

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

NOMINATIONS & CATEGORIES ____________________


Международная ассамблея по хореографическому искусству

International Assembly for Choreography Arts


Orenburg, Russia





__ GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS __________________

By virtue of applying for and/or participating in the competition and/or any other event (scheduled by the Organizing Committee in the Agenda) each participant (including head, coach, legal representative, escort & other interested parties) confirms that all rules & regulations set forth are read & accepted.

1. To obtain a FULL PASS for all events (including but not limited to competitive performances, master classes/workshops) participants (or head/representative) must register in the Organizing Committee at the arrival.

It is obligatory that each participant (including all interested parties) wears the Full Pass during the whole period for all events.

Having no Full Pass, one may be denied in the access for any event (including but not limited to competitive performances).

2. Working languages: Russian, English.

3. Any amateur Dance Studio (Company, Ensemble, Team, etc.) or individual is allowed to participate in the competition.

4. Competitive performances are scheduled by the Organizing Committee according to electronic casting lots among the entries submitted.

5. The Agenda of “TEVY Dance GRAND PRIX” may comprise competitive & other events (including master classes, entertainments, disco, etc.) till 24 hours local time

Parents (and/or any other legal representative) give their permission & consent (with no additional papers signed) to their minors to take part in all events scheduled by the Agenda till 24 hours inclusive.

6. It is prohibited to change the repertoire after 20, October, 2014.

7. The full age of each participant is determined as on 06, November, 2014. Non-compliance with the age group may not exceed 25%, otherwise the participant is transferred to the elder group.

8. Each contestant may participate in two or more nominations (dance categories) with no additional restrictions.

9. Each track of high quality shall be burned in (audio track) CD format or *.mp3, *.wav on a separate disc (flash drive) for each routine. The name of the studio/individual shall be clearly printed on the CD or label. It is recommended to have an extra copy of each CD.

10. The CDs burned in *.wma, etc., or MD (mini discs), or tracks of bad (low) quality shall not be accepted, the participant may be disqualified.

11. Dancers shall report backstage & shall submit a CD to sound technician 2 (two) routines in advance of their scheduled performance.

12. The routine shall start in no longer than 10 seconds after the MC has announced it to the Jury, otherwise the participant may be disqualified & not allowed to repeat the routine, unless there is a problem with the music or necessity to pause for the Organizers.

13. Participants are allowed to use their own props as well as special light & other effects, if available. The taking on & off of props and cleaning the stage after it has become littered during a routine is the sole responsibility of the participant & may not exceed 15 seconds prior/post a routine.

14. Using open fire, pyrotechnics & similar, spray paints and other potentially hazardous & dangerous substances & materials indoors or on stage is strictly prohibited.

15. If dance movements, lyrics or costuming is deemed too suggestive or otherwise inappropriate for our family audience, the participant may be disqualified & not allowed to repeat the routine.

16. Attention! Using photo and/or video shooting devices (including mobile gadgets & cell phones) during master classes/workshops and competition (in the auditorium, gym, backstage, on the dance floor) is strictly prohibited! Violation of this rule may lead to disqualification of the participant.

Photo & video shooting is allowed only to the accredited TV companies & individual persons. See “ENTRIES & TERMS OF PAYMENT” for further information.

17. Head/escort/legal representative of the Dance Studio and/or an individual (or participant himself/herself) holds full responsibility for life & health of children (contestants) as well as for safety of contestant’s property & belongings during the whole period of all events scheduled by “TEVY Dance GRAND PRIX” Agenda.

18. The Organizing Committee (including but not limited to officers, managers, directors, and staff) does not hold any responsibility for any accident caused by the participant’s carelessness and/or any injury sustained while in attendance or participating in any event scheduled by the Agenda.

19. Each participant holds full responsibility for observing all rules of staying at the Hotel according to the Hotel’s Regulations and/or legislation of Russian Federation.

For the flagrant violation of rules, the following sanctions may be applied, including but not limited to: penalty for the Hotel’s property damage; disqualification of the participant; eviction (deportation) with no refunding or reimbursement of participant’s expenditures.

20. Each contestant (including heads, teachers, legal representatives, escorts and other interested parties) in any situation MUST DEMONSTRATE MUTUAL RESPECT towards the rivals, Organizing Committee (& its’ representatives), Jury, guests invited, staff, audience and other persons participating in “TEVY Dance GRAND PRIX” in any form.

21. Violation of the rules set in the given Regulations may result in disqualification of the participant, including eviction (deportation) with no refunding or reimbursement of any participant’s expenditures.

22. All disputes and discrepancies appearing between parties on the issues not set in the given Regulations shall be resolved & settled by means of negotiating to the Organizing Committee/”TEVY Art Group” Directorate in accordance to the legislation of Russian Federation.

In case disputes, discrepancies and other problems appear due to misunderstanding caused by inaccuracy in the translation of the given Regulations, the original text in Russian only is considered & agreed to be authentic.

23. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to introduce changes, amendments, specifications & other addenda into the Agenda, rules, conditions and the given Regulations in case it may be required.

NOMINATIONS & CATEGORIES ____________________

1. The competition comprises the following BASIC NOMINATIONS:

- Kids’ Dance;

- Ballet/Pointe/Classical Dance;

- World/National Dance, Ethnic;

- Stylized Folk-based/National-based Dance, Folk;

- Pop Dance;

- Hip-hop;

- Modern, Contemporary;

- Ballroom dance;

- ACRO-Dance

(routine, primarily based on & including no less than 50% of acrobatic moves, elements & tricks; any style of dance & music may be used);


(style-free category (excluding nominations listed above), having no restrictions in choreography & music; synthesis of any techniques & a free realization of any idea by the dancer and/or choreographer).

2. The competition also comprises SPECIAL NOMINATIONS:

- Jackson Style

(routine, based exceptionally on choreography (style) & music of Michael Jackson (including remix, cover & other versions));

- Calisthenics theatre

- The best choreographer’s work

(routine - authentic choreographer’s work, performed by Studio, individual or the author).

3. All nominations (except for "special") comprise FORMS:

- soloist;

- small groups(2-5 persons);

- ensembles(6+ persons).

4. The competition comprises AGE CATEGORIES(except for "special" nomination):

- ≥ 10(Kids’ Dance only);

- 11-14;

- 15-18;

- 19-22;

- 23+.

5. Maximum TIME (duration) of the competitive performance for all nominations:

- soloists:2 min 30 sec;

- small groups:3 min 00 sec;

- ensembles:4 min 00 sec;

- calisthenics theater:20 min 00 sec.

Attention! In case the duration of performance exceeds the time set above, the sound technician has to stop the music (fade-out), the Jury has the right to disqualify the participant.

6. Each participant (Studio/individual) has the right to participate in two (2) or more nominations; different routines shall be used for different nominations.

7. In case of non-compliance of the routine with the nomination applied for, the Jury transfers the participant to a relevant nomination or disqualifies the contestant by the collective decision.

8. When submitting the entry it is recommended to specify the style (type or kind) of the choreography, nationality (in the World Dance) which is used for the routine. In case there are participants enough for a specific nomination, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to form such an additional nomination.

9. In the Modern, Contemporary, Calisthenics theatre nominations it is obligatory to submit the annotation (libretto) of each routine in ENGLISH only.

10. For “Special” nominations the age & form (quantity) of participants (dancers) are not considered.

11. For the "The best choreographer’s work":

- The performance skills, as well as music and/or choreography styles are not considered.

- It is requested that the author (choreographer) submits either of: CV/Professional Resume/ Professional Profile.

- It is obligatory that the author (choreographer) is on the venue personally during the competition.




Дата добавления: 2015-09-13; просмотров: 151; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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