C) законоисполнительный орган

D) узаконенный орган

E) незаконный орган


9.Choose the right variant of translation: “Наказание”

A) offender

B) Sentence

C) lawyer

D) Punishment

E) criminal

10. Choose the right variant of translation: “ тюрьма”

A) prison

B) lawyer

C) offender

D) shoplifter

E) buglary

11. Choose the right variant of translation: “ преступник”

A) a thief

B) a kidnapper

C) criminal

D) solicitor

E) barrister


12. Choose the right variant of translation “обвиняемый”

A) defense counsel

B) judges

C) supporter

D) accused

E) prosecution


13.Choose the right variant of translation “палатаобщин”


A) The House of Representative

B) Senate

C) The House of Lords

D) Parliament

E) The House of Commons



14. Choose the right variant of translation “палатапредставителей”

A) The House of Lords

B) The House of Representatives

C) The House of Commons

D) Parliament

E) Senate

15. Choose the right variant of translation: “уголовноедело”

A) civil case

B) criminal case

C) administrative case

D) customs case

E) petty crimes

16. Choose the right variant of antonym.Love

A) Nice.

B) Dream.

C) Hate

D) Life

E) Like

17. Choose the right variant of the indirect speach

I asked Jack: “Who do you sit next to in class?”.

A) I asked Jack who do you sit next to in class?

B) I asked Jack who you sat next to in class?

C) I asked Jack who he sits next to in class?

D) I asked Jack who he sat next to in class?

E) I asked Jack who he has sitten to in class?

18. Choose the right variant of sentence with the correct word order..

A) A taxi we took from the airport.

B) From the airport a taxi we took.

C) We took a taxi from the airport.

D) Took we a taxi from the airport.

E) From the airport took we a taxi.

19. Choose the right variant of Article

I got … interesting book from our library. … librarian said that I could keep it only for … week as … teacher of English also wanted.

A) the, a, a, the.

B) an, - , a, a.

C) the, - , the, a.

D) an, the, a, a.

E) an, the, - , the.

20. Choose the right variant of the word

The books (которые) are on the table must be returned to the library today.

A) who.

B) which.

C) what.

D) whom.

E) whose.

21. Choose the right variant of the verb in passive voice

Look! My dictation … by the teacher, now.

A) is checking up.

B) was checked up.

C) is checked.

D) checked up.

E) is being checked up.


22. Choose the right variant of pronouns

Give me … photo and I’ll give you … .

A) my, your.

B) your, mine.

C) mine, her.

D) yours, their.

E) theirs, mine.

23. Find the correct plural form;

My friend has three… .

A) Children

B) A children.

C) A child

D) Child

E) Childs

24. Choose the right variant;

Say what century it is: The year 2007

A) Nineteen century.

B) The nineteenth century.

C) The twenty first century.

D) Ninetey century.

E) The twenty century.


25. Choosetherightvariant:

Математика составляет основу многих других наук.

A) Mathematic forms the basis of many other sciences.

B) Mathematics will form the basis of many other sciences.

C) Mathematics forms the basis of many other sciences.

D) Mathematics has formed the basis of many other sciences.

E) Mathematics are forming the basis of many other sciences.

26. Make the right choice:

Is there … interesting at the cinema today?.

A) Somebody.

B) Nothing

C) Something

D) Anything

E) Nobody

27. Choose the right variant:

The United Kingdom is the Parliamentary… .

A) colony

B) monarchy

C) republic.

D) region

E) empire

28. Choose the right variant:

A police car came when the injured man … the road.

A) was been carried off.

B) was being carried off.

C) has been carried off.

D) will carrying off.

E) is being carried off.

29. Choose the right variant preposition:

Who else was … the party on Saturday?

A) into.

B) to.

C) at.

D) in.

E) on.

30. Choose the right variant of preposition:

Why were you so unfriendly … Tessa?

Have you had an argument with her?

1) for.

2) to.

3) of.

4) with.

E) by.

Examination test for lawyers

III variant

1. Choose the right variant of translation: “уголовноедело”

A) civil case

B) administrative case

C) criminal case

D) customs case

E) petty crimes

2. Choose the right variant of translation: “свидетель”

A) prosecutor

B) evidence

C) witness

D) case

E) accused

3. Choose the right variant of translation: “приговор”

A) chairman

B) witness

C) case

D) sentence

E) evidence

4. Choose the right variant of translation: “защитник”

A) prosecutor

B) chairman

C) lawyer

D) defense counsel

E) criminal

5. Choose the right variant of translation: “председатель”

A) defense counsel

B) chairman

C) prosecutor

D) criminal



6. Choose the right variant of translation: “ истец”

A) prosecution

B) evidence

C) claim

D) witness

E) plaintiff

7. Choose the right variant of translation: “невиновный”

A) witness


C) guilty

D) innocent

E) criminal

8. Choose the right variant of translation: “соглашаться”

A) to approve

B) to appoint

C) to agree

D) to inquire

E) to deal with

9. Choose the right variant of translation: “принятьзакон”

A) to pass a law

B) to make a law

C) to exam a law

D) to introduce a bill

E) to discuss a law

10.Choose the right variant of translation “исполнительный”

A) judicial

B) legislative

C) violence

D) executive

E) defence

11. Choose the right variant of translation: “адвокат”

A) solicitor

B) judge

C) prosecutor

D) counsel

E) barrister

12. Choose the right variant of translation: “суддлянесовершеннолетних”


A) court of appeals

B) crown court

C) juvenile court

D) county court

E) magistrates court

13.Choose the right variant of the passive voice :

This road is in very bad condition. It should … a long time ago.

A) be repaired.

B) has been repaired .

C) to be repaired.

D) have been repaired.

E) been repaired.

14. Complete the sentence:

… the pupils playing when you came?

A) Are

B) Were

C) Was

D) Did

E) Do.

15. Complete the sentence:

You understood that, … you?

A) don’t.

B) couldn’t.

C) didn’t.

D) haven’t.

E) can’t.

16. Choose the right variant:


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