

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника



1. To crown it all, I had an accident the other day.

2. To begin with, there was not much to listen to.


to cut a long story short, to put it in a nutshell, to say the least,

to tell (you) the truth, to speak the truth, to put it mildly,

to say nothing of, to be quite frank



Task 4

Make up your own sentences using the infinitive in different functions

To explain, to be interested, to inquire, to add, to answer in the negative, to answer in the affirmative, to offer a cup of tea, to suggest reading a book, to insist, to be glad, to be sorry, to be happy, to apologize, to greet, to say good-bye, to wish good luck, to promise, to lie, make up one’s mind, to think, to reply, to say in reply, to remind, to deceive, to believe, to interrupt, to gossip, to chatter, to discussed, to talk about, to keep silent, to keep silence, to complain, to calm somebody down, to warn, to invite, to prove, to blame, to support, to be sure, to hesitate, to change one’s mind, to intend, to be going to do something, to suppose, to come to the conclusion.


  1. Why not go there?
  2. I’d better stay here than gothere.
  3. I would rather listen to the music.
  4. I would sooner stay at home than go to the party.
  5. I cannot but translate this text.
  6. I couldn’t but watch the film.
  7. I can do nothing but follow your advice.
  8. I could do nothing but ask for help.


1. It can be difficult for them to translate the text.

2. It’s important for them to visit the exhibition.

3. These main instructions are for them to come on time.

4. Mrs. Brown’s ideal has always been for her son to enter the university.

5. I was sorry for them to have lost the book.

6. She has arranged everything for them to make the experiment.

7. There’s too much work for you to do.

8. Is there anybody for him to help?

9. The kitchen is too small for all of you to have dinner.

10. We’ll leave some food for the cat to eat.


1. I want you to translate the article.

2. I like her to sing this song.

3. I got them to bring me the magazine.

4. She didn’t allow him to walk in the park.

5. I saw her enter the room.

6. I heard him play the piano.

7. I watched the children play in the garden.

8. I observed people walk in the park.

9. I noticed them leave the house.

10. I felt the cat touch my hand.

11. I made them work.

12. I had them work.

13. Nick’s mother didn’t let him eat ice-cream.

14. The teacher felt the pupils to be bright.

15. I saw that he was ill.

16. I heard that she had left for London.




1. He is said to know six languages. / He was said to know six languages.

2. He is said to have gone to London. / He was said to have gone to London.

3. He is said to be working in the garden. / He was said to be working in the garden.

4. He is said to have been working for 2 hours. / He was said to have been working for 2 hours.


He is said to / was said to / was seen to / was heard to / was supposed to / was believed to / was expected to / was reported to / was considered to / was thought to / was announced to / was known to


She seems to have been working for 2 hours. / She happened to lose her way. / He appeared to be a bright man. / The hotel turned out to be far from the station. / He is likely to come. / He is unlikely to come. / He is sure to come.




  1. Flying is a thrilling thing.
  2. It’s no use discussing it now.
  3. It’s worth while seeing the ballet.
  4. There was no persuading him.


  1. What she loves bets in the world is going to the theatre.
  2. What tired him greatly was being questioned by newspaper correspondents.



  1. The audience burst out applauding.
  2. They started clapping to show their appreciation of the acting.
  3. I couldn’t help staying in a hotel when on a business trip.
  4. I couldn’t help being excited when I was told that news.




  1. Would you mind having a business talk over the phone.
  2. I can’t help being asked about my plans.
  3. He didn’t recollect having opened the window.
  4. He denied having sent the message.



  1. I was greatly surprised at hearing the news.
  2. I insisted on being given the ticket.
  3. She suspected him of having opened her letters.
  4. She complained of having been asked by them every moment.



  1. He pointed out the way of avoiding complications.
  2. He had a feeling of being watched.
  3. I hadn’t any fear of having said too much.
  4. She gave no sign of having been informed of their arrival.



1. After listening to the music she went for a walk.

2. On entering the room she saw a lot of people.

3. She worked without having a rest.

4. He fell ill for having eaten too much ice-cream.

5. In spite of having learnt all the texts he got a two.

6. Most people who spend a holiday in traveling take a camera with them and photograph everything they see.





1. It’s no use your telling me not to worry. /SUBJECT/.

2. What annoyed me most of all was his being invited thee regularly. /PREDICATIVE/.

3. I was irritated with him having been put in an awkward position. /OBJECT/.

4. I don’t like the idea of Mary’s going home alone. /ATTRIBUTE/.

5. I stayed at the party a bi longer in spite of her having told me the sad news. /ADVERBIAL MODIFIER/.





A Compound Verbal Aspect Predicate A Direct Object / A Complex Direct Object A Prepositional Object An Attribute   An Adverbial Modifier
    to keep on to go on to give up to leave off to burst out to finish to stop to cease to begin to start to continue     to avoid to deny to enjoy to fancy to mind to postpone to put off to suggest to want to need to require to deserve to be busy to like to dislike to hate to prefer to excuse to remember to forgive to forget to regret to recollect   to approve of to accuse of to complain of to suspect of to think of to boast of to be aware of to be capable of to be fond of to be pleased at to be surprised at to agree to to object to to confess to to devote to to look forward to to get used to to get accustomed     to rely on to insist on to count on to depend on to feel like to persist in to succeed in to be busy in to be engaged in to be interested in to prevent from to keep from to thank for to care for     FOR: instruction apology explanation reason preparation excuse plan IN: experience use skill interest sense harm difficulty AT: astonishment disappointment surprise   OF: sign chance habit idea trouble risk method way custom fear manner means problem necessity pleasure right hope intention importance effort feeling sound gift   without in case of for for fear of owing to though because of in spite of in on upon before after by besides instead of    





    PARTICIPLE I   The girl, playing with a ball, is my sister. Девочка, играющая с мячом, моя сестра.
The laughing children ran to the river. Смеющиеся дети побежали к реке.
The country being shown on the map now is France. Страна, которую сейчас показывают на карте, Франция.
The student, who has been translating the text, is writing a dictation now. * Студент, переводивший текст / который переводил текст /, сейчас пишет диктант. *
    PARTICIPLE II The lost letter was very important. Потерянное письмо было очень важным.
Give me the letter written yesterday. Дайте мне письмо, написанное вчера.
Frozen with horror, I couldn’t utter a word. Застыв от ужаса, я не могла произнести ни слова.
The ground was covered with faded leaves. Земля был покрыта увядшими листьями.
PARTICIPLE I   Your answer is disappointing. Твой ответ разочаровывающий.
PARTICIPLE II She seemed worried about something. Она казалась чем-то обеспокоенной.
    PARTICIPLE I   Watching TV Kelly didn’t notice me. Когда Келли смотрела телевизор, она не заметила меня.
Being invited to the party she went to buy a new dress. Когда её пригласили на вечер, она пошла покупать новое платье.
Having translated the text we went for a walk. Когда мы перевели текст, мы пошли на прогулку.
Having been asked to bring the book I went to the study. Когда меня попросили принести книгу, я пошла в кабинет.
When in London I went sightseeing every day. * Когда я была в Лондоне, я ходила осматривать достопримечательности каждый день. *
While translating the article I came across a lot of new words. Когда я переводила статью, я встретила много новых слов.
PARTICIPLE II When told the news she was very happy. Когда ей сообщили новости, она была очень счастлива.
PARTICIPLE II If sent tomorrow, the letter won’t be delivered in time. Если письмо отправить завтра, оно не будет доставлено вовремя.
PARTICIPLE I She looked at me as if understanding the words. Она посмотрела на меня так, как будто понимала мои слова.
PARTICIPLE II She looked astonished as if told something strange. Она выглядела удивленной, как будто ей сказали что-то странное.
PARTICIPLE II Though disappointed she didn’t show it. Хотя она была разочарована, она не показывала вида.
  PARTICIPLE I Not knowing their address we couldn’t find them. Не зная их адрес, мы не могли их найти.
Being worried by something she didn’t listen to me. Так как она была чем-то обеспокоена, она не слушала меня
Having broken her favourite vase she was very sorry. Разбив свою любимую вазу, она была очень расстроена.
Having been taken to the cinema the children were happy. Дети были счастливы, так как их взяли в кино.
PARTICIPLE I I spent the morning in the garden watering the flowers. Я провела утро в саду, поливая цветы.
PARTICIPLE I Generally speaking the best way to keep fit is to play tennis. В общем, самый лучший способ быть в форме это играть в теннис.
PARTICIPLE I I heard her playing the piano. Я слышала, как она играла на пианино.
    PARTICIPLE II I heard his name mentioned twice. Я слышала, что его имя произнесли дважды.
I want the letter sent immediately. Я хочу, чтобы письмо было доставлено немедленно.
I had my watch mended. Мне починили часы.





1. The day being cold, he had no desire to go for a walk. 1. Так как день был холодным, он не имел желания идти на прогулку.
2. The letter written, she went to the post-office. 2. Когда письмо было написано, она пошла на почту.
3. Sam looked at them, his eyes sparkling. 3. Сэм посмотрел на них, причем / а глаза его сверкали.
4. He left the room, his lips pressed together. 4. Он вышел из комнаты, плотно сжав губы.
5. She entered the room, with the kitten running after her. 5. Она вошла в комнату, а котенок бежал за ней.




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