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World Bank Program

Post-Chernobvl Recovery Project (2006)

The Belarus Post-Chernobyl Recovery Project aims to provide the population residing in the Chernobyl affected area with energy efficient and reliable heat and hot water services in order to improve their living environment.

There are three project components. Component 1, the Energy Efficiency Component, improves energy efficiency through upgrading or replacement of heat production and distribution equipment, and improving thermal insulation and lighting in public buildings. Component 2, the Residential Gas Connections Component, provides household connections to existing gas distribution network to improve heat supply and replace utilization of dirty fuels, including those that may be contaminated with radioactive material. Component 3, Project Implementation and Management Support, includes (a) design and supervision for project investments; (b) staffing, equipment, and training; (c) public information; and (d) auditing and other fiduciary or technical services.

Belarus: Water Supply and Sanitation Project (2008)

Water Supply and Sanitation Project complements the government the National Water Development Program "Chistaya Voda".

WASHINGTON, September 30, 2008 - The following project was approved by the World Bank's Board

of Executive Directors:

IBRD Loan Amount: US$60 million

Terms: Maturity = 17 years; Grace = 5 years

Project Description: The project aims to increase the efficiency, quality, and sustainability of water supply and sanitation services to 1.7 million people living in 20 rayons across the country.

The project consists of three components: (a) Project Implementation and Management, (b) Rehabilitation of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems, and (c) Support to the Preparation and Sustainability of Investments.

The Republic of Belarus became a member of the World Bank in 1992. The Bank continues to support Belarus in enhancing the competitiveness of its economy to assure rising incomes and protecting the welfare of the weakest, and addressing global environment, and energy challenges.

To date, the Banks lending commitments in Belarus total US$ 258 million for 6 projects. The recently completed Social Infrastructure Retrofitting Project has demonstrated economically and socially important results. The World Banks loan helped to retrofit about 700 public buildings serving 550,000 people in 116 settlements across the country. In 2007, the World Bank provided an additional US$15 million to cover additional public facilities. The on-going Post Chernobyl Recovery Project, supported by a US$50 million World Bank's loan, aims to ensure reliable and energy efficient heat and hot water- supply for about 500,000 Belarusians in areas affected by the Chernobyl accident.

In September 2008 a US$ 60 million loan for a Water Supply and Sanitation Project was approved. The project aims to increase the efficiency, quality and sustainability of water supply and sanitation services to 1.7 million people living in 20 rayons across the country.

About thirty national programs received grant financing totaling US$ 18 million. Two projects supporting Belarus' efforts in strengthening its environment institutions and complying with its international commitments are currently under implementation: the IDF Grant for Enhancing Institutional and Legal Framework for Environmental Permitting in Belarus (US$440,000); and the GEF Grant for preparation of the full-size Persistent Organic Pollutant Stockpile Management and Technical/Institutional Capacity Upgrading Project (US$ 285,000).

In addition, the World Bank Group provides analytical and advisory assistance to the Government of Belarus in areas including the investment climate, improved management of public finances and maintaining macroeconomic and financial stability.


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