

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Pronunciation Points to be Checked

# Features of pronunciation Examples
Pronunciation of words and word stress 1 tension 2 increase 3 entertainment 4 society 5 contain
6 poverty 7 prosperous 8 population 9 conflict 10 decrease
Articulation of difficult sounds /V/: culture, suburbs, other, country /v/: values, very, violent, poverty /eI/: changing, late, became, space, racial /w/: worst, wealthier, without, world /au/: house, around, out
Weak forms to other cities of the culture for education and employment was to have a house in the late 40s and early 1950s
Accentual-tonetic analysis of a sentence ÊCities con"tain the very "best êaspects of a °society:| oppor"tunities for edu™cation,| em™ployment,| and enter°tainment.Ç

3.2. Read the following text and speak on intonation of parenthesis in English

A parenthesis is a word/a word combination/a clause that shows the speaker’s attitude towards the idea expressed in the sentence, connects the sentence with another one or summarizes what is said in the sentence.

Parentheses can occur in sentence initial, medial and final positions.

¨ in the sentence initial position a parethesis can normally make a separate tone unit and be pronounced with the Low Rise or the Mid Level,

e.g. To my Ímind, | it’s not reasonable.

If the speaker wants to attach more importance to the parenthesis, he or she can pronounce it with the Low Fall or the Fall-Rise,

e.g. ÊPersonally,| I enjoyed every minute of it!

Parenthesis of no semantic importance for the sentence does not make a separate tone unit or even remain unstressed,

e.g. Oh it doesn’t matter!

¨ in the sentence medial and final positions parenthetical words/groups are normally pronounced as the unstressed or partially stressed tail of the preceding tone unit,

e.g. Tastes Êdiffer, you know.

You "know, of course, it’s Êsilly.

Interjections are intoned according to the same rules as parentheses.


Listen to these conversations. Do the attitude words and phrases in bold have a falling tone (put Êin the gap), rising ton e ( Ë ) o r fall -rising tone (ÊË)?

e.g. A: In my opinion _ÊË_, the government was wrong to go to war. What do you think ?

B: I disagree, actually _Ë_.


1. A: These are new, presumably __ .

B: I've had them a while. A few weeks, in fact__.


2. A: There was a terrible mess in the kitchen when I got home. Jack was to blame,

naturally __.

B: And of course__ he said it wasn't his fault.

A: That's right.


3. A: Apparently __ , Mike's getting married


B: I already knew, as it happens __ .


4. A: On reflection __, I think Julia's right. The company needs to invest in people more.

B: She's got a point, in fairness __ .But she's also got to be ready to put her money where her mouth is, so to speak ___ .


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