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Примечания к Главе 6

1 Viktor E. Frank!, Man's Search for Meaning (New York: Touchstone Books, 1984).

2 Hoover's Online, www.hoovers.com.

3 Интервью в рамках исследования #1-Е, стр. 11.

4 Bernard H. Semler, Putting it all Together (Autobiography, Draft Version, 1998), 66.

5 Bernard H. Semler, "Measuring Operating Performance", 1. Статья послана Б.Х.Семлером.

6 Интервью в рамках исследования #1-Е, стр. 3.

7 "How "Dr." Ledder Cured Abbott labs: Abbott Labs Was A Sick Company ...", Forbes, August 1,1975, 26; "Abbott Shapes Up", Chemical Week, October 20,1976,20; "Abbott Labs: Adding Hospital Supplies to Bolster Drug Operations", Business Week, July 23, 1979, 177; "Earnings Per Share for First Nine Months of 1980", PR Newswire, September 17, 1980; "Robert A. Schoellhorn Report on Company at Annual Shareholders Meeting", Business Wire, April 13, 1984; "Abbott: Profiting From Products That Cut Costs", Business Week, June 18, 1984, 56.

8 Интервью в рамках исследования #1-G, стр. 23. 9 Интервью в рамках исследования #2-Е, стр. 1.

10 Интервью в рамках исследования #2-F, стр. 3.

11 Интервью в рамках исследования #11-Н, стр. 5, 9.

12 "Bold Banker: Wells Fargo Takeover Of Cracker Is Yielding Profit But Some Pain", The Wall Street Journal, August 5, 1986, 1.

13 Интервью в рамках исследования #11-Н, стр. 5, 9, 16.

14 Интервью в рамках исследования #11-Н, стр. 5, 9.

15 Интервью в рамках исследования #11-Н, стр. 10.

16 "Managing: Carl E. Reichardt, Chairman, Wells Fargo & Co.", Fortune, February 27, 1989,42; "A Banker Even Keynes Might Love", Forbes, July 2,1984,40; "Bold Banker: Wells Fargo Takeover Of Crocker Is Yielding Profit But Some Pain", The Wall Street Journal, Augusts, 1986, 1.

17 Gary Hector, Breaking The Bank: The Decline ofBankAmerica (Little Brown & Company, 1988), 72.

18 Author experience in the early 1980s.

19 "Asset or Liability", Barren's, October 20, 1986, 13, "BankAmerica Reports a Small Profit", The Wall Street Journal, January 22, 1988, 4.

20 "Another Bout of Anxiety Over Bank of America", Business Week, August 19,1985,33.

21 "Things Are Adding Up Again at Burroughs", Business Week, March 11, 1967, 192; "Anatomy of a Turnaround", Forbes, November 1,1968,25; "How Ray Macdonald's Growth Theory Created IBM's Toughest Competitor", Fortune, January 1977,94.

22 "Things Are Adding Up Again at Burroughs", Business Week, March 11,1967,192; "The Burroughs Syndrome", Business Week, November 12,1979, 82.

23 "The Burroughs Syndrome", Business Week, November 12,1979, 82.

24 "Rubbermaid: TWST Names Award Winners Home Products: TWST names Stanley

С. Gault, Chairman & CEO, Rubbermaid Inc. for Gold Award, Home Products", The Wall Street Transcript, April 18, 1988.

25 "Rubbermaid: Features: Marketing: The Billion-Dollar Dustpan", Industry "Week, August 1, 1988,46; "Quality of Products", Fortune, January 29, 1990,42.

26 "Rubbermaid: Rubbermaid's impact: new stick items plentiful as vendors 'spruce up' household cleaning utensils", Housewares, January 1,1990, 78.

27 "Chrysler's Next Generation", Business Week, December 19,1988, 52.

28 Lee lacocca with William Novak, lacocca: An Autobiography (Bantam, 1984), 161.

29 Ibid., 162,163, 170, 199.

30 Ibid., 196.

31 "lacocca Hands over the Keys to Chrysler", Investor's Business Daily, January 4,1993, Business, 1.

32 "Mea Culpa", The Wall Street Journal, September 17, 1990,1.

33 "Chrysler to Buy Aircraft Maker", The Wall Street Journal, June 20, 1985,12.

34 "How Chrysler's $30,000 Sports Car Got Sideswiped", Business Week, January 23,1989,68.

35 "The Game's Not Over", Forbes, April 30, 1990,76.

36 "Into a Skid", The Economist, June 16,1990,70; "After the Departure", Fortune, July 2, 1990, 55; "Can lacocca Fix Chrysler Again", Fortune, April 8,1991, 50.

37 Robert A. Lutz, Guts: The Seven Laws of Business that made Chrysler the World's Hottest Car Company (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998), 27.

38 "The Studied Gamble of Pitney Bowes", Dun's Review, February 1967,30.

39 "Tough Choice", Forbes, 15 May 1965,18.

40 Item.

41 Item.

42 "Fancy Footwork: Manager's Handbook", Sales and Marketing Management, July 1994, 41.

43 "Pitney Bowes: Jumping Ahead by Going High Tech", Fortune, October 19,1992,113; "Changes in Tax Law and Its Effects on Leasing Equipment", Advantage, July 1988.

44 "Old-Line Selling for New Smokes Wins for Reynolds", Business Week, February 20, 1960; International Directory of Company Histories (Chicago: St. James Press, 1991), 410.

45 "Voyage into the Unknown", Forbes, December 1, 1971, 30; Bryan Burrough & John Helyar, Barbarians at the Gate (New York: Harper Collins, 1991), 51.

46 Item.

47 When Marketing Takes Over at R.J. Reynolds", Business Week, November 13,1978,82; "Voyage into the Unknown", Forbes, December 1, 1971, 30. R.J.R. приобрела McLean Industries в 1969 и Aminoil менее года спустя. В статье, на которую мы ссылаемся выше ("When Marketing Takes...), утверждается, что в 1978 R.J.R. направила $580 млн в дополнение к $1,5 млрд, потраченным ранее. Таким образом, за 10 лет они потра­тили более $2 млрд на Sea-Land. Чистый акционерный капитал в 1978 году был $2657900000, в соответствии с Moody's Report в 1979.

48 Bryan Burrough & John Helyar, Barbarians at the Gate (New York: Harper Collins, 1991), 62; "Cigarette Conglomerate", Financial World, February 5,1969, 4; "New Fields for

Reynolds Tobacco", Financial World, May 6,1970, 13; "The Two-Tier Market still Lives...", Forbes, March 1, 1974, 25; "R.J. Reynolds stops a slide in market share", Business Week, January 26, 1976, 92.

49 "Voyage into the Unknown", Forbes, December 1,1971,36.

50 Ken Iverson, Plain Talk (John Wiley & Sons, 1998), 54-59.

51 The Nucor Story, Page 5 (Document obtained from the Nucor Corporation)— Chairman/Vice Chairman/President, Vice President/General Manger, Department Manager, Supervisory/Professional, Hourly Employee.

52 Richard Preston, American Steel (New York: Avon, 1991), 4-5.

53 Jeffrey L. Rodengen, The Legend of Nucor Corporation (Write Stuff, 1997), 73-74; The Nucor Story (Nucor web site)/Egalitarian Benefits, August 22,1997.

54 Интервью в рамках исследования #7-G, стр. 4

55 "Maverick Remakes Old-Line Steel: Nucor's Ken Iverson ..." Industry Week, January 21, 1991, 26.

56 Ken Iverson, Plain Talk (John Wiley & Sons, 1998), 14.

57 Richard Preston, American Steel (New York: Avon, 1991), 5.

58 "Hot Steel and Good Common Sense", Management Review, August 1992, 25.

59 John Strohmeyer, Crisis in Bethlehem (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1986), 34.

60 Ibid., 30-35, 86.

61 Hoover's Online, Moody s Reports. «Item.

63 Jeffrey L. Rodengen, The Legend of Nucor Corporation (Write Stuff, 1997), 101.

64 Report of Darwin E. Smith to The Stockholders And The Men And Women Of Kimberly-Clark Corporation (no source citation), February 28,1972.

65 Интервью в рамках исследования #5-Е, стр. 10.

66 "Rae Takes On Paper Industry's Tough Lone Wolf", The Globe and Mail, July 20,1991, В1.


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