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Source Files

Source Files for creating applications with the RL-FlashFS library can be found in the folders:

Folder Name Description
\ARM\RV31\INC Contains include files, header files, and configuration files.
\ARM\RV31\LIB Contains the library files, such as FS_ARM_L.LIB, FS_CM3.LIB and others.
\ARM\RL\FlashFS\Drivers Contains driver modules for MCI, MMC, NAND, and SPI devices.
\ARM\RL\FlashFS\Config Contains configuration files, such as File_Config.c and Retarget.c.
\ARM\RL\FlashFS\Flash\device family Contains Flash programming functions and device description files.
\ARM\Boards\vendor\board\RL\FlashFS Contains example applications built with the RL-FlashFS Library. Use the projects as templates to create new applications.

RL-FlashFS include files in \ARM\RV31\INC:

File Name File Type Layer Description
absacc.h Header File All layers Header file to locating variables at absolute addresses at C level. The file is included from the file File_lib.c. Code changes are not required.
File_Config.h Header File All layers Header file with common definitions. Code changes are not required.
File_lib.c Module All layers System configuration file outlining library functions. Code changes are not required.
RTL.h Header File All layers Common header file with type definitions and exporting library functions. Code changes are not required.

RL-FlashFS library files in \ARM\RV31\LIB:

The RL-FlashFS libraries FS_ARM_L.lib, FS_CM1.lib, and FS_CM3.lib include code that is capable of supporting a file system with long filenames in applications that you develop. Distribution of applications that you develop that include a file system with long filenames is only permitted if you first obtain a license from Microsoft for such a file system.
As an alternative, the libraries FSN_ARM_L.lib, FSN_CM1.lib, and FSN_CM3.lib are not capable of supporting a file system with long filenames.

File Name File Type Layer Description
FS_ARM_L.lib Library All layers RL-FlashFS library for ARM7 and ARM9 devices - Little Endian.
FS_ARM_B.lib Library All layers RL-FlashFS library for ARM7 and ARM9 devices - Big Endian.
FS_CM1.lib Library All layers RL-FlashFS library for Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M1 devices - Little Endian.
FS_CM3.lib Library All layers RL-FlashFS library for Cortex-M3 devices - Little Endian.
FSN_ARM_L.lib Library All layers RL-FlashFS library without FAT Long File Name support for ARM7 and ARM9 devices - Little Endian.
FSN_ARM_B.lib Library All layers RL-FlashFS library without FAT Long File Name support for ARM7 and ARM9 devices - Big Endian.
FSN_CM1.lib Library All layers RL-FlashFS library without FAT Long File Name support for Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M1 devices - Little Endian.
FSN_CM3.lib Library All layers RL-FlashFS library without FAT Long File Name support for Cortex-M3 devices - Little Endian.

RL-FlashFS interface files in \ARM\RL\FlashFS\Drivers:

File Name File Type Layer Description
MCI_device family Module and include file All layers Multimedia Card Interface driver files with device specific definitions and functions. Code changes are not required.
NAND_device family Module and include file All layers NAND Flash Interface driver files with device specific definitions and functions. Code changes are not required.
SDIO_device family Module and include file All layers Multimedia Card Interface driver files with device specific definitions and functions. Code changes are not required.
SPI_device family.c Module All layers Serial Peripheral Interface driver file with device specific definitions and functions. Code changes are not required.

RL-FlashFS configuration files in \ARM\RL\FlashFS\Config:

File Name File Type Layer Description
File_Config.c Module All layers Application and device configuration file. Code changes can be entered manually or using the µVision Configuration Wizard.
Retarget.c Module All layers Module exposing low-level I/O functions. Code changes are not required.

RL-FlashFS Flash programming and device description files in \ARM\RL\FlashFS\Flash\device family:

File Name File Type Layer Description
FS_FlashDev.h Header file All layers Device description file defining the memory layout for devices using Embedded File System. Adapt the code the application needs.
FS_FlashPrg.c Module All layers Module with Flash programming functions for devices using the Embedded File System. Adapt the code to the application needs.
FS_SPI_FlashDev.h Header file All layers Device description file for SPI devices outlining the memory layout. Adapt the code the application needs.
FS_SPI_FlashPrg.c Module All layers Module with Flash programming functions for SPI devices. Adapt the code to the application needs.
IAP.s Module All layers Assembler file with IAP execution functions. Adapt the code to the application needs.




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