

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

B. Independence Day

Independence Day is one of the most important patriotic holidays celebrated in the United States of America. In 1776 the thirteen American colonies were in the midst of the revolutionary war against Great Britain. On the

4th of July of that year the Continental Congress (a)____, the document

which (b)_____the colonies free and independent states. It is the (c)_____

and the (d)

of this document that Americans remember on July, 4.

The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson who

later became the young nation's (e)_____president. Since Independence Day

is a summer holiday and a day-off from work for almost everyone, many

families enjoy (f)_____ or (g)_____ on the 4th. The occasion is also

(h)_____ by colourful and noisy (i)_____, (j)_____and m some

communities (k)_____. The flag is flown, and red, white and blue ribbons

are used for decoration at (1)_____. The army (m)_____, firing a thirteen

gun salute. Throughout the nation church bells ring (n)_____ the

Philadelphian Liberty Bell that first (o)

American Independence.

C. Why Is the White House White?

We have all heard of the famous White House in Washington, USA, home of the President of America. But how many of us know why it is white? It

is known that the original building was (a)_____by the British during the

British-American war, when the Americans (b)_____.Some time later the

building was painted white, to hide the (c)_____on the walls. And it has

been (d)_____that colour since that time, as (e)_____ of American



TASK 1. Complete the following text with the words and phrases from the box, using them in the appropriate form.

constitution; structure; voter; national; to name;

federal; government; to vote; responsibility; violation;


to govern;

to be elected (2);

to be appointed;

to be removed from office.

The United States is a (a)____union of 50 states, with District of

Columbia as the seat of the (b)____government. The Constitution outlines

(c)____of the. national government and specifies its powers and activities.

Other government activities are the (d)____ of the individual states, which

have their own (e)

and (f)_

. Within each state there are counties,

townships, cities and villages, each of which has its own elective (g)____.

All government in the United States is "of, by and for the people".

Members of Congress, the President, state officials and those who (h)____

counties and cities (i)____by popular vote. The President (j)____the

heads of federal departments while judges are either (k)____directly by the

people or (1)____by elected officials, (m)____mark unsigned ballots in

private booths, so that no one else can find out for whom a citizen (n)____.

Public officials may (o)____for failing to perform their duties properly, as

well as for serious (p)____of law.

TASK 2. Complete the following statements with the appropriate and expressions from the Unit.


The US Constitution sets the basic form of government:

ultimate power under the Constitution, in fact, belongs to____

of Rights declares such fundamental rights of any American as__


The Bill



The Supreme Court of the USA consists of ___, and must be approved by___

_. They are appointed

A decision of the Supreme

Court____to any other court. The Supreme Court has direct jurisdiction in

the following kinds of cases:____. All other cases are____. The only

power of the Supreme Court which is not stated in the Constitution is the power of


All the fifty states of America have____form of government. The

executive branch of the government in each state is headed by____, and the

judicial branch is represented by____. Each state has its own___' which

must not interfere with____.


There is a two-party system in the USA. The Democratic Party is

usually associated with____, and the Republicans, with____. Anyone

who____таУ vote in the presidential election in the US. Those who want to

vote must____before tiie election takes place. The national presidential

elections consist of two separate campaigns: one is ____; the other is

TASK 3. Define the following word-combinations. Illustrate your definitions with examples.

a) Judicial Review;

b) Executive Power;

c) Separation of Powers;

d) bicameral legislature;

e) majority party.

TASK 4 Give the words with the opposite meanings to:

a) to approve;

b) majority;

c) consent;

d) to win;

e) to allow.

Glossary to chapters II and

act(n) - statute, a formal record of sth done of transacted.

- act of Parliament.

amend(v) - to change or modify for the better, improve.

- amendment (n) appoint (v) - see Ch. I

approve(v) - to give formal or official sanction, ratify.

- disapprove (n)- see bench Ch. I

ballot(n) - a sheet of paper, or orig. a small ball, used in secret voting. ballot-box (n) -a locked box wherein ballots are deposited.



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