

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Figure 1: Sand Flows in the Queensland Foundry Industry

  The Queensland Foundry Industry    
    New Sand Purchased 48,700 tpa       Spent Sand 46,400 tpa  
  Sand Lost (< 5% baghouse dust & general loss) 2,300 tpa Landfill 85%   Beneficial Reuse 15%  


As depicted in Figure above, the average rate of internal sand reclamation for the Queensland foundry industry as a whole is currently 36%. Based on stated plans by several Queensland foundries, the industry average could potentially increase to 50% within the next two years.

Moving beyond 50% recovery will be relatively difficult. A further 5% may be gained if companies improve the efficiency of the current systems. Further gains will probably only be possible through the greater use of thermal reclamation, by improving moulding techniques to reduce the sand input, by changing to different casting processes or by identifying cost effective methods for sand reclamation at small foundries.

While significant work has already been undertake, most Queensland foundries recognise that there are many opportunities for continuous improvement in terms of by-product minimisation and for improving resource efficiency. Key areas identified by the sector include improved sand reclamation, metal yields, energy efficiency and the beneficial reuse of by-products. All of these opportunities are discussed in further detail in this report.

4. Make the word combinations by matching the words in columns:
1) environmental a) disposal
2) solid b) management
3) spent c) clean
4) landfill d) metals
5) noise and e) origin
6) relatively f) issues
7) foundry g) wastes
8) heavy h) strategy
9) beneficial i) sand
10) organic j) odour
11) by-product k) reuse
12) ‘end-of-pipe’ l) processes
5. Fill each gap with an appropriate word from the list below:

a) non-secured, b) relatively, c) ferrous, d) human, e) heavy, f) solid,

g) costs, h) thermal, i) stated, j) efficiency, k) dust, l) by-product

1) generated from ___ foundries 7) large quantities of ___ by-products
2) waste and ___ streams 8) sent to ___ landfill
3) biodegrade ___ quickly 9) energy ___ programs
4) increasing ___ of landfill disposal 10) use of ___ reclamation
5) baghouse ___ and slag 11) hazardous to ___ health
6) the presence of ___ metals 12) based on ___ plans


6. Decide whether the following statements are true or false:

1. Wastes generated from ferrous foundries are relatively benign.

2. Most chemical additives used for sand binding can rather easily be decomposed.

3. Waste sand from ferrous foundries is usually sent to secured landfill.

4. The presence of heavy metals in the non-ferrous foundry sands is the reason for their sending to secured landfill.

5. Bag-house dust from ferrous foundries is dark and heavy so it is very harmful for health.

6. Changing energy sources means using bagasse instead of grid power, natural gas instead of propane, electricity instead of diesel.


7. Match the following English phrases with their Ukrainian equivalents:
1) considerable efforts a) значні зусилля
2) to minimise the impacts b) зменшувати вплив
3) to monitor emissions c) контролювати викиди
4) generated by the foundry industry d) ливарне виробництво
5) on site waste disposal e) ліквідація відходів на місці
6) relatively benign f) відносно безпечний
7) chemical additives g) хімічні добавки
8) leaching procedure h) процес вилуговування
9) bag-house dust i) пил з пиловловлювальної камери
10) occupational health j) гігієна праці
11) secured landfill k) ізольоване захоронення відходів
12) on-site recovery l) локальне відновлення


8. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:
  1. The major waste streams of ferrous foundries are sand, bag-house dust and slag.
  2. The ferrous foundries hope to achieve 100% reuse for their major waste streams in the nearest future.
  3. The volume of material going to landfill is planned to be reduced by 25,000 tonnes per year.
  4. Reuse of wastes can reduce the cost of purchasing materials as well as reducing the cost of unnecessary processing, handling and disposal costs.
  5. Major foundries seek to minimise waste and maximise resource efficiency.
  6. A number of foundries are in the process of installing manual sand reclamation systems or optimising the systems to increase recovery rates.
  7. One of the Queensland foundries, using a shell casting process, has recently commenced thermal sand reclamation to recover 100% of its waste sand.
  8. There are many opportunities for continuous improvement in terms of by-product minimisation and for improving resource efficiency.


9. Find antonyms to the following words in the text above:
active   big  
inorganic   passive  
light   exclude  
heavy   maximization  
decreasing   short  
enlarge   low  


10. Match the participle adjectives on the left with a suitable noun on the right. Use each word only once. Translate the collocations into Ukrainian.
1) stated a) systems
2) diverted b) foundries
3) presented c) methods
4) disposed d) goals
5) generated e) options
6) improved f) rates
7) increased g) costs
8) installed h) sand
9) located i) opportunities
10) reduced j) wastes
11) limited k) material
12) discussed l) ideas



11. You have found out from the text above that foundries have actively sought to minimise waste and maximise resource efficiency in a number of areas throughout the foundry. Write a short research essay (150-180 words): Energy efficiency programs in metallurgy.



12. Explain the meaning of phrases below:


1) ‘End-of-pipe’ strategy;

2) On-site sand reclamation;

3) Changing energy sources.

13. Answer the following questions:


1) What are the impacts of foundry industry on the environment?

2) How can waste materials be disposed?

3) Where is spent foundry sand generated in Queensland disposed?

4) Is it possible to achieve 100% beneficial reuse for the major waste streams?

5) Can you give some examples of waste minimization?


14. Suppose you are taking part in the international seminar on the ecological problems. Make up a short report on the by-products and wastes generated at the metallurgical works. The following information should be included: - general comments on the by-products and wastes generated in metallurgy; - characteristics of the by-products and wastes from the point of view of their quantities; - relatively benign by-products and wastes; - the most dangerous by-products that must be sent to secured landfill.  


1. Arrange the following words in three columns according to their meaning:

shot-blast dust, steel, ladle lining, rolls, iron ore, bag-house dust, raw materials, non-ferrous alloys, solid metal charge, steel sheets, spent green sand, used pots, iron and steel scrap, steel bars, flux, fuel, dross, high-strength irons, large-section billets, chips, air emissions.


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