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The main functions of the zero article are as follows:

· generalizing

· totalizing

· qualifying

· individualizing

The generalizing zero article indicates an abstract notion expressed by the noun rather than a concrete object. Therefore, it can be compensated by the following words: вообще, как таковой, if any: Woman is physically weaker than man. – Женщина вообще физически слабее мужчины. Life is short. – Жизнь (как таковая) коротка.

When usage of the zero article with the noun in the plural is close to that of the classifying indefinite article with the noun in the singular, the compensating pronoun все can be used: Museums are closed on Mondays. – В понедельник закрыты все музеи.

The totalizing zero article indicates that two or more objects are considered as a single unit, as a whole.134 As such, the sentence can be translated either word for word or with the help of a resumptive word: He gave us ink, paper and penand asked us to put down everything we could remember about the accident.135 – Он дал нам ручку, чернила и бумагу и попросил написать все, что мы могли вспомнить об этом несчастном случае. Он дал нам все, что нужно для письма: ручку, чернила и бумагу - и попросил написать все, что вспомним об этом несчастном случае.

The qualifying zero article is used with the nouns referring to action, state, and /or quality rather than object: I’m really tired and I’m going to bed. – Я действительно устала и собираюсь лечь спать. He was soldier enough to fight that battle to its bitter end. – У него было достаточно мужества, чтобы выдержать битву до ее горького конца. He translated word for word. – Он все перевел дословно. Thus, to translate a sentence with the qualifying article, we often have to resort to substitution of a part of speech.

The individualizing zero article should be taken into account, first and foremost, in translating from Russian into English. It is common knowledge that no article is used with proper nouns. However, this article can also be characteristics of common nouns, referring to members of one’s own family (in this case, the nouns are usually capitalized): I hope Unclewill not be late, because Grandmother is rather tired and so is Mother. – Надеюсь, что дядя не опоздает, так как бабушка довольно устала, и мама тоже. The article, thus, helps to understand whose family is meant, the speaker’s or somebody else’s: The puppies looked just like the neighbor’s dog, so we assumed it was the father. – Щенята были очень похожи на соседского пса, поэтому мы предположили, что это был их отец.

The individualizing zero article is also typical of address: Почему ты плачешь, девочка? – Why do you cry, little girl? This article is also used with nouns modified by postpositional cardinal numerals: Откройте книги на странице 20. – Please open your books to page 20.



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