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I saw a man diminishing at dusk...Until To the end, to the end – and higher than a starry way Rise close to Heaven, watching high and low; trespass against the bounds of human clay: it’s easier than with men’s turbid tide to flow. Have known enough – too much – and not enough to say what’s done, to creep beneath the sky; Have been distressed not by those husky and rough beasts – to remember your first child’s say but cry. This weak-willed flesh and this heart, dishonored to feel Those innermost things, cut out to please the most of those who loved you before and go on still – ‘till the last man’s touch and far neighbor’s mercy lost. Sometimes I Want Sometimes I want to drink with you, To live under one roof. ’Twill happen not. There are a few who’d rather dwell aloof Than be the weakest link of what some call now "loneliness". If they would not, what stranger’s lot – to add to all things “less”? With you I’d like to have a drink And get it out-drunk, To have the softest bed to sink And lie like a tree trunk. It will be not a question whom To pull the shortest straw, to reach one’s hand (who should presume to reach it – and withdraw?). It will be no great matter how we ever loose our ends: If one of us will make a bow, Or if we can stay friends. Or if it matters, let it go Like something of a mess, Then let it rain and let it snow, and what goes now – you’ll guess. We’ll be a good match even if You give it up too soon, For who stays with a man to live which tastes you with a spoon? And while he tastes, he likes the smack (all demons to ignore), And in between takes you aback While reaching up the core. AUTUMNAL MOOD At Ease Now I enjoy all this charming habitual grace embodied in nobody's gesture and nobody's face Hearing only that smoldered magnificent call As if being mentioned to leaves as a part of its soul. Recognition Grow from above to soar like a leaf Rising neither despair, nor belief; Turn to the earth your cold withered face Giving her back just her own gaze. Blown High 'Farewell' is said to a brittle twig When broken is the yellow wing - And the leaf is falling being struck while, even dead, does run amuck! Thirst For Life As you deny these wars, and cries, and blood, And tears being the greatest human flood Since the first time a man was brought to life, Was given bread, and love, and loving wife - You see the time the light will be no more As you tangled the ways you strayed before, And think of those who stand beyond their wish For death - to taste that exquisite relish Of ease they felt (the sweetest fruit of loath)...