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Engineering department

Duties of the ship’s crew

The Captain (or Master) He is the Leader of the Ship Master is responsible for the safety of the ship, her cargo and the crew.
· He sets course and speed · · He directs crew members · · He keeps log book · He keeps records of the ship’s movements and cargo · устанавливает направление и скорость судна · дает распоряжения команде корабля · ведет судовой журнал ·ведет учет движения судна и груза

Deck department


1. Chief Officer/Chief Mate   The Chief Officer is the head of the deck department, second-in-command after the ship's master. The mate is responsible for: · cargo operations · the safety of the ship · welfare of the crew on board welfare- благосостояние The Chief Mate also trains the crew and cadets on various aspects like safety, firefighting, search and rescue. Старший помощник также обучает членов экипажа и курсантов по различным аспектам, как безопасность, борьба с пожаром, поисково-спасательные операции.  
2. Second Officer/Second Mate   The second mate is typically the navigation officer aboard a ship. · The navigation officer is responsible for: the charts and navigational equipment on the bridge.
3. Third Officer/Third Mate   The third officer is responsible for: · the safety of the ship and crew · all life saving equipment  
4. Radio officer  
  • operates radio equipment
  • broadcasts weather reports and warnings – передавать сводки погоды и предупреждения
  • transmits and receives messages
5. Boatswain (Bosun)   · keeps the ship’s holds, deck and hull in good condition · takes part in loading and unloading the cargo - принимает участие в погрузке и разгрузке судов (load -груз) · takes part in docking  
6. Able seaman A.B. Deckhands · stands watch as helmsman and lookout. · cleans the bridge · repairs deck equipment and safety equipment · keeps the ship’s metal structures in good condition · operates the deck machinery such as the windlass or winches  
7. Ordinary seaman O.S.  
  • assists the able seaman
  • sweeps and washes deck.
  • checks the safety of the cargo.
  • He also assists in emergency drills (lifeboat, abandon ship and fire)

Engineering department

Chief Engineer Chief engineer is the head of Engine department and reports to Master (Captain) of the ship. ·He is responsible for all of the machinery aboard ship.
Second engineer/first assistant engineer · He is responsible for the machinery in the ER.
Third engineer/second assistant engineer He is responsible for fuel oil, fresh water and care of the boilers. - несет ответственный за топливо, пресную воду и уход за котлами.
Fourth engineer/third assistant engineer · maintains electrical equipment.
  • maintains and lubricates machinery
Electrician ·installs, maintains and repairs electrical systems and equipment



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