АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Ten things the Queen could do by using the royal prerogative1. Dismiss the Government. 2. Declare war. 3. Disband the Army. 4. Sell all the ships in the Navy. 5. Dismiss the Civil Service. 6. Give territory away to a foreign power. 7. Make everyone a peer. 8. Declare a State of Emergency. 9. Pardon all offenders. 10. Create universities in every parish in the United Kingdom. Eleven things the Queen takes on journeys 1. Her feather pillows. 2. Her hot water bottle. 3. Her favourite China tea. 4. Cases of Malvern water. 5. Barley sugar. 6. Cameras. 7. Her monogrammed electric kettle. 8. Her toilet soap. 9. A special white kid lavatory seat. 10. Jewellery associated with the countries she is visiting. 11. Mourning clothes and black-edged writing paper in case of bereavements. The Queen's particular likes 1. Horse racing ("Were it not for my Archbishop of Canterbury, I should be off in my plane to Longchamps every Sunday"). 2. Scottish country dancing. 3. Jigsaw puzzles. 4. Long-stemmed, deep-pink carnations. 5. Champagne. 6. Deerstalking. 7. Quiet evenings at home watching television with her supper on a tray. 8. Crossword puzzles. 9. Bright red dresses. 10. The Beatles film "Yellow Submarine". 11. Sandringham. Dislikes of the Queen l.Ivy. 2. Snails ("How can you like those beastly things?" she asked Prince Philip). 3. Tennis, including Wimbledon. 4. Milk pudding. 5. The cold. 6. Grouse. 7. Any talk of Edward VIII. 8. Charles Dickens. 9. Dictating letters. 11. Cigar smoke. ' 12. Sailing. 13. Listening to aft^r-dinner speeches^,* Find these т the lists above. 1. The name of a famous French horse-racing track. 2. The name of the Queen's country house in Norfolk. 3. The title of the head of the Church of England. 4. The name of the sport of hunting deer. 5. A green plant which grows on the outside walls of houses. 6. A bird which is shot, and eaten, mainly in Scotland. 7. The name of the Queen's uncle, who gave up the throne to marry a divorced American woman. 8. The name of a famous nineteenth-century British writer. 9. The name of the first stone in a new building. Chapter ill The Usa Unit I. The Constitution........................................................„................71 Unit II. The System of Government.......................................................75 Unit III. The System of Checks and Balances..........................*..............85 Unit IV. American Federalism...............................................................87 UnitV. Elections.....................................................................................90 Unit VI. Language Activities. Glimpses of American History..............94 Revision..................................................................................................96 Glossary to chapters II and III................................................................97 Unit I THE CONSTITUTION TASK 1. Before reading the texts, tell the class what you remember about the system of government and the Constitution of the USA. TASK 2. Read the text. "Americans are a nation born of an idea; not the place, but the idea, created the United States Government." (Theodore H. White)