| Definition
| Translation
| Transcription
accept a job
| to agree to take a job
| принять предложение о работе
| ək'sept ə dZob
| satisfactory
| приемлемый
| ək'septəbl
| to make something known generally or in public, especially in order to sell it
| рекламировать
| 'ædvətaiz
| возраст
| eidZ
annual bonus
| an extra amount of money that is given to you as a present or reward each year
| годовая премия
| 'ænjuəl 'bəunəs
apart from
| помимо
| ə'pa:t frəm
application form
| a form that you complete in order to apply for a job
| бланк, форма заявления для устройства на работу
| 6æpli'keiòən 'fo:m
apply for
| to request something, usually officially, especially by writing or sending in a form
| обращаться с письменным заявлением
| ə'plai fo:
| someone who helps someone else to do a job
| помощник, ассистент
| ə'sistənt
| the fact that something can be bought, used or reached or that someone is free to work, be contacted, go to meetings, etc.
| наличие, присутствие
| ə6veilə'biliti
| a standard or level which is considered to be typical or usual
| средний
| 'ævəridZ
| the money given by the government/ company to people/ employees who need financial help
| пособие, польза, выгода
| 'benifit
bring (brought,
brought) back
| to recall or remember smth
| вызывать, воскрешать в памяти, напоминать
| briŋ bæk
| - (of a person) actively involved in doing sth or having a lot of things to do,
- (of a time or place) where a lot of things are happening
| - занятой
- оживленный
| 'bizi
| a person who is competing to get a job or elected position
| кандидат
| 'kændidət
catering company
| a company that provides and serves meal at a social event
| компания, организующая питание на общественных мероприятиях
| 'keitəriŋ 'kúmpəni
| an organization which provides money, food or help free to people who are are ill, poor or homeless
| благотворительная организация
| 'tòæriti
childcare voucher
| a piece of paper that can be used to pay for care and supervision of children whose parents are working
| ваучер на оплату соц. обеспечения ребенка
| 'tòaildkeər 'vautòər
| to decide what you want from a range of things or possibilities
| выбирать
| 'tòu:z
company car
| a car owned by a company which is used by an employee for his or her work
| служебный автомобиль
| 'kúmpəni 'ka:
| something that involves or affects you or is important to you
| проблема, вопрос
| kən'sə:n
| to make an arrangement or meeting certain, often by telephone or writing
| подтверждать
| kən'fə:m
| the amount of money needed to buy, do or make something
| стоимость
| kost
| a situation that has reached an extremely difficult or dangerous point
| кризис
| 'kraisis
customer service
| the part of an organization which answers customers' questions, exchanges goods which have been damaged, etc.
| служба работы с покупателями (клиентами)
| 'kústəmə 'sə:vis
CV (= curriculum vitae)
| a short written description of your education, qualifications, previous jobs and sometimes also your personal interests, which you send to an employer when you are trying to get a job
| резюме, краткая биография (сведения об образовании и профессиональном опыте)
| 6si: 'vi:
| to give a particular job, duty, right, etc. to someone else so that they do it for you
| поручать
| 'deligeit
| to take goods, letters, parcels, etc. to people's houses or places of work
| доставлять
| di 'livə
depend on
| to be influenced or determined (by)
| зависеть от…
| di'pend
| to talking about a subject with other people
| обсуждать
| dis'kús
| varied or different
| многообразный, разнообразный
| dai'və:s
| to send an email to someone
| отправлять сообщение по электронной почте
| 'i:meil
| sth dangerous or serious, such as an accident, which happens suddenly or unexpectedly and needs immediate action in order to avoid harmful results
| чрезвычайное положение, крайняя необходимость
| i'mə:dZəntsi
| to get pleasure from something
| наслаждаться, получать удовольствие
| ind'Zoi
| the same in amount, number or size, or the same in importance
| равный
| 'i:kwəl
| additional, more
| дополнительный, добавочный
| 'ekstrə
fill in
| to complete (a form, drawing, etc.)
| заполнять (бланк)
| 6fil 'in
| to repair something
| приводить в порядок; налаживать; чинить
| fiks
flexible hours
| when an employer allows people to choose the times that they work
| гибкий рабочий график
| 'fleksibl 'auəz
| costing nothing
| бесплатный
| fri:
| when you collect or produce money for a particular purpose, especially for a charity
| сбор средств, мобилизация капитала, поиск финансирования
| 'fúnd 'reiziŋ
get a job
| получить работу
| 'get ə'dZob
gym membership
| the state of being a member of a sport club where you can practice train in exercises that develop physical strength
| членство в спортивном клубе
| 'dZim 'membəòip
health benefits
| payment made company to someone who cannot work because of an illness
| пособие по болезни
| 'helθ 'benifit
| to contain sth as a part of sth else, or to make something part of something else
| включать в себя
| in'klu:d
in response to smth
| as a reply or reaction to smth
| в ответ на что-л.
| in ri'sponts tə
| a type of very small animal with six legs and usually two pairs of wings
| насекомое
| 'insekt
| a subject or problem which people are thinking and talking about
| проблема; дело; вопрос
| 'iòu:
| the distance from one end of sth to the other
| длина
| leŋθ
look through
| to read something quickly
| быстро просмотреть
| luk 'θru:
| the larger number or part of something
| большинство
| mə'dZorəti
make a list
| to make an item-by-item record of names or things, usually written or printed one under the other
| составлять список
| meik ə'list
maternity/ paternity leave
| a period in which a woman/ man is legally allowed to be absent from work in the weeks before and after she gives birth
| отпуск в связи с материн-ством/ отцовством, декретный отпуск
| mə'tə:nəti / pə'tə:nəti li:v
non-governmental organization
| an organization that tries to achieve social or political aims but is not controlled by a government
| неправительственная организация
| 'non6gúvən'mentəl 6o:gənai'zeiòən
non-profit organization
| an organization which does not make a profit, usually intentionally
| некоммерческая организация
| 'non 'profit 6o:gənai'zeiòən
| an occasion or situation which makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do
| возможность
| 6op.ə'tju:nəti
paid holiday
| official days-off for which employees still gets a salary
| оплачиваемый отпуск
| 'peid 'holidei
| a person who takes part in or becomes involved in a particular activity
| участник
| pa:'tisipənt
pension scheme
| a financial plan that allows you to receive money after you or your employer have paid money into it for a number of years
| пенсионный план, система пенсионного обеспечения
| 'penòən 'ski:m
| a post in a company
| должность
| pə'ziòən
| to want one thing rather than another because you like it more or it is more suitable
| предпочитать
| pri'fə:
| to make or get something or someone ready for something that will happen in the future
| готовить, подготавливать (к чему-л.)
| pri'peə
| a school for children who are younger than five years old
| дошкольное учреждение (ясли, детский сад)
| 'pri:sku:l
private healthcare
| the set of services controlled or paid for by company for the treatment of the physically and the mentally ill
| частная медицинская помощь
| 'praivət
| a set of actions which is the official or accepted way of doing something
| процедура
| prə'si:dZər
| happening or starting from a short time ago
| недавний, последний
| 'ri:sənt
| the process of finding people to work for a company or become a new member of an organization
| набор кадров, наём сотрудников
| ri'kru:tmənt
| to suggest that someone or something would be good or suitable for a particular job or purpose
| рекомендовать, советовать
| 6rekə'mend
| a letter that is written by someone who knows you, to describe you and say if you are suitable for a job or course, etc
| отзыв, рекомендация
| 'refərənts
| a person to whom reference is made, esp for an opinion, information, or a decision
| рекомендатель, поручитель; лицо, дающее рекомендацию
| 6refə'ri:
| happening or doing something often
| постоянный, частый
| 'regjulə
| to keep or continue to have something
| удерживать, сохранять
| ri'tein
run out
| if smth is running out it means there is not much time left
| кончаться
| 6rún 'aut
| a fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee
| заработная плата
| 'sæləri
save money
| not to spend money
| копить/ экономить деньги
| 'seiv 'múni
senior manager
| a person in a rank who directs or manages an organization etc
| старший менеджер, старший управляющий
| 'si:niə 'mænədZə
| to include in a list those who have been judged the most suitable for a job or prize
| включать в окончательный список
| 'òo:tlist
(sb is) short of time
| not having enough time
| (у кого-то) мало времени
| 'òo:t əv 'taim
| to spend the time when you are not working with friends or with other people in order to enjoy yourself
| приятно проводить свободное время
| 'səuòəlaiz
| the answer to a problem
| решение
| sə'lu:òən
solve a problem
| to find an answer to a problem
| решать проблему
| 'solv ə 'probləm
| the group of people who work for an organization
| штат служащих
| sta:f
| when someone examines a subject in detail to discover new information
| изучение, исследование
| 'stúdi
subsidized childcare
| when part of the cost of care and supervision of children whose parents are working is paid by a company
| субсидированное обеспечение ребенка
| 'súbsidaizd 'tòaildkeə
team building
| activities that help a group work together more effectively as a team
| "построение команды" (мероприятия по сплочению коллектива)
| 'ti:m 'bildiŋ
| when a group of people work well together
| работа в команде
| 'ti:mwə:k
| (cause to) work, be in action or have an effect
| работать, управлять
| 'opəreit
| in high standard
| высокого качества
| 'top 'kwoliti
| not right
| неподходящий
| ən'su:təbl
| to make something more modern or suitable for use now by adding new information or changing its design
| модернизировать, усовершенствовать, обновлять
| úp'deit
| needing attention very soon, especially before anything else, because important
| срочный, неотложный
| 'ə:dZənt
| effective;
| пригодный, удобный
| 'ju:sfəl
waste of (money, time)
| an unnecessary or wrong use of money, time, energy, abilities, etc.
| пустая трата (денег, времени)
| using the internet
| использующий интернет-технологии
| 'web beist
| the group of people who work in a company, industry, country, etc
| рабочая сила
| 'wə:kfo:s