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Before you watch
Misletoe is a Christmas decoration. According to the tradition, any two people who meet under the hanging mistletoe at Christmas are supposed to kiss.
Joni Mitchell is a Canadian singer and song-writer who rose to prominence in the 1960s While you watch
1. What did Harry ask Mia to organise?
2. What venue did Mia propose?
3. Why did Harry want to thank Joni Mitchell?
4. Why did Karen mention Pavarotti?
After you watch
· Do you think Karen overreacted when she got the present?
· Do Harry's actions constitute cheating in your eyes?
· Why do you think Karen didn't confront him about it?
· Do you think Mia is genuinely attracted to him or is she just playing Harry for her own amusement (and the necklace)? Love Actually Characters in focus: