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Structure recognitionСтр 1 из 6Следующая ⇒ Lesson three Oral topic: in the chemical laboratory
Part I
Structure recognition Participle II
Study the Table and say what functions Participle II may perform in a sentence. Pay attention to the mode of translation of Participle II.
Table 1
Exercise 1. Read the following regular verbs and pay attention to the pronunciation of the suffix – ed.
Exercise 2. Read and translate the following word combinations with Participle II. a) As an attribute: A student graduated from the university, passed credit-tests, the arranged meeting, a lecture delivered, a seen film, a broken glass, a well-made test, the task explained, a given food, elements discovered by scientists, beautifully colored leaves, a mixture placed in a cool place, the supplied reagents, the given amount of the substance, the obtained data, substances called reagents. b) As an adverbial modifier: When spoken to; when mixed; if done incorrectly; when fulfilled in time; if stored correctly; when kept ventilated; if kept in non-metallic containers; if used as indicated. Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences and define functions of Participle II. 1. The information presented in the article was of great importance for the pharmacy students. 2. When poured into a container liquids take the shape of the container. 3. In the 20th century the vitamins and the elements required only in small amounts were discovered. 4. Reagents are usually supplied in boxes. 5. Silver dissolved in water kills many harmful bacteria. 6. Despite the health risk associated with lead, it was used by doctors for around 2000 years. 7. All the life on Earth – human beings, animals and plants – depend on the heat, light and other kinds of energy given off by the sun. 8. Hydrogen explodes easily when mixed with air or oxygen. 9. Cellulose is the most abundant substance found in the plant kingdom. 10. When heated, dry ice (solid CO2) becomes a gas. 11. Most poisonous plants are poisonous only if eaten.
Table 2 Indefinite Passive
Exercise 4. Remember the following phrases and make up your own sentences with them: a) It is said that … – Говорят, что … It is reported that … – Сообщают, что … It is announced that … – Объявлено, что … b) It is evident that … – Очевидно, что … It is clear that … – Ясно (понятно), что … It is necessary (easy, difficult) to do – Необходимо (легко, трудно) сделать.
Exercise 5. Add a statement to the one you see. Use the model.
1. He finished this experiment last night. 2. They made the report on Tuesday. 3. I asked them to arrive here. 4. He wrote the article for the newspaper. 5. She answered the letter yesterday.
Exercise 6. Express your satisfaction with the news according to the model.
1. They decided to do this job at once. 2. She decided to finish the article. 3. He made up his mind to deliver this lecture. 4. She made up her mind to send a letter to Peter.
Exercise 7. Express your surprise in response to the statements given below. Use the model.
1. They built this house in the last century. 2. We shall finish the work today. 3. He prepared the report. 4. She’ll take her exam next month. 5. The museum greatly impressed them. 6. They have opened the exhibition. 7. He has done the translation. Exercise 8. Practise verb-preposition combinations used in the passive voice. Change the active construction into a passive one as in the model.
Mind the translation of the following verbs: laugh at – смеяться над; look for – искать; look through – просматривать; look at – смотреть на что-либо, кого-либо; look after – присматривать; take care of – заботиться; listen to – слушать; call for – заходить за кем-либо; put aside – откладывать в сторону. 1. They often laugh at this boy. 2. He will look for these documents. 3. We shall take care of your son. 4. The professor will operate on this woman. 5. We are looking through these articles. 6. We listened to the speaker with great interest. 7. The boy hurriedly put aside books and note-books. 8. The nurse will look after these patients. 9. Did you call for them yesterday? 10. I shall take care of the patient. 11. They didn’t look at him. 12. I will rely on your findings.
Exercise 9. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the Indefinite Passive. 1. Many experiments are carried out by the pharmaceutical students during their studies. 2. Chemical laboratories are equipped with different apparatuses. 3. Positive effect was associated with the low temperature. 4. Pharmacy is defined as the science of recognizing, identifying, collecting, selecting, preparing and compounding substances. 5. First educational establishments with proper course for pharmacists were opened in Montpelier. 6. Thousands of future specialists are trained at the higher educational establishments. 7. Chemical and physical properties of inorganic substances were thoroughly studied during practical classes in chemistry. 8. Drug effects will be described after a number of experiments. Exercise 10. Find the sentences with the verbs in Indefinite Passive. Translate them. 1. The work at the botanical stations help the students acquire deep knowledge of botany and pharmacognosy. 2. We will define chemistry today as the study of formation, composition, structure and reactions of the chemical elements and their compounds. 3. Great number of new compounds were described and important work was carried out on the determination of atomic weights. 4. Each period of development of medicine contributed to the store of medical knowledge. 5. The year 1887 may be accepted as the date of appearance of physical chemistry. 6. Galenical preparations will be produced according to the needs of medical knowledge.7. In ancient time the most important examinations were spoken, not written. 8. The written examination, where all students are tested on the same questions was probably not known until the 19th century. Exercise 11. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Passive Voice. 1. The academic year in all types of educational institutions (divide) into two terms. 2. A laboratory is a place where experiments (carry out). 3. State universities partly (subsidize) by state governments. 4. Periodic Law (study) by millions of secondary school children and by students at higher establishments of natural sciences and engineering. 5. In British universities some university teacher (call) tutors. 6. A lecture - room is a place where lectures (deliver). 7. A students’ conference on this problem (hold) next month. 8. Pharmacy (define) as the science of drugs. 9. Great attention in his lectures (give) to organic chemistry. 10. In the 18th century the General Pharmaceutical Association of Great Britain (form). 11. The Fahrenheit thermometric scale and some new methods of study (introduce). Exercise 12. Change the voice of the verbs.
1. After each lesson we ventilated our classroom. 2. The students place laboratory vessels on the table. 3. In a year we shall equip our chemical laboratory with modern apparatuses. 4. Fahrenheit introduced a new scale into the experimental work in the 17th century. 5. The students take written exams at the end of the term. 6. The teacher gave him an interesting problem to solve. 7. The scientists discuss the experiments every day. 8. A librarian offered him many books on the subject of his report. 9. The Dean warmly thanked the students for the help. 10. After the experiment was over we recorded all the findings.
WORDS-SUBSTITUTES “one”, “ones”, “that of”, “those of” Exercise 13. Analyze the sentences and find nouns which are substituted by the words “one”, “ones”, “that”, “those”. Translate the sentences. Note: Words-substitutes are not translated into Russian. In some cases the translation of the noun may be used instead of the word-substitute.
1. The mercury thermometer is more accurate than the alcohol one. 2. I don’t like this test tube. Can you give me a better one? 3. It was necessary to use hydrochloric acid instead of sulphuric one. 4. Synthesis is the use of chemical reactions to build larger molecules from smaller ones. 5. Within six months or so, 90 percent of molecules that make up our bodies are replaced by new ones. 6. Simple microscopes – ones with only one lens – are really no more than the magnifying glasses. 7. A compound has properties that can be different from those of its component elements. 8. One of the most interesting periods in the history of chemistry was that of alchemists, 500-1600 AD. 9. The earliest known system of classification is that of Aristotle. 10 The early chemists were aware that fluorides contained an unknown element, fluorine, and that its compounds greatly resembled those of chlorine, but they could not isolate it.