АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Plural countable nouns ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 (tables, books, eggs, apples, ect.) How many?
Uncountable nouns (advice, milk, water, soup, etc.) How much? Plenty of A lot of - много Lots of
- ? Many too many so many not many -? Much too much so much not much any (-,?) несколько some (+) немного
a few – несколько few – мало very few – очень мало a little – немного little – мало very little – очень мало No примеры: There are too many eggs in the basket. There are some apples in bags. There is not much coffee in the cup.
Choose the correct answer: 1. How (much, many, few) milk is there in the fridge? – There is plenty. 2. Are there (some, many, little) books on the table? 3. There is (many, any, a little, a few) milk in the bottle. 4. There are (too much, little, lots of) apples on the table.
has not = hasn't
Example: 1. Do you have milk in your tea? – I don’t have milk in my tea. 2. Did she have a nice holiday last summer? – She had a nice holiday last summer.
Распространенные сочетания с HAVE:
To have a lesson/a lecture/ a meeting Посещать урок/лекцию/собрание
To have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner Завтракать/ обедать
To have a rest/ a swim/ a wash Отдохнуть/ поплавать/постирать
Have a drink/ a cigarette/ a day off Выпит/ выкурить сигарету/ иметь выходной день
Make these sentences negative and questions: 1. He has a good watch. 2. My parents have a large library. 3. He had dinner in the canteen. 4. I had an English dictionary. 5. We will have some books next year.
Translate sentences into English: 1. У нее нет машины. 2. Когда вы обедаете? 3. У моей тети не было времени путешествовать. 4. У них есть компьютер.
Make these sentences negative: 1. They do sport everyday. 2. My friend does business. 3. Do something stupid. 4. He does well. 5. We always do homework carefully. 6. Do be careful. 7. I will do cooking in two hours. 8. Walk on the road.
Modal Verbs: Can, may, must, should
Can уметь I can read мочь, быть в состоянии I can lift the box Mayвозможно It may be true c разрешения, позволения кого-либо May I come in May I come and see you
Must должен обязательно One must eat to live You must study well нельзя You must not be late Cars must not be parked вероятно, может быть You must be tired
Shouldследует (совет, рекомендация) You should follow her advice Why should I listen to you? вероятно We should be there by night
отрицание – modal verb + not = can not (can’t) may not must not (mustn’t) should not (shouldn’t) вопрос – modal verb + (подлежащее)+ verb (смысловой глагол)
1. Peter … play football well. 2. If you want to play football well, you …train a lot. 3. You …consult doctor regularly.