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Slow down, you move too fast

(1)Philomena Tan knows all about stress. By her 30-s, she was a successful, highly paid market research consultant who sometimes worked till 10 p.m. “We had a lot of meeting and deadlines; we had to win projects so I was writing proposals, making presentation, supervising staff,” she says.

(2)For a long while, she loved her job and there were perks – lots of travel, for instance - but it was never what she had planned to do with her life. Like so many others, she just got involved in a career that had started accidentally.

(3)Tan studied psychology, but she was also good with computers and statistics. In the early 1980s, these were a rare and valuable combination of skills, so Tan made a steady progress up the corporate ladder. But the turning point came the year she spent the entire week of her husband’s birthday in Brisbane running market research groups while he was home alone in Melbourne.

(4)It made her examine her life and think about what she was really contributing to society. Tan planned her escape carefully. She saved money and returned to study. Decade later, it has all come together and she is happy. The research she did for a doctorate in psychology not only added to her qualification as a psychologist and psychotherapist, but gave her the raw material for her first book, Leaving the Rat Race to Get a Life, a book for anyone seriously considering changing the pace of their lives.

(5)These days Tan is in private practice, she does yoga and chooses her own hours. She rarely works more than 4 days a week and, because she sees clients in the evening, she keeps her afternoons free to catch up with reading, meet with friends or research her next book. She is happy. “When you work up to 70 hours a week, you don’t have time for this,” she says.

V. Match the words(1-10) with their definitions (a-j):

1.accidentally a. to give something in order to achieve smth together with other people
2.contribute b.to watch an activity to make certain that everything is done correctly
3.corporate ladder c. to consider a person or thing in detail in order to discover smth about them
4.escape d.by chance or by mistake
5.examine e. the speed at which someone or something moves
6.pace f. when someone succeeds in getting out of a place or a bad situation
7.rare g. a series of increasingly important jobs that someone can do within a company
8.rat race h. not common
9.realize i. a way of life, in which people compete with each other for power and money
10.supervise j. to understand a situation, sometimes suddenly


Дата добавления: 2015-09-13; просмотров: 220; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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