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Useful Language. Unit 1 Companies Word Definition Translation Transcription advertising the business of encouraging people to buy goods

Unit 1 Companies

Word Definition Translation Transcription
advertising the business of encouraging people to buy goods by means of advertisements, such as notices in newspapers or short films on TV реклама ‘ædvətaızıŋ
annual relating to a period of year   ежегодный ‘ænju:əl
article a piece of writing on a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine статья ‘a:tıkl
based in working or living in a particular place расположенный, находящийся beıst ın
beverage any drink, usually other than water напиток ‘bevərədZ
brackets two symbols put around a word, phrase or sentence in a piece of writing to show that this word, phrase or sentence is separate from the main part скобки ‘brækıts
cereal a food made from grain which is eaten esp. in the mornings хлопья (к завтраку) ‘sıərıəl
coin a small round piece of metal which is used as money монета ‘kØın
commercial - connected with buying and selling goods and services; - connected with carrying goods or passengers who pay коммерческий   торговый kə’mə:Sl
community all people who live in a particular area, country, etc. when they are talked about as a group община, группа населения, сообщество kə’mju:nıtı
competitor a person or an organization that tries to be better than others, especially in business конкурент соперник kəm’petıtə
convenience food food that you buy frozen or in a box or can, that you can prepare and cook very quickly and easily продукты быстрого приготовления kən’vı:nıəns fu:d
conversation the interchange through speech of information, ideas разговор беседа ,kØnvə’seıSn
employ to give someone a job to do for payment нанимать на работу ım’plØı
employee a person who is paid to work служащий, наёмный работник ımplØıı:
environment the natural world in which people, animals, and plants live   окружающая среда ın’vaıərənmənt
exporter a person, company, or country that exports goods (sells them to another country) экспортер ek’spo:tə
goods items for sale товар gUdz
guide a book that gives information about a place for travellers or tourists путеводитель gaıd
head office the main office of a company главный офис ,hed ‘Øfıs
include to add as a part of sth else; put in as a part of a set, group включать, заключать в себе ın’klu:d
instant (of food or drink) usually in dried or powder form, that can be prepared very easily and quickly, by adding esp. hot water, e.g. instant coffee/ soup/mashed potato растворимый, быстрозаваримый ‘ınstənt
introduce s.o. to s.o. to make s.o. know another person представить кого-л. кому-л. ,ıntrə‘dju:s
lock a device that keeps something such as a door, lid, etc. closed, usually needing a key to open it замок lØk
main most important   основной, главный meın
manufacture to make goods in large quantities, using machinery производить ,mænju’fæktSə
market a place or event at which people gather in order to buy and sell things рынок ‘ma:kıt
mechanism a set of moving parts in a machine that performs a task механизм ‘mekənızm
multinational (of a business) working in several different countries транснациональный, международный ,mUltı‘næSənəl
offer to to provide or supply sth предлагать ‘Øfə(r)
operate to work in a particular way or from a particular place работать, действовать, управлять ‘Øpəreıt
particular special or single; this and not any other конкретный, определённый pə‘tıkjUlə
polite behaving in a way that is socially correct, kind and caring for other people's feelings вежливый pə‘laıt
produce to make things to be sold, especially in large quantities производить, выпускать prə’dju:s
product something that is produced or grown to be sold продукт ‘prØdəkt
provide services to offer something useful customers предоставлять услуги prə’vaıd sə:vısız
recycled packaging materials used to wrap goods that have already beеn used once, in order to reduce waste and harm to the environment упаковка из переработанных материалов rı:,saıkld ‘pækədZıŋ
request an act of asking   просьба rı‘kwest
retail the selling of goods to the public, usually through shops розничная продажа ‘rı:teıl
research systematic investigation to establish facts or principles or to collect information on a subject исследование rı’sə:tS
sales the number of items sold продажи seılz
security system things that protect a building or place against crime, danger, etc система охраны sı’kju:rıtı sıstəm
self-employed not working for an employer but finding work for yourself or having your own business предприниматель ,selfım‘plØıd
sell to give something to someone in exchange for money продавать sel
sign to write your name, usually on a written or printed document, to show that you agree with its contents or have written it yourself подписать, расписаться saın
signature your name as you usually write it, for example at the end of a letter подпись ‘sıgnətSə
specialize in to be an expert in a particular area of work, study, or business специализироваться на ‘speSəlaız ın
subsidiary a company that is owned or controlled by another larger company дочерняя компания səb’sıdıərı



I. Match the words (1 – 10) with the definitions (a – j):













a.a person, company, or country that sells products to another country

b.to provide or supply something

c.give someone a job to do for payment

d.a company that is owned or controlled by another larger company

e.work in a particular way or from a particular place

f.make someone know another person

g.make products in large quantities

h.the selling of products to the public, usually through shops

i.items for sale

j.your name as you usually write it, e.g. at the end of a letter

II. Complete the sentences with words from the Useful Language (the first letter is given):

1.Companies publish a………………… reports to inform the public about the year's activities.

2.The company s………………… in selling security systems.

3.Nestle is one of the biggest producers of c………………… food.

4.Retail s………………… are lower than expected this year.

5.The boss refused our r………………… to leave work early.

6.We're trying to keep our new product a secret from our c………………… .

7.We do not sell any alcoholic b………………… .

8.The company is doing a lot to protect the e………………… from pollution by using r………………… packaging.

9.Our m………………… activity is to p………………… information services.





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