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Test. Lessons 10

I. Find the opposites to the following words and use 5 of them in the sentences of your own.

1. to be free

2. a poor man

3. at the end of

4. to have a good time

5. to feel well

6. to forget

7. a tall man

8. poor health


II. Complete the sentences.

1. Every time I come to this city I _____

2. Do you remember the time _______

3. What did you do _______

4. Will you stay here while _______

5. That’s all I _______

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite and the Future Indefinite.

1. I ___ (to be) at home if you ____ (need) my help.

2. Give this book to your teacher as soon as you ____ (to come) to school.

3. Ask him if he ____ (to stay) for dinner.

4. He ___ (to wait) until they ____ (to send) for him.

5. They can’t tell me when they ____ (to be) free.

6. If you ____ (to look) at them, don’t smile.

7. Before we ____ (to talk) about it, I want to show you some books.

8. He ____ (to be) all right when this _____ (to be) over.

9. _____ (you / finish) this report, while I _____ (to be) away?

10. He ____ (to spend) a week in Moscow before he _____ (to go) to Minsk.

11. I ______ (to meet) Pam at the concert yesterday. She ____ (to say) that she just ______ (to return) from London.

12. At the meeting he _____ (to ask) us how much time it (to take) us to get to the factory for that meeting.

13. On the way to Astrakhan the tourists usually _____ (to visit) many nice towns.

14. – What he _____ (to say) an hour ago? – He ____ (to say) he ______ (to be able) to go to the cinema on Monday.

15. When you _____ (to come) to Moscow next time we _____ (to go) sightseeing. I wonder when you _____ (to be) free to join us.

16. He _____ (to tell) me that he ______ (to know) three foreign languages.

17. He ______ (to say) that he never ______ (to be) abroad.

18. He ______ (to answer) that he _____ (to be) free as soon as he _____ (to finish) translating the article.

19. Do you know where your friend ______ (to live) now?

20. He said that the city ______ (to change) very much.


IV. Use the correct tense form.

1. – “Are you going shopping tonight?” – “No, I _____ yesterday.”

a) went b) had gone c) had been going d) was going

2. – “Did you see Hugh?” – “No, he _____ by the time I arrived at his house.”

a) was leaving b) left c) had left d) leaves

3. He said he ______ in Moscow in his childhood.

a) lived b) had lived c) was living d) lives

4. He showed me which exercises he ______ for the lesson.

a) did b) is doing c) had done d) is doing

5. We did not know whose things they ______ .

a) are b) were c) have been d) can be

6. I wanted to know when my brother ______ from hospital.

a) returned b) will return c) would return d) returns

7. I did not know you _____ home soon.

a) will b) came c) would d) come

8. Jenny said they ______ a lot of animals in the Zoo on Sunday.

a) see b) saw c) will d) had seen

9. Jack told Peter that his sister _____ an hour before.

a) called b) had called c) would call d) calls

10. This man _____ many crimes before the police arrested him.

a) had committed b) committed c) would commit d) commits



V. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.

1. The ____ can always advise you some interesting book to read. LIBRARY
2. I read almost all the books by Jack London in my ____ . CHILD
3. She got a very ______ flat last year in a new district. COMFORT
4. I can translate this text. It’s very _____ . EASE
5. I’m ____ sorry that I couldn’t go to the cinema yesterday. AWFUL
6. We’ll go to Paris for a holiday at the ______ of July. BEGIN
7. Oscar Wilde is my favourite _____ . WRITE


VI. Correct the mistakes.

1. Before we will leave, I want to ring my friend up.

2. In our office there are not very many people which speak English well.

3. The pupil who exercise-book I’ve shown you is doing very well.

4. I’m glad that you liked this film, I can’t forget too.

5. When will begin the children learning foreign languages?

6. If it will be nice and warm, we will go for a picnic.

7. I’ll be back in the beginning of December.

8. When are you going to begin preparing to the English exam?

9. I’m afraid we’ll must do it today!

10. I don’t quite want to go to the country with you.


VI. Translate into English.

1. – Вы уже видели Катю? – Нет еще, но я слышала, что она приехала 2 дня назад. Я надеюсь, я смогу поговорить с ней об этом завтра. – О чем ты хочешь поговорить с ней? – О наших каникулах. В прошлом году летом мы ездили отдыхать вместе в деревню. Мы провели там два месяца. И мне там очень понравилось. Мы ходили в лес, плавали в реке, загорали на берегу. Я хочу поехать туда этим летом тоже.

2. – Здравствуйте, мистер Иванов.

– Здравствуйте, мистер Браун. Как у вас дела?

– Хорошо. Я рад вас видеть. А как у вас дела?

– Тоже хорошо. Когда вы приехали в Москву?

– Я приехал вчера утром. В этом году у меня двухмесячный отпуск, и я собираюсь провести две недели здесь.

– Я рад, что вы выбрали Москву для отдыха! Я думаю, вы прекрасно проведете здесь время. Вы уже видели много достопримечательностей Москвы?

– Нет еще, но я собираюсь осмотреть достопримечательности Москвы завтра. Вы не можете мне помочь?

– Конечно. Что я могу сделать для вас? Завтра утром я свободен, и я смогу показать вам Москву на своей машине.

– Очень мило с вашей стороны. Огромное вам спасибо. Я знаю, что вы прекрасно знаете этот город. И если вы сможете показать нам город, мы будем вам очень признательны.

– Тогда я буду ждать вас завтра в 9 утра на автобусной остановке около Министерства иностранной торговли.

– Еще раз спасибо. До свидания.



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