

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Коды правильных ответов

Вариант 1

1. Выберите слово, сходное по значению со словом occupation. A) profession. B) decision. C) respect. D) condition. E) success.
2. Выберите слово, близкое по значению: believe. A) Advise. B) Suppose. C) Reach. D) See. E) Notice.
3. Выберите правильное слово This is … way to school. A) any B) the C) an D) – E) some
4. Выберите правильный вариант притяжательной формы существительного в единственном числе. A) people’s work. B) teachers’ colleges. C) student’s opportunity. D) fathers’s boots. E) women’s appearance.
5. Выберите правильный вариант сказуемого. There … something in the box. A) Been. B) Were. C) Is. D) Am. E) Are.
6. Выберите слово, в котором выделенная буква читается отлично от других. A) Glue B) Glutton C) Globe D) Geography E) Glassy
7. Дополните пословицу: East or West, … is best. A) Home. B) Shopping. C) School. D) Rest. E) South.
8. Выберите правильный вариант перевода слова: Неправда A) Truth. B) Distruth. C) Untruth. D) Imtruth. E) Intruth.
9. Образуйте прилагательное при помощи суффикса: Use A) word B) ic C) ly D) ous E) less
10. Выберите верное местоимение. Pete says apple are… favorite fruit. A) Its. B) You. C) Her. D) I. E) His.
11. Выберите верное местоимение. … books were read last year. A) It. B) This. C) One. D) That. E) Those.
12. Дополните предложение, вставив нужное местоимение: Did you meet ... on your way home? A) none B) nobody C) any D) anybody E) some
13. Выберите правильный ответ: Is Tom going to play on the bridge? A) No, she isn’t. B) Yes, he is. C) Yes, it is. D) Yes, he will. E) Yes, she is.
14. Определите, чем является подчёркнутое слово: The girl washing the floor is my sister. A) герундием B) причастием C) наречием D) инфинитивом E) модальным глаголом
15. “To get in” означает: A) Распространяться B) Преодолеть C) Продолжать D) Обойти E) Входить
16. Форма множественного числа отличается от остальных в слове: A) Tooth. B) Horse. C) Eye. D) Animal. E) Body.
17. Выберите правильную форму глагола “to be”: My brother and I … born in Almaty. A) been B) was C) is D) were E) am
18. Выберите правильный вариант сказуемого: We … institute every Friday. A) Attend. B) Has attended. C) Was attended. D) Is attending. E) Attending.
19. Выберите правильный вариант: We were told that the train … five minutes later. A) had been arriving B) would arrive C) has arrived D) will arrive E) would be arrivе
20. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге: He (to send) for the doctor. A) Is send. B) Are send. C) Was sent. D) Have been sent. E) Are sent.
21. Закончите предложение : When I was younger, I … play tennis quite well. A) To be used to B) To get used to C) Used to D) Used E) Am used to
22. Образуйте форму Gerund от глагола "have": A) To have had. B) To have. C) Having. D) To be having. E) To have been having.
23. Образуйте форму Perfect Infinitive от глагола "Tell": A) To have telling. B) To be told. C) To tell. D) To have told. E) To have tell.
24. Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопрос после текста: A traveller who had been riding in rain and was wet through, arrived at a small hotel in the country. There was only one fireplace in the hall and a lot of people around it. The traveller thought of a plan how to get warm. He asked the hotel owner to give some fish to his horse. The hotel owner was surprised but the traveller insisted and the hotel owner did as he was asked. All the people rushed out to see the horse eat fish. The traveller had the fireplace all to himself and felt comfortable. When the hotel owner had returned he said, "I was sure horses do not eat fish". - "Then why did you give it to my horse?". Why did the traveller ask the hotel owner to feed his horse with fish? A) because he wanted to get warm B) because it was hungry C) because he was tired D) because he wanted to sleep E) because he wanted to see the horse eat fish
25. Дополните предложение: Please, ... another dress. This one is too big for you. A) hope B) let C) case D) think E) try on
26. Выразите одним словом: You send them to your relatives on holidays. A) Postcards. B) Sorrows. C) Clouds. D) Bags. E) Children.
27. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. Professor Asher … another lecture at the same time next week. A) would give B) has been giving C) has given D) will be giving E) gives
28. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. All the people we … came, and some that we hadn’t invited. A) have invited B) were inviting C) inviting D) invite E) had invited
29. Вставьте необходимый модальный глагол: We've got plenty of time. We ... hurry. A) may not B) don’t can C) must D) needn’t E) had to
30. Выберите подходящий русский эквивалент к слову “freshman” In American English, freshman means … . A) вновь прибывший B) первокурсник C) новичок в деле D) выпускник E) второкурсник  


Вариант 2

1. Выберите антоним слова. Noise. A) weight. B) cheer. C) silence. D) cut. E) sail.
2. Выберите правильное слово Pass me … salt, please. A) – B) those C) the D) an E) a
3. Существительное во множественном числе. A) wolfes B) wolfs C) welf D) wolves E) wolf
4. Выберите правильный вариант предложения в Past Simple Tense. A) My friend has just come home. B) Pupils run and jump at P.T. Lessons. C) We are reading now. D) Ahmed phoned me yesterday. E) My birthday will be on Sunday.
5. Выберите подходящий английский эквивалент. На стене напротив двери весит большая картина. A) A large picture on the wall opposite the door there is. B) There is on the wall a large picture opposite the door. C) Opposite the door on the wall is there a large picture. D) There is a large picture on the wall opposite the door. E) A large picture is there on the wall opposite the door.
6. Выберите слово, в котором выделенная буква читается отлично от других слов: A) Umbrella. B) Bus. C) Brush. D) Butter. E) Bush.
7. Образуйте прилагательное с противоположным значением от слова "possible": A) Impossible. B) Repossible. C) Ilpossible. D) Inpossible. E) Unpossible.
8. Выберите верное местоимение. It’s nice that Becky brought her textbook with … . A) She. B) It. C) Hers. D) Her. E) Me.
9. Выберите верное местоимение. … is a large house. A) This. B) Those. C) Its. D) None. E) These.
10. Выберите верное местоимение: Is there … apples in the basket? A) no B) any C) anything D) nothing E) some
11. Выберите правильный ответ: Are you going to invite her to the party? A) Yes, I shall. B) Yes, I am. C) Yes, there is. D) Yes, it is. E) No, I shan’t
12. Найдите правильный вариант перевода на русский язык: It’s no use asking him about it. A) Вы скоро привыкнете к этому. B) Раньше здесь был дом. C) Бесполезно его спрашивать об этом. D) Я часто его встречал. E) Он обычно приходил к нам.
13. Выберите страдательный залог герундия в несовершенном времени на примере следующего глагола: To write A) writing B) being written C) write D) be writing E) having been written
14. Определите предложение с Participle I: A) He buys fruits every Sunday. B) A young lady buying flowers is my aunt. C) She bought a new dress last week. D) They want to buy tickets. E) We like buying ice–cream.
15. Выберите фразовый глагол со значением «Продолжать, идти дальше»: A) To go in for B) To go on C) To go off D) To go without E) To go back
16. Найдите предложение с фразовым глаголом: A) The sun shines in the sky. B) He was born in October. C) There were many people in the street. D) They go to school in the morning. E) Come in, please.
17. Подберите соответствующий перевод: The book is less interesting than the film. A) Книга более интересная, чем фильм. B) Фильм такой же интересный, как книга. C) Фильм менее интересный, чем книга. D) Книга менее интересная, чем фильм. E) Книга такая же интересная как фильм.
18. Дополните предложение: Not to catch the train means to ... it. A) have B) like C) buy D) sell E) miss
19. К теме "Travelling" относится слово: A) Snow. B) Excursion. C) Study. D) Pupil. E) Tree.
20. Выберите слово с суффиксом, обозначающим состояние или качество: A) Freshless. B) Freshly. C) Freshable. D) Freshy. E) Freshness.
21. Выберите правильный вариант притяжательной формы существительного: Astana is this … new capital. A) Сountries’. B) Countries. C) Country’s. D) Country. E) Countrys’.
22. Выберите глагол в форме Past Continuous: A) Was doing. B) Has done. C) Is done. D) Doing. E) Done.
23. Вставьте глагол в соответствующей форме: Seeing Nick enter the room I rose (greet) him. A) to greet B) greeted C) greet D) to greeting E) to greeted
24. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос после текста: Jonathan Swift liked order in everything. All the people in his house, for example, had to shut the door behind them when they came into the room or left it. One day a maid servant came and asked him to let her visit her sister who lived ten miles away. Swift not only agreed, but let her go there in his own carriage. The girl was so happy that she forgot to shut the door when she left the room. Swift let her go, but about half an hour later he ordered one of the servant to ride after the carriage and tell the girl come back. The poor girl had to turn back. She asked him what he wanted. "I only want you to shut the door", was his answer. "Now you may go to visit your sister. I wish you a pleasant journey". Why did J. Swift order the girl to come back? A) Because he wanted to teach her discipline. B) Because he was a good master. C) Because he wanted to wish her a pleasant jourhey. D) Because he wanted to give her his carriage. E) Because he wanted to stay her at home.
25. Выберите правильную форму глагола “to be”: Last Friday he … in Astana ,…he? A) wasn’t, was B) were, weren’t C) were, was D) were, were E) wasn’t, wasn’t
26. Найдите правильный вариант глагола: I just … a postgraduate degree in business and administration. A) will complete B) completing C) have completed D) has completed E) is compliting
27. Выберите правильный вариант: He explained that they … for us near the gate. A) will be waiting B) will wait C) would wait D) wait E) would waiting
28. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге: The patient (to take) to hospital last Friday. A) Was take. B) Take. C) Were taken. D) Was taken. E) Was took.
29. Найдите эквивалент: Она должна прийти. A) Can she come? B) She had to come in time. C) She needn’t come. D) She should have come in time. E) She is to come.
30. Закончите предложение: A "jack" is an old name for ... A) a danger B) a tower C) a village D) a city E) a sailor  


Вариант 3

1. Синонимом слова “Sad” является: A) Happy. B) Bright. C) Merry. D) Dull. E) Clever.
2. Выберите правильный вариант артиклей. Kansas is situated in … central part of … USA. A) -, -. B) The, the. C) A, a. D) An, a. E) -, the.
3. Выберите правильный вариант притяжательной формы существительного в единственном числе. A) students’ choir. B) inspectors’ idea. C) actresse’s hat. D) actor’s voice. E) spectators’ seats.
4. Выберите правильную форму глагола They … married next week. A) gets B) was getting C) are getting D) got E) is getting
5. Выберите правильную форму глагола . There … any sugar on the table. A) am B) isn`t C) are D) is E) aren`t
6. Выберите слово, в котором выделенная буква читается отлично от других. A) Glade B) Glass C) General D) Glad E) Glitter
7. Выберите правильный вариант переводa слова: Неаккуратный A) Intidy. B) Untidy. C) Tidy. D) Imtidy. E) Retidy.
8. Выберите верное местоимение. Please, wait for … . I’ll be ready in a minute. A) She. B) Me. C) They. D) He. E) I.
9. Вставьте пропущенное местоимение: … artist has a great talent. A) them B) this C) they D) those E) these
10. Дополните предложение: Is there ... in the room? A) no B) nobody's C) nothing's D) anybody E) anywhere
11. Найдите правильный вариант глагола: I… a bit lonely these days A) am B) do C) are D) is E) were
12. Найдите правильный вариант сказуемого: I … to clean the carpet. A) Are going. B) Is going. C) Goes. D) Going. E) Am going.
13. Выберите правильный вариант формы глагола: The best thing is … in the forest. A) walking B) have been walking C) have walked D) walk E) is walking
14. Определите предложение с Participle II: A) I don’t know the words written on the blackboard. B) We shall write you as soon as possible. C) Nick wrote a report a week ago. D) She wanted to write a letter to her granny. E) They are still writing a test.
15. Aнтонимoм слова “Joy”является : A) Happiness B) Beauty C) Grief D) Laughter E) Smile
16. “To go ahead” означает: A) Двигаться вперед B) Возвращаться C) Выходить D) Сопровождать E) Повышаться
17. Найдите предложение с фразовым глаголом: A) Put it on the table. B) Don’t put your legs on the sofa. C) Put the book in the bookcase. D) I don’t put any sugar into my tea. E) It was cold so he put on his coat.
18. Дополните фразу: To go to the lectures means ... them. A) to look B) to come from C) to learn D) to write E) to attend
19. Выразите одним словом: A person who travels by plane or by ship is a ... A) stranger. B) businessman. C) seller. D) customer. E) passenger.
20. Найдите глагол от прилагательного "black": A) To blackise. B) To blacket. C) To blackish. D) To blacken. E) To blacked.
21. Выберите правильный вариант множественного числа существительного: Boy-friend A) Boys-friends. B) Boies-friend. C) Boy-friendes. D) Boys-friend. E) Boy-friends.
22. Выберите верный вариант отрицания к данному предложению: He used to do everything his mother said. A) He didn’t use to do everything his mother said. B) He didn’t use do everything his mother said. C) He not used to do everything his mother said. D) He used to not do everything his mother said. E) He didn’t used to do everything his mother said.
23. Вставьте глагол в соответствующей форме: Tell her what you would like her (do). A) to do. B) to be doing. C) doing. D) do. E) to have do.
24. Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопрос после текста: The famous composer Rakhmaninov was also a very good pianist. When he was a small boy he was asked to play at a home party at their friends’ place. Though he was only eight he was quite experienced in playing the piano and did it well. At that concert he was to play one of Beethoven’s sonatas. It must be mentioned that there are several very long intervals in that sonata. In each of these intervals the boy took his hands off the keyboard and waited. During one of these intervals the old mother of the hostess came up to him and said, «My boy, why don’t you play anything that you know very well?» Why did the boy stop playing several times? A) because he didn’t remember the sonata B) because he was mistaken C) because the sonata had some long intervals D) because he was tired E) because the sonata had some short intervals
25. Найдите правильный вариант глагола: His only bad habit is that he … too loudly. A) is talking B) was talking C) talked D) talk E) talks
26. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. She fell ill because she … too hard. A) working B) had working C) has worked D) had worked E) works
27. Укажите правильный вариант сказуемого: He said he … to London in May. A) Will come. B) Would come. C) Shall come. D) Came. E) Should come.
28. Выберите правильный перевод предложения в страдательном залоге: Фильм был снят в этом году. A) The film has made this year. B) The film was make this year. C) The film has been made this year. D) The film have been made this year. E) The film have made this year.
29. Глагол "to have" употреблен в качестве модального в предложении: A) I had much money yesterday. B) They had no time to finish their work. C) We did not have a rest the whole day. D) Do you have to go to the market to buy fish or meat? E) What did you have for dinner?
30. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: What is the name of the oldest and best known public school for boys in Great Britain? A) Norwich B) Oxford C) Eton D) Cambridge E) Bath  


Вариант 4

1. Синонимом слова “Smart” является: A) Dirty. B) Tall. C) Bright. D) Coward. E) Bald.
2. Выберите правильное слово I don`t like …. music. A) those B) an C) these D) – E) a
3. Дополните предложение: The man standing at the window is … father. A) Pavel’s and Lena B) Pavel and Lena C) Pavel’s and Lena’s D) Pavel and Lena’s E) Pavels and Lenas
4. Определите правильный вариант предложения со сказуемым в Present Simple Tense. A) My uncle has visited Astana this autumn. B) I went to the shop yesterday. C) It is very hot in summer. D) My parents will return home late in the evening. E) Students are writing a test.
5. Выберите правильную форму глагола . There … some people in the park. A) isn`t B) are C) aren`t D) is E) am
6. Выберите слово, в котором выделенное буквосочетание читается отлично от других слов: A) Heavy. B) Teacher. C) Meat. D) Clean. E) Beat.
7. Обобщающим для данной группы слов является слово: A) Water. B) Sea. C) Ocean. D) River. E) Lake.
8. Найдите глагол, образованный при помощи префикса: A) reconstruct B) locate C) realize D) electrify E) graduate
9. Выберите верное местоимение: He has the habit of talking to … . A) herself B) yourself C) myself D) ourselves E) himself
10. Дополните предложение: There is ... snow in the street, isn’t there? A) anything B) much C) many D) something E) nothing
11. Выберите правильный вариант: Could you tell me … has happened? A) where B) what C) which D) who E) why
12. Выберите правильную форму глагола “to be”: It ... a nice fairy-tale. A) Am. B) Been. C) Are. D) Is. E) Be.
13. Найдите правильный вариант перевода: Он не собирается идти домой. A) He isn’t going home now B) He is going home now C) He’ll go home soon D) He is going to go home E) He isn’t going to go home
14. Определите функцию герундия в следующем предложении: The meeting was planned for discussing and creating. A) определение B) подлежащее C) сказуемое D) обстоятельство цели E) дополнение
15. Выберите нужный фразовый глагол: Please … the light. This room is dark. A) Turn right. B) Turn left. C) Turn off. D) Turn on. E) Turn.
16. Дополните предложение: She ... from her illness. A) is fond of B) likes C) suffers D) enjoys E) is interesting
17. Дайте определение слову "neighbour": A) A person who is fond of reading. B) A person who is interested in sport. C) A person who lives near you. D) A person whom you like. E) A person who studies at the institute.
18. Дополните пословицу: A watched … never boils. A) Frying-pan. B) Pot. C) Pan. D) Kettle. E) Sauce-pan.
19. Выберите слово с суффиксом, обозначающим процесс или результат действия: A) Reader. B) Writer. C) Organization. D) Easily. E) Helpless.
20. Выберите правильный вариант множественного числа существительного: Fire-place A) Firies-places. B) Fires-places. C) Fire-place. D) Fires-place. E) Fire-places.
21. Выберите правильно построенное предложение: A) They thought I should work in the garden at that moment. B) They thought I should be working in the garden at that moment. C) They thought I should have worked in the garden at that moment. D) They thought I should have been worked in the garden at that moment. E) They thought I should worked in the garden at that moment.
22. Найдите эквивалент: Ей следует приходить вовремя. A) Can she come? B) She should come in time. C) She is to come. D) She needn’t come. E) She had to come in time.
23. Поставьте предложение в отрицательную форму: Ann used to have a piano. A) Ann didn’t use to have a piano. B) Ann don’t use to have a piano. C) Ann use not to have a piano. D) Ann doesn’t used to have a piano. E) Ann used to haven’t a piano.
24. Вставьте в предложение глагол в соответствующей форме: Nick used (live) alone. A) having lived B) living C) live D) to live E) to be living
25. Найти правильный вариант глагола. She told me she … a bad time with her husband. A) was having B) had have C) will have D) were having E) has had
26. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. It was a firm that I … of. A) have never heard B) never hear C) nevers hears D) has never heard E) had never heard
27. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. There must be a mistake: the hotel . . . by my wife. A) will pay B) are being paid C) have been paid D) is paying E) was paid
28. Выберите предложение с Participle I: A) Ann wasn’t offered the job. B) The delegation answered all the questions. C) He has gone home by that time. D) What is this instrument used for? E) Standing on the bridge he watched the boats.
29. Прочитайте текст, выберите правильный ответ на вопрос: Mark Twain once said, “When I was a boy of 14, I thought that my father was the most ignorant of all men. But when I got to be 21, I was surprised at how much the old man had learned in seven years.” What did Mark Twain think about his father? A) He got to be 21. B) He was a boy of 14. C) He knew very little. D) He was surprised. E) He ignored all men.
30. Дополните предложение. In the House of Commons the members sit … . A) on two sides of the hall B) on four sides of the hall C) on three sides and in the corner of the hall D) on three sides of the hall E) on two sides and in the middle of the hall  


Вариант 5

1. Выберите предлог противоположный предлогу: up. A) Under. B) On. C) In. D) Down. E) At.
2. Выберите слово, близкое по значению: small. A) Tall. B) High. C) Big. D) Little. E) Round.
3. Дополните предложение: … weather is fine and … sun is shining brightly today. A) The | the B) - | - C) A | a D) The | a E) A | the
4. Выберите правильное слово. This is the … dress. A) ladys’ B) lady’s C) ladies D) lady E) of lady
5. Выберите правильную форму глагола . There… a lot of bread on the table. A) am B) were C) is D) weren`t E) are
6. Выберите слово, в котором выделенная буква читается отлично от других слов: A) Certainly. B) Cemetery. C) Catch. D) Centre. E) Celebrate.
7. К теме "Село" относится слово: A) Rainy. B) Break. C) Swimmer. D) Supper. E) Wheat.
8. Выберите правильный английский эквивалент данной пословицы: Плохая молва летит на крыльях. A) It never rains but it pours. B) Appetite comes with eating. C) Bad news travels fast. D) No pains, no gains. E) Look before you leap.
9. Выберите правильный вариант перевода слова: Перестройка A) Construction. B) Disconstruction. C) Reconstruction. D) Inconstruction. E) Unconstruction.
10. Выберите верное местоимение: Be careful! They are looking at … . A) Our. B) I. C) We. D) Ours. E) Us.
11. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения: I have … to say. A) anybody. B) nothing. C) anything. D) nobody. E) any.
12. Выберите вопросительное местоимение для выделенного слова: We usually have dinner at five. A) With whom. B) Where. C) What. D) Why. E) What time.
13. Выберите правильную форму глагола “to be”: Running ... very good for your legs, for your heart and lungs. A) Is. B) Am. C) Are. D) Been. E) Be.
14. Определите, чем является подчёркнутое слово: Thank you for coming. A) инфинитивов B) причастием C) герундием D) модальным глаголом E) наречием
15. Выберите правильный вариант фразового глагола “to put”: Don ’t forget … your scarf …, please. A) to put… down. B) to put…after. C) to put … to. D) to put … in. E) to put … on.
16. Дайте определение слову "crowd": A) To play together. B) A great number of people. C) A big black bird. D) To speak loudly. E) To have the same interest.
17. Образуйте прилагательное при помощи суффикса: Interest A) y B) ing C) able D) ful E) ly
18. Выберите правильный вариант множественного числа существительного: Our ... are ... . A) Children / brothers. B) Childs / brothers. C) Children / brother. D) Child / brothers. E) Childrens / brothers.
19. Выберите правильно построенное предложение: A) Aliya said that she should try to come in time. B) Aliya said that she would tries to come in time. C) Aliya said that she shouldn’t try to come in time. D) Aliya said that she should tries to come in time. E) Aliya said that she would try to come in time.
20. Вставьте модальный глагол: …I speak to Sam, please? – Just a minute. A) Ought B) Will C) Could D) Must E) Shall
21. Найдите предложение, имеющее значение будущего времени: A) They aren’t doing homework now. B) What is he going to do? C) He is playing chess now. D) What are they doing? E) I’m going home now.
22. Выберите верный вариант общего вопроса к предложению: Nick used to be interested in collecting cactuses. A) Would Nick use to be interested in collecting cactuses? B) Did Nick used to be interested in collecting cactuses? C) Use Nick to be interested in collecting cactuses? D) Used Nick be interested in collecting cactuses? E) Did Nick use to be interested in collecting cactuses?
23. Определите название формы по приведенному примеру: To be going. A) Indefinite Infinitive Active. B) Participle 1. C) Participle 2. D) Continuous Infinitive Active. E) Gerund.
24. Выберите предложение, в котором причастие употреблено в функции обстоятельства: A) They saw a flying bird. B) The boy reading a book is my brother. C) I heard her speaking on the phone. D) While reading a book she was eating sweets. E) The boy crying in the street is my friend.
25. Найдите правильный вариант глагола: In the year 2030, people … the same things as they do now. A) will eat B) shall eat C) don’t D) ate E) eat
26. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. I … a nightmare when the alarm-clock rang and woke me up. A) was having B) has had C) have had D) had E) have
27. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. After everybody… a chance to say what they thought, we took a vote. A) has B) has had C) have had D) had had E) would have
28. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге: Tomorrow the bill (to pay). A) Will be paid. B) Will paid. C) Paid. D) Pay. E) Be paid.
29. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание после текста: One day my cousin George and I decided to visit our Granny in London. After lunch we all three decided to sail down the Thames to have a look at the old ships. But suddenly it started raining, so we had to change our plans. We decided to visit Madame Tussaud’s instead. George hadn’t been there before. It was great fun seeing all the wax figures. There were some new ones I hadn’t seen before. After an hour Granny felt a little tired and wanted to sit down and rest for a moment. George and I went to look at all the murderers in the cellar. We promised to come back in half an hour. When we came back we saw two American tourists standing in front of Granny and taking a photo of hers. We heard one of them say, “She is sure to look like a real woman!” You should have seen their faces a moment later when Granny opened her eyes! Выберите заголовок к тексту: A) A clever Granny. B) English museums. C) Good relatives. D) George and his Granny. E) A case in the museum.
30. Выберите подходящее слово. The Whispering Gallery is remarkable for its … . A) private B) size C) crowned D) acoustics E) light  


Вариант 6

1. Выберите антоним слова: Harmful. A) useful. B) lucky. C) fan. D) hobby. E) foolish.
2. Дополните предложение: Never cross … street when … light is red. A) - | a B) the | the C) a | a D) - | the E) the | a
3. Множественное число существительного к слову: a watch. A) Watchis. B) Watchs. C) Watchiez. D) Watchies. E) Watches.
4. Дополните предложение: It was … new coat. A) Victor Nicolaevich’s B) Victor’s Nicolaevich C) Victor Nicolaevichs D) Victors Nicolaevich E) Victor’s Nicolaevich’s
5. Выберите правильный вариант сказуемого. We … to watch a new film. A) Am going. B) Was going. C) Are going. D) Be going. E) Is going.
6. Окончание читается отлично от других в слове: A) Expected. B) Waited. C) Developed. D) Wanted. E) Needed.
7. Закончите фразеологизм: … hurts more than truth. Ничто не ранит больнее правды. A) Everything. B) Nothing. C) Something. D) No. E) Anything.
8. Выберите верное местоимение. Hello, Tom. Have … seen Pete? A) You. B) Your. C) He. D) It. E) She.
9. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения: There is … in the room. – Who? A) No. B) Some. C) Anything. D) Anybody’s. E) Somebody.
10. Выберите вопросительное местоимение для выделенного слова: They are usually at home in the evening. A) Why. B) How. C) When. D) Who. E) Where.
11. Выберите правильную форму глагола “to be”: ... you a teacher? A) Are. B) Been. C) Is. D) Be. E) Am.
12. Выберите правильно построенное предложение: A) He said that he return tomorrow. B) He said that he would return tomorrow. C) He said that he shall return tomorrow. D) He said that he should return tomorrow. E) He said that he will return tomorrow.
13. Выберите правильный вариант сказуемого: There … several beautiful parks in this city. A) Be B) Been C) Is D) Are E) Was
14. Определите функцию инфинитива в следующем предложении: I’m sure he will be the last to leave. A) дополнение B) определение C) подлежащее D) обстоятельство E) сказуемое
15. Синонимом слова "shut" является: A) Turn. B) Pick. C) Make. D) Close. E) Open.
16. Выберите фразовый глагол со значением "выходить": A) Get alone. B) Get out. C) Get with. D) Get over. E) Get from.
17. Переведите “To go on hikes” A) Ездить на велосипеде B) Ходить пешком C) Ходить в поход D) Ездить за границу E) Ездить верхом
18. Выразите одним словом: You can cross the river over it. A) Economic. B) District. C) View. D) Advice. E) Bridge.
19. Найдите правильный вариант сказуемого: He … his work tomorrow. A) Has finished. B) Will finish. C) Have finished. D) Finishe. E) Finished.
20. Вставьте нужную форму глагола: You must … a letter A) wrote B) written C) to write D) writing E) write
21. Выберите верный вариант отрицания к данному предложению: Last summer I used to eat a lot of berries. A) I used not eat a lot of berries last summer. B) I use not to eat a lot of berries last summer. C) I didn’t used eat a lot of berries last summer. D) I didn’t use to eat a lot of berries last summer. E) I not use to eat a lot of berries last summer.
22. Выберите предложение с Герундием: A) Your ring is very unexpected. B) She is ringing to her best friend. C) Ring me up, please! D) He rang me yesterday. E) Thank you for ringing me up!
23. Выберите верное причастие: A ... fridge A) Boughting. B) Bought. C) Buying. D) Boughted. E) Buyed.
24. Прочитайте текст, выберите правильный ответ на вопрос: Jane came home after her first day at school. “Well, dear”, asked her mother, “what did they teach you?” “Not much,” answered the child. “I have to go again.” What did her mother ask her? A) She asked her whether the teacher liked Jane. B) She asked what the teachers had looked like. C) She asked what they had taught Jane. D) She asked her whether she had liked her teacher. E) She asked what they had asked Jane.
25. Выберите значение приставки de-: A) взаимо- B) внутри C) противоположное значение D) сверх- E) повтор действия
26. Образуйте новое слово от “ to eat “, выбрав верный суффикс: A) y B) ful C) tic D) able E) al
27. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. The burglars dropped a piece of paper with an address on it as they … out of the window. A) were climbing B) climb C) climbed D) are climbing E) have climbed
28. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. She couldn’t find the book that I … her. A) lend B) lent C) have been lending D) had lent E) have lent
29. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге: The window (to leave) open by somebody. A) Was leaved. B) Has been leaved. C) Has been left. D) Was leave. E) Were left.
30. Выберите подходящее слово. From the earliest times the … of London depended upon its water-born trade. A) north B) part C) south D) prosperity E) circumstances  


Вариант 7

1. Выберите слово, противоположное по значению: poor. A) Silly. B) Wide. C) Dull. D) Rich. E) Various.
2. Выберите правильное слово. He was born in … small Russian town. A) a B) an C) some D) – E) the
3. Выберите неисчисляемое существительное: A) Branch. B) Bear. C) Botany. D) Bed. E) Balcony.
4. Выберите притяжательную форму существительного в единственном числе. A) Birds’. B) Dogs’. C) Men’s. D) Boys’. E) Sister’s.
5. Дополните предложение: He … not going to help his mother. He was too busy with his homework. A) was not B) were C) are D) was E) is not
6. Выберите слово, в котором выделенная буква читается отлично от других. A) Gentle B) Gaze C) Gate D) Garden E) Geese
7. Aнтонимoм слова “Day”является : A) Night B) Afternoon C) Evening D) Midday E) Morning
8. Выберите правильный вариант предлога: Go … reading the story. I want to know its end. A) Through. B) On. C) Out. D) About. E) In.
9. К теме "Село" относится слово: A) Rainy. B) Supper. C) Harvest. D) Swimmer. E) Break.
10. Дополните пословицу: Live and … A) Earn. B) Learn. C) Live. D) Think. E) Love.
11. Выберите верное местоимение: I saw them . This is … cat . A) me B) yours C) ours D) him E) their
12. Найдите правильный вариант глагола: The children … sometimes absolutely naughty. A) am B) is C) does D) are E) was
13. Выберите правильно построенное предложение: A) I hoped that I should find him at school. B) I hoped that I shall find him at school. C) I hoped that I will find him at school. D) I hoped that I would found him at school. E) I hoped that I should found him at school.
14. Определите функцию инфинитива в следующем предложении: He forgot to do his homework when he was at home. A) определение B) подлежащее C) дополнение D) сказуемое E) обстоятельство
15. Переведите “To be good at… ” A) Быть преуспевающим B) Быть прилежным C) Быть хорошо воспитанным D) Хорошо разбираться, знать что-либо E) Быть образованным
16. Найдите прилагательное, имеющее отрицательное значение: A) dependent B) indefinite C) useful D) understandable E) regular
17. Вставьте нужное указательное местоимение в предложении: Look! ... men in the street are my friends. A) Which B) This C) These D) Whose E) That
18. Выберите правильный вариант вопросительного местоимения: By … is this book written? A) Who. B) Whose. C) Whom. D) What. E) Which.
19. Выберите правильный вариант сказуемого: Amos … a present to his mother. A) Send. B) Were sent. C) Sent. D) Is sends. E) Are sending.
20. Найдите правильный вариант глагола: `What … you … at?` `A strange bird. Look! It’s quite near us.` A) has / looked B) are / looking C) did / look D) is / looking E) do / look
21. Выберите глагол в форме Present Perfect Active: A) Have does. B) Have doing. C) Have done. D) Have do. E) Have did.
22. Выберите верный вариант общего вопроса к предложению: Everything used to be different many years ago. A) Use everything to be different many years ago? B) Used everything be different many years ago? C) Did everything used to be different many years ago? D) Use everything to was different many years ago? E) Did everything use to be different many years ago?
23. Определите название формы по приведенному примеру: Drinking. A) Participle 2. B) Gerund. C) Indefinite Infinitive Active. D) Progressive Infinitive . E) Infinitive Passive.
24. Прочитайте текст, выберите правильный ответ на вопрос: Charles has just entered school. “What is your name?” the teacher asked. “Charles”, was the answer. “Charles what?” the teacher questioned. “Oh, that’s all right,” the boy said, “”just call me Charles.” What has happened to Charles? A) He entered the school by the side door. B) He has been attending school for some months. C) He has done the first homework. D) He has become a pupil. E) He doesn’t want to enter school.
25. Образуйте новое слово от “hope” c помощью следующих суффиксов. A) Ism. B) Able. C) Tion. D) Ly. E) Ful.
26. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге: A delicious cake (to taste) by him now. A) Is tasted. B) Was being tasted. C) Has been tasted. D) Was tasted. E) Is being tasted.
27. Заменитe выделенное модальное выражение его эквивалентом: The conference is to begin next Tuesday A) might B) must C) should D) could E) can
28. Выберите правильный вариант перевода на английский язык: Много деревьев было во дворе. A) Many trees were in the yard. B) There are many trees in the yard. C) Many trees are in the yard. D) There is many trees in the yard. E) There are no trees in the yard.
29. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. I went to see how she was and found her… A) has been crying B) were crying C) cried D) crying E) cries
30. Выберите правильный ответ. What is the capital of Massachusetts? A) Memphis. B) St. Louis. C) Atlanta. D) Los Angeles. E) Boston.  


Вариант 8

1. Синонимом слова “Remain” является: A) Repeat. B) Leave. C) Stay. D) Go away. E) Become.
2. Дополните предложение: … finest weather in this part of … country is in September. A) The | the B) The | a C) A | the D) A | a E) The | -
3. Найдите существительное в единственном числе. A) feet. B) stories. C) pages. D) advice. E) hobbies.
4. Укажите предложение, в котором “-s” является показателем притяжательного падежа. A) One boy’s mother made tasty cookies. B) The Stogovs went to the Black Sea. C) My uncle’s bought a sideboard. D) The class teacher usually opens our meetings. E) He always greets people.
5. Дополните предложение: My mother … going to clean the floor. I want to help her. A) am B) be C) is D) are E) were
6. Выберите слово, в котором выделенная буква читается отлично от других слов: A) River. B) Kind. C) Library. D) Polite. E) Recite.
7. Антоним слова “Large” A) High B) Difficult C) Tall D) Heavy E) Small
8. Закончите фразеологизм: War is the sports of … Война – развлечение королей. A) Knights. B) Generals. C) Queens. D) Kings. E) Soldiers.
9. Выберите правильный вариант переводa слова: Неофициальный A) Official. B) Unofficial. C) Reofficial. D) Inofficial. E) Imofficial.
10. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения: “… is absent”-said Kate to the teacher. A) some. B) anything. C) any. D) nobody. E) anybody.
11. Выберите правильную форму глагола “to be”: Englishmen ... very fond of tea. A) Are. B) Been. C) Be. D) Am. E) Is.
12. Вставьте правильный вариант вспомогательного глагола: It … snowing the whole day yesterday. A) are B) have C) was D) be E) shall
13. Выберите правильно построенное предложение: A) The doctor said that he will come the next day. B) The doctor said that he would come the next day. C) The doctor said that he shall come the next day. D) The doctor said that he comes the next day. E) The doctor said that he should come the next day.
14. Выберите правильный вариант сказуемого: There … eight new words in this lesson. A) Was B) Is C) Am D) Been E) Are
15. Выберите фразовый глагол со значением «Продолжать»: A) To go about B) To go in for C) To go off D) To go without E) To go on
16. Выберите фразовый глагол со значением "мыть посуду": A) Wash out B) Wash up. C) Wash. D) Wash for. E) Wash in.
17. Переведите “Становиться известным” A) To belong B) To replace C) To come in D) To become unknown E) To become known
18. Выберите верный вариант местоимений: How are … children? – Fine, thanks. How are …? A) Your / yours. B) Yours / my. C) Yours / yours. D) Your / your. E) Yours / your.
19. Дополните предложение: That’s the house ... we stayed in May. A) what B) when C) where D) who E) which
20. Выберите верный вариант сказуемого: How much meat … you … this week? A) Did… bought. B) Have… buy. C) Have… bought. D) Do… buy. E) Do… bought.
21. Дополните предложение в Present Indefinite Passive: Many houses ... built in our city. A) is B) am C) are D) was E) will
22. Выберите верный вариант общего вопроса к предложению: My father used to be a scientist. A) Use my father to be a scientist? B) Does my father used to be a scientist? C) Would my father use to be a scientist? D) Did my father used to be a scientist? E) Did my father use to be a scientist?
23. Образуйте форму Participle 2 от глагола "lose": A) To lost. B) To lose. C) Losing. D) Lost. E) Losed.
24. Прочитайте текст и выберите подходящий заголовок: After the War of Independence the USA needed a capital city. It was difficult to choose it because different cities in different parts of the country wanted to be the nation’s capital. In the end it was decided to build a new city. In 1791 George Washington, the first president, chose the place where the city now stands. He thought it was a good place because the Potomac River was large enough for ships to come as far as the site of the city. The land round the city was called the District of Columbia, after Christopher Columbus; and the city on it was named Washington, in honour of the country’s first president. A) Different cities of America. B) The War of Independence. C) The discovery of America. D) The first President. E) From the history of the capital.
25. Образуйте новое слово от “ accept “, употребив верный суффикс: A) acceptan B) acceptal C) acceptous D) acceptable E) acceptic
26. Задайте вопрос к выделенному слову: He usually goes to the seaside in summer. A) When does he usually go to the seaside? B) What does he usually do in summer? C) Why does he usually go to the seaside? D) Where does he usually go in summer? E) Who usually goes to the seaside in summer?
27. Выберите правильный модальный глагол: You … open the window. It is stuffy here. A) Has to. B) Should. C) Need. D) Are to. E) Can’t.
28. В данном предложении герундий является: I enjoy reading fantastics. A) дополнением. B) определением. C) подлежащим. D) обстоятельством. E) именной частью сказуемого.
29. Вставьте глагол в соответствующей форме: I didn’t expect it (rain). A) to have being rain. B) to be rain. C) to begin to rain. D) to rain. E) to rained.
30. Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос: What is the capital of Georgia? A) Augusta. B) Atlanta. C) Albany. D) Annapolis. E) Austin.  


Вариант 9

1. Выберите правильное слово Julia was a bit … about travelling by ship because she’d seen the film «Titanic». A) nervous B) sensible C) overcome D) sensitive E) fed up
2. Дополните предложение: … flat is nice but … bathroom is too small. A) a | the B) The | the C) - | - D) A | a E) The | a
3. Существительное во множественном числе. A) clives B) clivves C) cliff D) cliffes E) cliffs
4. Выберите притяжательную форму существительного во множественном числе. A) Fan’. B) Fan’es. C) Fans’s. D) Fans’. E) Fan’s.
5. Вставьте правильную форму глагола Watch out! You … knock the vase over. A) is going to B) are going to C) am going to D) would E) was going to
6. Выберите верное местоимение. My father gave me that book … . A) Itself. B) Yourself. C) Myself. D) Himself. E) Herself.
7. Вставьте пропущенные местоимения: … book is more interesting than … one. A) these, this B) this, that C) this, these D) this, those E) that, that
8. Выберите правильный вариант: … is that man in a green suit? I don’t know … A) who / him B) who / hers C) what / whom D) who / this E) what / his
9. Найдите правильный вариант глагола: What size … your shoes ? A) are B) is C) was D) am E) does
10. Выберите нужный вариант вспомогательного глагола. We … writing a composition now. A) Is. B) Be. C) Are. D) Was. E) Am.
11. Найдите правильную форму сказуемого: There … a sports center in Moscow. A) Been B) Were C) Is D) Be E) Are
12. Выберите правильный вариант. I like … . A) Drawing. B) Draws. C) Drawn. D) Draw. E) Drew.
13. Выберите предложение с Participle I: A) He has just sung this part. B) They sang a lot yesterday. C) They usually sing on weekends. D) Mr. Marat listened to the girls singing Kazakh folk songs. E) I enjoy singing pop – songs.
14. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: Where does the President of the USA live and work? A) in the White House B) in Congress C) in the Supreme Court D) in the Empire State Building E) in the Pentagon
15. Выберите слово, в котором выделенное буквосочетание читается отлично от других слов: A) Earth. B) Thousand. C) Either. D) Thunder. E) Three.
16. Выберите правильный вариант предлога: I haven’t read this newspaper yet. I only looked it …. A) Through. B) Up. C) After. D) In. E) Out.
17. Переведите “To do the shopping ” A) Ходить на базар B) Дарить подарки C) Делать покупки D) Держать магазин E) Разглядывать витрины
18. Выразите одним словом: A stopping place for trains is a ... A) village. B) stop. C) station. D) field. E) city.
19. Выберите лишнее слово в данной группе слов: A) Ham. B) Juice. C) Chicken. D) Bread. E) Aunt.
20. Выберите правильный английский эквивалент данной пословицы: Где хотенье, там и уменье. A) A man can die but once. B) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. C) Appetite comes with eating. D) A good beginning makes a good ending. E) Where there is a will there is a way.
21. Закончите предложение: The weather was ... . A) brightly. B) well. C) badly. D) nicely. E) bad.
22. Выберите глагол в форме Future-in-the-Past: A) Will be getting. B) Shall been read. C) Would walked. D) Should doing. E) Would continue.
23. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге: The pupils (to ask) by the teacher at every lesson. A) Has been asked. B) Is asked. C) Was asked. D) Are asked. E) Will be ask.
24. Определите название формы по приведенному примеру: To have gone. A) Participle 1. B) Perfect Infinitive Active. C) Gerund. D) Participle 2. E) Indefinite Infinitive Active.
25. Образуйте новое слово от “real” c помощью следующих суффиксов. A) Al. B) Ist. C) Ment. D) Ic. E) Tion.
26. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. I think I … the report next Monday. A) don’t finish B) am not finishing C) haven’t finished D) won’t finish E) am not finished
27. Найдите правильный вариант глагола. He was tired. He … 5 km. A) skies B) was skied C) had ski D) has skying E) had skied
28. Замените выделенное модальное выражение его эквивалентом: I was able to speak English well A) might B) could C) may D) can E) must
29. Задайте общий вопрос к предложению: My brother used to be a taxi-driver. A) Do my brother used to be a taxi-driver? B) Did my brother used to be a taxi-driver? C) Did my brother use to be a taxi-driver? D) Does my brother used to be a taxi-driver? E) Used my brother to be a taxi-driver?
30. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание после текста: Mr. Nelson wanted to be elected sheriff in a New Hampshire county. He went from farm to farm asking people to vote for him. Mrs. Marrow saw him coming up one day and reached for the broom. "Get off, you good-for-nothing loafer", she shouted. "But Mrs. Marrow", said Nelson. "I have just come to ask you if you’ll vote for me for sheriff". "Sheriff!" shouted Mrs. Marrow. "Your place is in the lockup, not in the sheriff’s office. You are a scoundrel, and your father was a scoundrel, and your grandfather was a scoundrel. Get out of here before I take this broom to you". Nelson decided to go. Before climbing back into the car,he took out his notebook and wrote, after the name of Marrow, one word: "Doubtful". Закончите предложение: Mr. Nelson was ... A) ... a sheriff. B) ... a President. C) ... a cruel and brave man. D) ... a candidate for sheriff. E) ... a graduate from New Hampshire University.  


Вариант 10

1. Антонимом слова “Rise” является: A) Ring. B) Recite. C) Get up. D) Show. E) Set.
2. Выберите правильный вариант артиклей. … Northern part of … state Michigan has many spots. A) An, a. B) The, the. C) An, -. D) An, the. E) A, a.
3. Выберите правильный вариант притяжательной формы существительного в единственном числе. A) workmans’ union. B) people’s organization. C) grandfathers’s decision. D) men’s rights. E) reader’s hobby.
4. Выберите правильный вариант сказуемого. There … many wild animals in Australia. A) Are. B) Is. C) Am. D) Be. E) Was.
5. Выберите подходящий английский эквивалент: Моя сестра собиралась сходить в театр вчера. A) My sister often visits her mother on Sundays. B) My sister was going to pay a visit to the theatre yesterday. C) My sister used to go to the theatre. D) Yesterday my sister visited a theatre. E) My sister will buy a ticket for “Spartacus”.
6. Выберите слово со ІІ типом слога A) Sake B) Tame C) Bake D) Frame E) Mat
7. Выберите верное местоимение. At … moment I was at home. A) Its. B) Those. C) That. D) These. E) It.
8. Выберите вопросительное местоимение для выделенного слова: I am interested in sports. A) Where. B) Why. C) Who. D) What. E) When.
9. Найдите множественное число слова “a boy”: A) Boieses B) Boyes C) Boies D) Boys E) Boyses
10. Выберите правильную форму глагола “to be”: My flat ... very comfortable. A) Been. B) Am. C) Be. D) Is. E) Are.
11. Выберите правильное сказуемое: The train … at the station by 4 o’clock yesterday. A) has arrive B) have arrives C) have arrive D) had arrived E) have arrived
12. Дополните предложение в Past Indefinite Passive: The theatre ... built in 1970. A) is B) was C) are D) were E) be
13. Определите функцию инфинитива в следующем предложении: To smoke is bad for health. A) сказуемое B) определение C) дополнение D) подлежащее E) обстоятельство
14. Выберите правильный ответ. The Scottish lake in which there is supposed to be a monster is … A) Lake Huron B) Lake Michigan C) Loch Ness D) Lake Superior E) Lake Erie
15. Выберите фразовый глагол со значением «Заботиться»: A) To look in B) Look out C) To look before D) To look up E) To look after
16. Выберите определение к выражению "to pay attention": A) To go in for sport. B) To check up a control work. C) To listen to somebody without interrupting. D) To give somebody a book. E) To play football.
17. Дайте определение слову "hurry": A) To be late. B) To catch a train. C) To do something very quickly. D) To play with friends. E) To go to the cinema with one’s friends.
18. Выберите лишнее слово в данной группе слов: A) Brother. B) Mug. C) Wife. D) Daughter. E) Son.
19. Закончите фразеологизм: Hear …, speak … Слушай много, говори мало. A) Much, little. B) More, more. C) Many, much. D) All the time, never. E) Little, much.
20. Образуйте прилагательное с противоположным значением от слова "definite": A) Ildefinite. B) Undefinite. C) Indefinite. D) Imdefinite. E) Redefinite.
21. Выберите правильно построенное предложение: A) They knew that they would manage somehow. B) They knew that they would managed somehow. C) They knew that they will manage somehow. D) They knew that they wouldn’t managed somehow. E) They

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