АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Listen again. Listen again. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Tonight Tonight Tomorrow night Tomorrow night At six o’clock. Not later? Then at eight o’clock. Eight Then at eight o’clock. What time is it? What time is it now? What time is it now? Do you know what time it is? Do you know? It’s ten o’clock. It’s ten o’clock now. No, it’s four o’clock. it’s four o’clock Five o’clock. Do you know what time it is? Seven o’clock. Seven It’s three o’clock. Three
Do you know where the restaurant is? Do you know where it is? I’m going to eat at five o’clock. With whom? With whom? With you. I’m going to eat with you. Yes, I’d like to eat too. I’d like I’d like to eat too. I’d like to have dinner with you. I’d like to have dinner with you tonight. At the hotel. At the hotel. I’d like to have dinner at the hotel. Where is it? Where is it? It’s on Park Avenue. on Park Avenue Are you going to have something to drink? Are you going to have something to drink? Would you like to have some wine? Would you like to have some wine? No, I’d like to have some beer. Today Today I’m not American. I’m not going to have lunch today. I’m not going to I’m not going to have lunch today. You are not going to have lunch? No, not today. I’m not going to have lunch today. I’m not going to have lunch today. Today I’m going to eat at three o’clock. Or at two o’clock. Or at two o’clock. What time is it now? What time is it now? It’s one o’clock. Ok, then at two o’clock. Listen and repeat. How much? How much? How much? How much do I owe you?
I owe. I owe I owe Я вам должен.I owe you. I owe you. Do you understand? Do I owe you? Do I owe you? How much do I owe you? How much? How much do I owe you? How much do I owe you? Listen and repeat.One dollar. One dollar. Dollar dollar How much do I owe you? One dollar. How much do I owe you today? How much do I owe you today? Listen and repeat.Eight dollars. Dollars, Dollars Eight dollars. Eight dollars. Eleven dollars. Eleven dollars. How much? How much? Сколько я вам должен?How much do I owe you? How much do I owe you? Twelve dollars. Twelve Twelve Twelve dollars. Two dollars. Two dollars. Two dollars. Eleven dollars. One dollar. One dollar. Thirteen dollars. Thirteen Thirteen dollars. How much do I owe you? How much do I owe you? Twelve dollars. Twelve Thirteen dollars. Thirteen Eleven dollars. Eleven
Ten dollars. Twelve dollars. Two dollars. Dollars Two dollars. Nine dollars. Six dollars. How much? Four Four I’m sorry, repeat please Do I owe you five dollars? Do I owe you Do I owe you five dollars? Do you want five dollars? Do I owe you five dollars? No, ma’am four dollars. four dollars And seven dollars. I owe you thirteen dollars. thirteen dollars I owe you thirteen dollars. No, not thirteen. How much do I owe you?
How much Do I owe you twelve dollars? Do I owe you twelve dollars? No, eleven dollars. eleven dollars Listen, please.Do you understand? Yes, I understand now. I understand you. One dollar. One dollar. I owe you one dollar. I owe you one dollar.Now listen.