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Ten ways to improve your career


Ajilon Finance, a leading staffing and recruiting services firm, offers the following tips for getting ahead in your career.


1. Make a list of your priorities and outline your tasks for the day. Write down your short- and long-term goals, evaluate your progress frequently and stay focused.

2. Are you really present? You may physically be at work, but are you there mentally?

3. Learn how to work through others. Delegating tasks is an important skill to master at any level.

4. Always look for opportunities to broaden your skills. For example, you can attend professional development seminars.

5. Socialize with colleagues. This will help you to learn about what’s happening in other departments.

6. Create your own goals. Determine where you want to be professionally and what skills you need to reach that goal.

7. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Accept challenges that force you to try something new.

8. Be clear about what you want. If you believe you deserve a promotion, ask for one.

9. Take time off and relax. Attending to your personal life and doing things that make you happy will help your performance at work.

10. Seek satisfaction. If you’re disappointed by your current career, look for ways to transform your job into more of what you want. If this doesn’t solve a problem, maybe it’s time to look for a new position.


“If you follow this advice, you will significantly increase your opportunities to earn more money, get promoted sooner and move ahead faster,” says Mr Lebovits, President and Chief operating officer of Ajilon France.


V. Match the words (1-7) with their definitions (a-g).

1. broaden a. to try to find or get something
2. determine b. a useful piece of information, especially about how to do something
3. outline c. to increase the range of something
4. seek d. to make a strong decision
5. staffing e. to change something completely, especially so that it is improved
6. tip f. the activities connected with providing staff for an organization
7. transform g. to give the main features or general idea of


VI. Match the verbs (1-5) with the noun phrases (a-e) to form expressions from the article.

1. to reach a. a promotion
2. to get ahead b. a skill
3. to evaluate c. a goal
4. to deserve d. in one’s career
5. to master e. one’s progress


VII. Find the English equivalents of the Russian words below in the text

1.составлять список приоритетов

2.краткосрочный, долгосрочный


4.быть внимательным к чему-либо

5.решать проблему


Дата добавления: 2015-09-13; просмотров: 363; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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